How to dye from red to blond?

Becoming a blonde is the dream of many, but not every woman is capable of taking this step. The dyeing procedure is not too easy, especially if the initial hair color is dark. In order to dye red hair white, you need to know some of the nuances.
Features of the procedure
You can express your mood and state of mind by changing the shade of the scalp. It happens that the result of the procedure is not always positive, since one effect was shown on the paint package, but in reality the hairstyle turned out to be unsuccessful. The process of repainting from red to blond deserves special attention. The procedure should be carried out correctly, observing the dyeing technique so that the hair does not become dull and weak.
Blondes should have beautiful hair with a chic shade like ash. Yellowness in this case should not be present. In order to turn from a red-haired beast into a delicate blonde, it is worth choosing the right shade, while remembering that it is quite difficult to remove the orange shade.
The main point of the procedure is lightening, which will allow you to repaint from autumn to a cold tone.

Repainting at home
Red pigments tend to penetrate deeply into the hair structure, so it will take a lot of effort to repaint in a light shade. Before applying a brightening agent to the hair, it is worth treat hair with a special wash... This substance needs to be kept for about 20 minutes. The next step is to apply paint - clarifier... Every girl should remember that an ideal result will not come out right away.After the first lightening, the color of the curls will acquire an orange-yellow or swamp hue.
The repeated clarification process will need to be carried out after a while. In the interval between procedures, special masks and balms with a regenerating effect should be applied to the hair.
The bleaching agent contains a certain amount of hydrogen peroxide, which is intended to remove the natural pigment from the scalp. The color change is carried out in several stages, in each of which there is a change in the tone of the hair. After applying the clarifier be sure to withstand the time indicated on the package. This is the only way to avoid the appearance of an unwanted yellow or red tint. Overexposing the product can also damage your hair, as it will become porous.

After the traumatic procedures for the hair are over, a day before staining with paint it is worth doing oil wrap of curls. It is also recommended to wash your hair with a technical shampoo that opens the hair scales. Having chosen the necessary coloring agent, diluting it according to the instructions, you can start applying the paint. It is worth starting from the center of the head of hair, gradually moving to its periphery.
At the end of the process, it is worth carefully examining the hairstyle, and if there are curls that are not dyed in blond, then they should be painted again. The red pigment is considered to be quite strong, therefore, in order to get rid of it more effectively, you can apply toning with balms or special shampoos. The product, which has an anti-yellow effect, is sold in cosmetics stores.

Using folk remedies
Red curls can be lightened with folk remedies. They will not give the final blonde color, but will add a golden and healthy shade to the hair. The most effective popular remedies are the following.
- Lemon... It is required to prepare a solution from this citrus and rinse the curls with it after washing.
- Honey. This product is characterized by its uniqueness and similarity of properties to hydrogen peroxide. After the oxen have been washed with a pinch of baking soda, apply slightly warmed honey to them. After that, the head is wrapped in plastic material, and on top with a towel. It is advisable to withstand the mask overnight.
- Kefir is considered an essential component of lightening masks. The product is prepared from a mixture of half a glass of kefir, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of shampoo, 2 tablespoons of vodka and juice from half a lemon. This mixture must be applied to the curls for at least 8 hours.
- Chamomile tincture. This is a tool with which you can significantly lighten hair. To prepare the product, you need to pour 0.15 kg of chamomile with 1 bottle of vodka and insist for 14 days. After the passage of time, 50 grams of hydrogen peroxide is added to the tincture. The lightening agent must be applied to the hair, kept for 40 minutes, then rinsed with warm water.

Follow-up care
As you can see, in order to dye your hair from red to blond, repeated bleaching is required. This is a great stress on the scalp, so it needs intensive care, which consists of the use of regenerating masks and shampoos. To create a stunning effect and give curls a unique shine, it is worth using special brightening sprays.
The lightening effect can be enhanced by using heat, sun, hair dryer and ironing. To add obedience to your hair, you can use salon lamination. After this procedure, the hair becomes smoother, more voluminous and protected from negative factors.
To eliminate the yellow tint of hair after dyeing it, you can use a tinted shampoo with a platinum or purple color.It should be kept for no more than 4 minutes, otherwise the hair may turn purple. Once every 7 days, it is worth making masks for discolored hair, they will help the curls stay healthy and shiny.
Even the most gentle hair coloring affects the scalp and hair structure. Therefore, after the procedure, the hair needs nutrition, hydration and protection. If you want to dye your hair from red to blonde, the girl will have to repeatedly lighten the curls.
If she does not know how to do it correctly, or doubts her own abilities, then it is better to turn to professionals for help.

For information on how to dye from red to blond, see the next video.