Caramel hair color: who suits, what shades are there and how to dye?

The modern beauty industry has a huge variety of shades of products for dyeing hair, among which caramel color is very popular. It is this tone in all its manifestations that is in great demand among women of all ages for several seasons. And this is not surprising, even the name of the color attracts with intriguing associations.
The main thing is that hair of any length, presented in caramel colors, looks gorgeous at any time of the year and with any feminine image.

Advantages and disadvantages
The variety of the color palette of coloring compositions makes women want to radically change their own appearance. At the same time, ladies prefer to turn the natural hair color into caramel-colored curls. This is not surprising, because the caramel color has a huge number of advantages.
- With any style of clothing, at any event, it is the caramel tones that look extremely interesting. According to experienced stylists, these tones have high aesthetic qualities.
- Thanks to the warmth emitted by the caramel color, the hair at the visual level appears more voluminous and airy.
- The color of the caramel itself can be dark, light, and even wheaten. For this reason, each lady will be able to choose the most suitable shade for herself.
- Any caramel shade softens rough facial features.
- If the fair sex is afraid to radically change her appearance, she can use the highlighting procedure, thanks to which the people around her, and she herself will gradually be able to get used to her new look.

Unfortunately, caramel shades have one single drawback, which quite often repels the fair sex. Caramel paint is washed off very quickly. To maintain the shade, you should carefully look after the dyed hair.
For this purpose, you will need specialized shampoos and balms designed for colored curls. It is imperative to use tint products that maintain the color of the dyed hair.

Who is it suitable for?
To date, there are more than 100 caramel colors, thanks to which each representative of the fair sex will be able to choose the most suitable shade for herself. But just before purchasing a coloring composition for carrying out the procedure for changing the color of curls at home, you need to contact an experienced stylist. He will be able to tell you which tone is most preferable for a particular appearance.
An incorrectly chosen shade of caramel color, unfortunately, will not decorate a woman's image, on the contrary, it will emphasize the flaws on the face.

Quite often, women go to beauty salons to radically change their appearance. Put themselves in the hands of professionals and enjoy the process. If there is no way to waste time visiting hairdressing salons, a woman must independently decide on the shade and carry out the dyeing procedure at home.
According to the clarifications of professional stylists, caramel color suits ladies with autumn and spring cetotypes.

The autumn color type is the most pronounced in comparison with other options. The main feature of this type is the absence of pink pigment on the face. The skin of autumn women can be pale, sometimes olive, is characterized by cleanliness, density and elasticity. Almost all women of the autumn color type do not have any flaws on their faces. Freckles may become the only nuance, but they are not considered a drawback, on the contrary, they complement facial features with special charm. The look of ladies of the autumn type is endowed with brightness and juiciness, the color can be varied, ranging from amber to blue, but more often autumn girls have brown eyes.
The natural hair tone of autumn girls ranges between light red and dark brown. It follows from this that Mother Nature herself slightly pushes the fair sex to use caramel color on her hair. Although for brunettes, the transition to a lighter shade can be a difficult procedure.

The spring color scheme has a lot in common with the autumn color type, although it is not so bright. All spring shades are slightly muted and smudged, which corresponds to the time of year when everything is just starting to bloom. The eyes of spring women are endowed with light shades, fluctuating in a gentle interval from sky blue to light amber. The skin of the face is distinguished by its refinement and velvety, sometimes it turns slightly red. But the embarrassment pigment appears evenly, without any individual spots. If even a slight redness occurs on the cheeks, it seems that the fair sex begins to glow from the inside. Spring girls, like autumn beauties, are endowed with a small scattering of freckles on their faces, but they are barely noticeable. And also for the spring color type is characterized by light hair, characterized by a fine structure.
Fair-haired beauties with spring green eyes look delightful, and when they switch to a caramel shade, they are transformed beyond recognition.

For whom is it contraindicated?
The caramel color can be called universal, and yet there are some nuances of female appearance, because of which shades of caramel are not suitable for the fair sex with winter and summer color types.
Summer girls are often confused with spring girls, since both types are characterized by a light shade of hair. Only the blond of the summer color type has a colder palette. The facial skin of summer beauties has a reddish pigment, green eyes, and with such appearance characteristics the caramel color of the hair will not look like, on the contrary, it will emphasize the scarlet spots on the face.

The winter color scheme of the color type is considered cold, since visually the female appearance seems to be porcelain. If you look at the fair sex of the winter type, it seems that they are the main characters of the cartoon "The Snow Queen". Here are just their curls differ in dark colors. Taking into account these facts, it becomes clear that such a rich caramel shade cannot match the porcelain appearance of a stunning winter beauty.

