Coffee with milk hair color: who is it for and how to get the shade?

Milk coffee hair color is a blend of brown, beige and baked milk that is part of the cold palette. The owners of such curls are usually called light brown-haired women.

Who is it suitable for?
Unfortunately, coffee with milk hair color is not suitable for all women. When determining compatibility, it is necessary to take into account the skin tone, and the color of the eyes, and even the natural shade of the hair. Since the coffee-milky shade is cold, it looks perfect on "winter" beauties with olive or pale snow-white skin. The eyes in this case are blue, gray, or gray-green. In the case when it comes to the original shade of hair, then coffee with milk is not suitable for ladies with very dark or red curls.

The bottom line here is that this pigment will be very difficult to lighten, and it is not a fact that it will go to the end, and therefore it will not work to get the required coffee tone. Ideally, this complex tone will look on fair-skinned beauties with light eyes. If we talk about the harmonious combination of hair color and the chosen clothes, then you will have to give preference to bright, but calm colors, for example, blue, lilac, coral and peach.

Too light, almost pastel things will turn out to be faded, and sometimes merge into one spot with the curls. The defiant, flashy details will have to be abandoned.
Advantages and disadvantages
An unusual coffee shade has both a number of advantages and certain disadvantages. The main advantage is its versatility - it is perfect for women of different ages and different color types, and also looks appropriate with different styles of clothing.It is easy to match makeup to it and create a holistic look.
It is possible to independently determine how rich the tone should be, which is very convenient. However, some experts believe that the shorter the haircut, the lighter the hair should be. Coffee with milk makes wrinkles and small pimples invisible, slightly corrects the shape of the face.

Moreover, it is believed that when using this cool color, the growth visually increases.
The coffee shade has many interesting undertones that form unusual female images. It is also used for highlighting. The disadvantages of this color include the relative difficulty of achieving it. As a rule, hair dyeing in this case requires mixing three or four tones, which is quite difficult to do at home. In most cases, the dyeing procedure is preceded by lightening, which has a very negative effect on the condition of the hair.

To prevent the color from being washed out, you have to regularly make adjustments. The appearance of yellowness on the strands is also likely, which will have to be eliminated in the future.
Choice of paint
To obtain a milky-coffee tone of hair, it is customary to use ordinary paint or a deep toning agent. The first provides persistent pigment, but significantly spoils the hair, due to the presence of harmful components in the composition. The second is not so harmful to use, and to a large extent preserves the health of the hair. However, it is quite difficult to create the required shade, moreover, it will wash out very quickly.
To fix the tint even a little, it will have to be updated once a month. It is recommended to choose a variation of coffee with milk that is as close as possible to the natural shade.

This color is quite popular, and therefore it is present in the lines of most well-known manufacturers. When choosing a paint, it is important to look not only at the price of the product, but also at its characteristics. Brand Londa makes it possible to purchase both ordinary paint and a coffee-milk-colored tinting agent. The first is common, but the second has special components that give the curls extra shine.
The Palette brand offers a shade of coffe-au-lait in the Color & Gloss series, numbered 6/6. Unfortunately, it is not very high quality, and quite often provokes the appearance of unpleasant "rust" on the colored strands.

Unfortunately, it is not very high quality, and quite often provokes the appearance of unpleasant "rust" on the colored strands.
Estel brand offers paint number 7/7 for a trendy shade. Have Garnier coffee with milk can be found under number 7/1. The products of this brand enjoy good reviews, which means that the resulting color will be bright and saturated.

How to dye your hair?
Dyeing strands in a milky coffee tone is considered a rather complicated process. Its achievement both at home and in the salon may not be successful on the first try, and will require repeated application of the product.
The process is much better if the natural hair color is light, since dark strands require prior bleaching. In addition, a single tone is not as natural and attractive as a combination of two or three tones.
By the way, initially, curls should be painted only with persistent paint, and then you can already switch to toners that do not contain ammonia. It is strongly not recommended to wash your hair at least one day before the planned procedure.

