Cinnamon hair: shades and dyeing rules

If your dream is light brown hair with a slight copper tint, then cinnamon will help you. In the literal and figurative sense of the word. Indeed, on the market of professional paints in the palette there is a tone "cinnamon", and if you are against chemical paints, then for you there is an alternative - the spice of the same name.

Best of all, a cinnamon shade goes to beauties of the "spring" color type - gray-eyed or brown-eyed, with a warm skin color and light brown natural hair.
Nevertheless if you correctly calculate the shade (and the color of cinnamon has a lot of them) from light copper to dark brown with pinkish strokes, then a representative of any type of appearance will look simply gorgeous.

Spice properties
In the East, for centuries, everyone has known that cinnamon - and this is how this spice is correctly called - has a beneficial effect on the scalp and cares for hair, giving them shine and volume, neutralizing dandruff and excessive oily hair due to its light drying properties.

Besides the obvious health benefits, cinnamon can change hair color by lightening it. Its effect is very similar to hydrogen peroxide, only in the case of a spice, a brown pigment is released, which brightens the strands.
Cinnamon can not only color your hair, but also wash off previous chemical dyes.

Possible painting results
Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict the result of staining with accuracy - after all, just like henna, cinnamon is a natural, living plant, processed into powder. On different hair, the result of the color will be different. There are only predictions based on the initial state of the hair and its structure. Of course, the longer the dye is kept on the hair, the deeper the color is expected at the end of the dyeing procedure.

Also, many people like to add additional ingredients to the mixture, thereby increasing the clarification (for example, when adding lemon juice), or slowing down the process (when adding oils).
In one procedure, the hair can be lightened by a couple of shades, but sometimes to achieve this result, you need to repeat the procedure several times.

If you have the following natural shades, you can expect these results:
- if you are a natural blonde, then it is almost impossible to lighten you, due to the lack of pigments in the hair, but it will be very easy to acquire a copper shade;
- cinnamon makes a fresher and deeper shade of red-haired young ladies;
- owners of light brown hair and brown-haired women will get the perfect cinnamon color as a result;
- but brunettes will be able to achieve only a slight copper ebb.

Natural dye recipes
Cinnamon powder masks are available for coloring, lightening and rinsing.
As with chemical paint, before the procedure, do a test by applying the prepared mixture to the elbow bend.
If no allergy appears in a day, then feel free to start experimenting.

"Perfect Cinnamon"
We need:
- powdered cinnamon;
- water at room temperature;
- honey.

Stir all products in a one-to-one ratio. The longer the hair, the more ingredients you need by volume.
Heat the honey in the microwave so that it is watery in consistency, add cinnamon and add water. Stir the mixture until gruel and cool.
This recipe will brighten the strands perfectly.

"Light cinnamon"
We need:
- 6 tablespoons of water;
- 3 tablespoons of cinnamon;
- 3 tablespoons of honey;
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (you can take a spoonful of citric acid).

Mix all the ingredients after diluting the honey in a microwave oven or in a water bath. The gruel perfectly brightens due to the lemon juice in the composition, but it also dries the hair somewhat, so after the procedure it is better to apply a hair conditioner and hold it longer than usual.

"Classic cinnamon"
The most amazing coloring method. The recipe only needs cinnamon powder and water in a one-to-one ratio.
The mixture must be cooled before applying to the hair.

Washing off chemistry
This gruel washes away the chemical dye from the hair.
We need:
- half a glass of honey;
- glass of water;
- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- 3 tablespoons of cinnamon.

Transfer the honey to a liquid state, add the rest of the ingredients, stir and let it "rise" for an hour.
Apply the resulting gruel to the hair, fix it with a plastic cap and put on a towel.
Leave on hair for up to 4 hours for damaged hair and up to 9 hours for thick, healthy hair.

Tint conditioner
If your desire is only to slightly lighten the strands, then this option will be ideal. The range of ingredients is amazing: all you need is your regular conditioner and cinnamon.
Take equal amounts of cinnamon powder and conditioner and apply to the strands. It is very important that the conditioner contains no silicone and its derivatives (silicone oils and copolymers). If the effect is weak for you, then you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Possible mistakes
If you decide to dye or lighten the curls in a natural way with the help of spices, then avoid common mistakes for correct results.
- Don't ignore the response test. Most of the fair sex mistakenly believe that natural is not harmful, and since this time we said there is no chemistry, then there can be no allergic reaction.
Be sure to check the day before how your skin reacts to this product, and if no rashes follow, you can start coloring.

- Do not use metal utensils when preparing the mixture. To avoid oxidative reactions, and not to get green hair at the end of the procedure, we recommend preparing any, not only cinnamon, masks in glassware. The same applies to the spoons with which you will mix the ingredients.

- Do not suffer the burning sensation. As with commercially available brightening paints, you will feel a burning sensation for a while. In the case of cinnamon, it should disappear after a few minutes. If this does not happen, do not risk it - rinse the mixture from your hair.
Next time you can try the lower spice formulation.

- Do not dry your hair if you know you have dry hair. Knowing that you already have dry hair, and cinnamon will only aggravate the situation, add olive oil to the mixture in advance. It will act as an emollient and nourishing agent and will eliminate the need to apply conditioner after your treatment.

What paint can be replaced?
If the natural method is not suitable, you can use trusted brands. Today, every self-respecting manufacturer of hair dyes has a shade of "Cinnamon" in its palette, so it will not be difficult to find a high-quality hair dye. If you have experience in self-coloring, then pay attention to brands such as Wella, Estel, Syoss - they have good spicy shades.
If you have no experience, or you do not want to take risks, then feel free to contact the professionals. Find, for example, on the Internet photographs of models with the color of cinnamon that you would like to see on your own hair, print it out, and feel free to go to the salon to become the owner of cinnamon hair.
See the process of lightening hair with cinnamon below.