Color palette
In a huge variety of caramel color palette, there are several interesting shading options that are very popular with women.
Light caramel
The base of the presented shade lies in the natural blonde, which gradually turns into beige or golden. From this it follows that the light palette of the foundation is best suited for obtaining the perfect and rich caramel shade. In the final result, the caramel color does not just shimmer in the sun, but plays in different tonalities.
The light caramel shade is presented in different variations ranging from brown to sandy tones. But the most charming is the spicy caramel.
For perfect coloration in one of these shades, it is important that the roots are darker than the tips, which creates a visual volume in the hairstyle.

By itself, a light caramel shade is very complex, it is extremely difficult to create it on hair at home. It seems to many girls that in order to obtain the ideal color, it is necessary to first discolor their own strands, only after that apply a caramel mask. But in this performance of the dyeing technique, the result will be golden curls with a subtle redhead. For this reason, it is best to go to a beauty salon.

Dark caramel
All shades of the presented shade are suitable for ladies with dark and dark skin, which creates a general image of a chocolate. To obtain the correct color, you must apply the dye composition on light brown hair. In the case of dyeing light curls, proceed with caution. To obtain the ideal dark caramel shade, the hair must be gradually covered with the dye composition, without making any abrupt transitions. Thanks to this caution, it will be possible to have time to grab the tone that best suits the face.
In the world of beauty, there is an opinion that a light caramel shade is suitable for princesses, which means that queens use dark caramel. It follows from this that the described palette of dark tones is intended for middle-aged and older women.

This shade is ideally combined with the color type of spring women with light brown hair and light eyes. The dark eyes of a woman with honey caramel hair will look ridiculous. Natural beauty instantly becomes artificial, which repels others.
The honey-caramel variation is dominated by red, and in some tones even rust. Although the golden hue of the paint allows you to soften the aggression of the red pigment, due to which a kind of crown of fallen autumn leaves is created on a woman's head.

At first glance, it may seem that the honey-caramel shade belongs to a dark color palette, but upon closer inspection, smooth transitions of several light tones will stop, which are extremely difficult to achieve at home. Experts, for their part, claim that the honey-caramel shade is considered the most delicious and rich, although you have to spend a lot of time on their high-quality compilation.

Chocolate caramel
With this shade, women of autumn and spring color types will be able to transform their usual appearance into a dazzling image that will look gorgeous against any background. As an example, consider a brown-haired girl with a sun tan on her skin, which is harmoniously emphasized by a chocolate shade, cappuccino or almond color. Girls who do not have a bright skin color will be able to transform their image with a marzipan tone, which is also a representative of the chocolate-caramel palette. In this case, the entire emphasis will be expressed exclusively on the curls.

Golden caramel
It is this shade that is considered the most natural, warm and natural among the huge variety of caramel palette. If the hair is dyed incorrectly, the hair color becomes similar to wheat, shimmering in the sun with golden sparks. Very often, women who have tried this shade no longer want to be dyed in other colors, on the contrary, they try to maintain golden caramel on their hair. The main thing is to correctly distribute the paint on the curls during the dyeing process, due to which the result will have a pronounced tone of gold interspersed with a copper color.
The only drawback of a golden caramel shade is the impossibility of combining it with a tanned face. Therefore, girls with a bronze skin color need to carefully select the tone for their hair. Stylists, in turn, advise you to stop your decision on highlighting.

This tone looks perfect on naturally light curls. For the perfect look, a caramel ash shade is paired with brown eyes and linen skin. But for ladies who do not have such features of appearance, it is best to contact a beauty salon, since it will be very difficult to achieve the required color at home. In addition, self-coloring can cause irreparable damage to the hair structure. After all, not even all stylists know the art of correct creation and coloring of an ash-caramel shade on curls. If mistakes are made in the coloring technology, the color will look like milk mixture or sugar.

Choice of paint
Almost all manufacturers of persistent dye creams have a caramel shade in their color palette. In this case, the result of staining turns out to be somewhat darker than the result presented on the package. Although, in general, everything depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the structure of the hair and the original color. After all the line of transition from one shade to another is indicated according to the natural pigmentation of the curls.
In addition, caramel shades wash off very quickly, especially if a lightening procedure was carried out before staining.

Despite the general characteristics, there is a list of the best manufacturers of caramel-colored dyes. These brands are widely popular and receive many positive reviews from satisfied consumers every day.
- Estel. In the product line of this manufacturer, the caramel color is presented in light blond, brown and copper shades. By themselves, Estel paints have a persistent characteristic, they are used for intensive coloring of hair. The dyes contain exclusively nutrients.