In addition to the usual painting, coloring and ombre are also popular. Coloring with light tones will look beautiful on dark hair. In this case, the curls will look more lively and even begin to shine. Ombre with the use of a coffee and milk shade is suitable for any appearance.

Turning to the salon, you will have to spend about two hours of free time, without prior discoloration, as well as from 600 to 1000 rubles. The final price is determined depending on the professionalism of the master and the prestige of the salon. When painting at home, you will have to spend only on the paint itself. It makes sense to talk about natural dyes, which, although they will not give the exact shade of coffee with milk, will bring the color of their own strands as close as possible to it and add shine to them.

Such a "grandmother's" advice will work only on condition of preliminary clarification, which, by the way, can also be carried out with natural ingredients.
The very same coloring substance is being prepared from 50 milliliters of kefir, a tablespoon of liquid honey, a dessert spoon of lemon juice, and a teaspoon of white clay powder... First, kefir is slightly warmed up, preferably in a microwave oven, after which it is mixed with the rest of the ingredients.
The finished substance is applied to all strands and rubbed into the root zone. Putting a polyethylene cap on your head, you will have to wrap it in a fluffy towel, and then leave the mask for two hours. The mixture is washed off with the help of chamomile broth, which is prepared by brewing two tablespoons of chamomile with a liter of boiling water.

The procedure will need to be carried out several times - at least twice within three weeks. In addition to the appearance of the required shade, one can expect the strengthening of the hairline. In order to enhance the effect, it would be good to regularly rinse the curls with chamomile broth, preferably after each shampooing.
Another recipe involves the use of glasses of yogurt, a tablespoon of brandy, a tablespoon of instant coffee and a couple of yolks. The ingredients are mixed, after which the resulting mixture is applied to the hair and scalp. Having wrapped the curls with polyethylene, you need to wait about an hour, then rinse them with regular shampoo. This procedure continues for 10 days to achieve the desired effect.
Coffee with milk will appear, as the sour milk contains lactic acid, which lightens the hair, and coffee, in turn, gives color. Cognac is responsible for strengthening the follicle and improving blood circulation. The yolk is also a source of vitamin A.

Another recipe for natural coloring suggests using 5 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers, a tablespoon of instant coffee, and 400 grams of plain water. The herb is brewed with boiling water and infused for about a quarter of an hour, after which it is filtered. Coffee is poured into the liquid, and you can proceed to the treatment of clean hair. Exposure to coloring ingredients should last for an hour, provided free ventilation. Everything is washed off with plain water.

To achieve a milky coffee shade, the procedure will have to be repeated every day for two weeks. Chamomile in this case will provide clarification, and coffee will create the required shade.
Follow-up care
If you do not provide the colored strands with proper care, then a short time after coloring the coffee with milk will begin to wash out, and a natural shade will break through the pigment. To avoid this situation, experts recommend using only those shampoos, balms and masks that are intended for colored hair. Among their components, you can find stabilizers that protect the pigment from alkali and prevent it from being washed out.
At least once a week, you need to do a hair mask, which will nourish and restore the damaged structure. In this case, both a purchased product and a homemade one are suitable.

For example, a combination of chamomile, honey, cinnamon and egg yolk is often used to nourish the hairline. The tea and coffee mask allows you to maintain the resulting shade. It is prepared from 3 tablespoons of tea leaves, a tablespoon of cocoa, a couple of tablespoons of coffee and 200 milliliters of boiled water.
After mixing the ingredients, they should be infused for 3 hours, then filtered, enriched with burdock oil or egg yolk. The mask is applied for about a couple of hours, and kept under a plastic bag and a warm scarf.

Another quality mask for colored hair will require the use of a tablespoon of freshly brewed coffee, 30 grams of chamomile broth and three drops of ylang-ylang. The mask is distributed over the strands and left for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with chamomile broth. It is enough to do this mask once a week.

It is important to mention that in cold weather and in extreme heat it is not recommended to leave the house without a headdress, as both the structure of the hair and its color may suffer. Moreover, in the summer season, you should additionally think about protection from ultraviolet radiation.
Review of B.U.T.Y. cream hair dye For the color "Coffee with milk" see the next video.