How to determine hair color?

How to determine the ideal hair color for yourself that can transform an ordinary woman into a stylish, attractive and charming beauty? To do this, you should take a little time for yourself and find out your initial tone, from which you will have to build on later. Then the transformation will become possible at home.

Find the source
Before defining your current hair color, let's first differentiate the concepts of all tones and shades available in nature. Everyone knows them, but not everyone is able to interpret them correctly. There are 4 main hair colors, such as:
- brunette;
- brown-haired;
- blond.
A separate category includes people with red hair. However, it is naive to believe that the brunet has exclusively black hair, the brown-haired has brown hair, and the blond has white. Each category is represented by a wide palette of shades. For example, the owners of not only black hair are considered brunettes, but also all variations of dark brown. Brown-haired people are those whose hair in color ranges from dark blond to light blond, as well as chestnut shades.
Although some classify light blond as blondes. The color border is so blurred. Blondes are also a very broad color group. Here and ash, and wheat, and dark, light blond.

Such a variety of natural shades is created due to the saturation of the hair with pigment. Eumelanin gives dark shades to the hair shaft. Whereas pheomelanin provides yellow-orange to red. When the amount of melanin in the hair is catastrophically small, the result is blond. The pigment in the hair shaft is uneven.Because of this, natural hair shines in many shades and has a peculiar shine. The artificial pigment contained in the dyes is evenly distributed throughout the hair. And the chameleon effect is inherent in it to a lesser extent.
If you decide to change your natural hair color, but you find it difficult to decide on the tone, use the classic option. It is allowed to dye your hair 2 shades darker or lighter than your natural color. If you want to change the color of your dyed hair, you can make it 2 shades darker or 1 level lighter.
If you want to dye your hair in a different color, you need to build on the currently available shade. And it doesn't matter if it is natural or obtained as a result of previous staining.

Determining your hair color
You can determine your exact hair color using a professional colorist's palette. It is a color scale in which the depth of tone decreases with increasing number. The diagram shows the strands of hair in the appropriate sequence. The color change is more clearly presented in the table:
Tone no. | Tone name |
1 | Black |
2 | Dark brunette (deep dark brown) |
3 | Brunet (dark brown) |
4 | Brown (brown) |
5 | Light brown-haired (light brown) |
6 | Dark blond |
7 | Blond |
8 | Light blond |
9 | Very light blond |
10 | Platinum blonde |

By the number in the palette, you can determine your hair color. Use a palette with a natural range or tints. But, when comparing your strands to the samples, keep in mind that you should not use the ones on top. Under the influence of sunlight, they fade, therefore they become lighter than the main tone. In addition, the hair must be clean and dry. Dust, sebum, moisture can also distort the shade.
Ideally, the evaluation strand should be taken from the occipital, root region, dividing all hair into 2 parts. In the root zone, the hair color remains unchanged. You should take a small strand and raise it towards the light so that it passes through its thickness.
It is important that the lighting is daylight, since artificial light can darken the original color or make it yellow.

Your color type
But what about women, whose hair is overpowered by gray, the natural hair color is no longer visible. Finding your perfect tone they should be guided by the color type of their appearance. By the way, this method can be used not only by women with gray hair, but also by everyone who wants to decide on the color, since it is considered the most reliable and convenient. The color type is determined by the tone of the skin and eyes. The main skin tones are light, dark, dark, olive and medium. Each of these shades can be present in cold, warm or neutral undertones.
Your skin tone will be indicated by the color of the veins on your wrist. On warm skin, they appear olive, on cold skin, blue-violet. Neutral skin gives them a blue-green hue. The cold dermis is pale, with a slight pink tint and a matte surface. Warm skin gives off a yellow, peach or olive tint.
Naturally, with age, the dermis changes its color characteristics. Both weather conditions and health conditions affect them.

When deciding on an eye color, be guided by shades such as:
- black;
- Gray;
- blue;
- green;
- brown.

To correctly determine your color type, you need to comply with the following conditions:
- provide natural, sufficient lighting, but avoid bright sunlight so that overflow does not occur;
- rid the skin of traces of cosmetics to give it a natural state;
- release the neckline and neck;
- if possible, remove dyed hair from the face, you can cover it with a scarf of a neutral color.
Important! The assessment begins with the face, analyzing the most expressive details. Determine the color of the eyes, lips, take into account the presence of freckles.

Basic color types
All types of appearance are divided into the following 4 categories:
- winter;
- summer;
- Spring;
- autumn;

The winter girl has a rather contrasting appearance. It is rather difficult to confuse this type with others. These are the owners of very light, with a porcelain sheen, skin with a cold undertones or undertones. The eyes of such beauties are expressively brown or gray, blue. White squirrels stand out sharply against the background of the iris. Natural hair color - dark chestnut or black.
For this color type, cold dark shades are suitable. It is not recommended to choose wheat, honey and red tones.

Summer-type girls have pale skin - light milky or pale olive, with a cold undertone. Eyes - gray, blue or green. Naturally, the hair is light brown or light brown.
If a summer girl wants to change her hair color, then a wheat tone is ideal for her. For contrasting types, dark halftones are also allowed.

Spring is fair skinned, ivory or slightly yellow. The sun quickly leaves its marks on it: it instantly turns red, some have freckles. Eye color - exclusively in light colors: blue or gray. Natural hair color is blond.
Such girls should choose light colors - walnut, honey, caramel. If the skin has a light, cold shade - give preference to ash blonde.

For information on how to choose a hair color, see the next video.