- Garnier. In the manufacturer's color chart, there is only one shade of caramel, which gives the hair color saturation and brightness.The cream-paint contains avocado, olive and shea butter, which makes the hair soft and silky.

- Kapous. There is only one shade in the manufacturer's assortment, called caramel. It is used for frequent coloring and toning of hair of any length. The composition of the paint contains exclusively natural ingredients, thanks to which the structure of damaged hair is restored.

- L'Oreal. This brand offers a wide card of caramel shades, so that every girl can choose the right tone for herself.

Staining techniques
Oftentimes, experimenting with your appearance is extremely risky. For this reason, you should not immediately completely paint the hair in a new tone. Initially, it is proposed to slightly work with the coloring in the techniques of partial hair dyeing, so that it will be possible to choose the most suitable tone.
- Balayazh. This kind of staining technique is fairly new. The selected strands are colored in a chaotic manner, while the hair roots are not touched. With a complex balayage, several varieties of shades are used, but in the final form, the color transitions are almost invisible, due to which the hairstyle receives additional volume.
Stylists claim that balayage looks the most elegant on short hair.

- Ombre. An exceptional staining technique suitable for young girls. The coloring composition is applied to the curls from the middle to the ends, the root part remains in its natural color.
This variation of the image change attracts special attention and allows women to determine how well the shade is chosen.

- Highlighting. This staining technique has been popular for a long time. It allows you not only to change the look, but also to turn the gray mouse into an extraordinary beauty. In addition, this dyeing technique stays on the hair for a very long time.
Stylists, for their part, can suggest using several shades of caramel color, thanks to which the hairstyle will receive additional chic.

Subtleties of painting
Ideally, for a qualitative change in your own image, you need to contact a beauty salon, where an experienced stylist can choose the most suitable shade. But if there is no time and opportunity to go to the hairdresser, you can try to change yourself at home. The main thing is to follow clear instructions from professionals.
- A long-lasting, store-bought cream that is ideal for those with blonde hair.
- For owners of dark hair, in order to get a caramel color, it is necessary to carry out a lightening procedure.
- You don't have to drastically change your hair color. You can gradually change the shade of your hair with coloring, which looks very impressive.
- Women with red hair also need to get rid of the deep red color of the curls.

The staining process itself takes place according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- All elements of the coloring composition must be combined into a homogeneous mass. At the same time, it is not recommended to use leftovers from old paint, since they may have already expired.
- The hair must be carefully combed and then divided into equal strands. The upper curls are lifted and fixed with hairpins. Initially, the lower part of the hair is subjected to the dyeing process.
- The coloring composition must be applied evenly with a single stroke, starting from the roots to the very tips. Thanks to this nuance, the feeling of a smooth transition of color saturation will be created.
- Using a similar system, you need to paint over the rest of the hair.
- Having covered the hair with a cellophane cap, it is necessary to wait for the time indicated on the package so that the dye composition grasps on the hair as much as possible.
- Then wash off the paint under running water. It is very important to thoroughly rinse off the chemical mass.If suddenly some minimal part of the coloring composition remains on the skin, a chemical burn will occur.
- When washing colored hair, it is necessary to use a conditioner balm, which not only moisturizes the curls, but also restores the structure of damaged hair, and also creates additional volume of hair.
- After rinsing, hair should be wiped off with a towel and allowed to dry naturally. It is strictly forbidden to use a hair dryer or other devices designed for drying hair.
- The result of painting should be compared only after the curls are completely dry.

Curl care
For hair dyed in caramel color, you must carefully monitor, follow the rules of daily care, so that the shade will remain for a long time. For their part, professional stylists give women useful advice to maintain the naturalness and vitality of colored curls.
- It is necessary to purchase balms, masks and shampoos designed exclusively for colored hair. They contain a huge amount of important trace elements designed to restore hair, as well as maintain the saturation and brightness of color.
- After staining, it is very important to carry out the curl therapy procedure. Especially if ammonia dyes were used. To put your hair in order, you will need preparations based on vegetable oils or made from natural products.
- It is very important to refrain from the constant use of a hair dryer, curling iron and any other devices that negatively affect the curls with a hot stream.
- As an auxiliary therapy, it is very important for the owner of colored hair to consume a lot of ordinary water, to monitor their own diet. A healthy lifestyle completely affects the health and beauty of hair.

For information on how to dye your hair beige and caramel, see the next video.