Red and black hair: features and methods of coloring

Red and black hair can be considered the most daring step in experiments to change hair color, and people with strong character can decide on it. Red is a symbol of revolution in the soul, it is a challenge to yourself, to fate - to everyone! Many people like this image, but any hairstyle, even the most fashionable, must correspond to a certain type of appearance, figure, even character.

Who are they going to?
Even partially dyeing your hair red is considered radical. The reason for this is the bright tones of the dye, therefore, its choice should be approached with caution.
- You should not experiment with bright shades of red for women over 45 - the image will look vulgar.
- Red and black hair is suitable for girls with a golden peach skin tone and gray or green eyes. For those with lighter skin tones, such as light pink, this stark contrast will create an unhealthy look.
- Bright red strands in the hair of girls of the autumn type of appearance, who have golden skin, brown eyes, natural red, brown, dark brown (sometimes almost black) curls, will look great. To achieve the base color, those with blonde hair will first have to dye it black and then lighten the right amount of strands. The disadvantage for light hair will be their frequent correction at the growing roots.
- Naturally black-haired girls have a ready-made basis for this transformation, they do not have to lighten the entire head of hair, and there is no problem of root hair correction for them.
- They can safely start dyeing the strands in black and red colors of girls who have a coffee-with-milk shade of skin, gray and light brown eyes.
- Before adding red strands to your hairstyle, you need to try to imagine the reaction of your boss and colleagues to your new image, as well as assess the degree of relevance of the created image to your position.

Choice of shades
Adornment for black hair will be the addition of strands of red, which has the richest color palette: pomegranate, mahogany, mahogany, ruby, titian, cherry, burgundy, copper, dark red with raspberry tint and many others.
It is not uncommon to find girls with strongly contrasting strands in their hair. As a rule, these are representatives of the fair sex with a fighting character and the makings of a leader.
Fiery red strands look especially stylish on short black hair, adding a touch of boldness to the image.

Teenage girls add strands of several colors to their hairstyles at the same time - these can be pink, orange, purple and other tones. With age discount, these hairstyles look perfectly acceptable. Highlighting on black hair is suitable for both blondes and black-haired.

Young women under 40, due to their age and occupation, prefer to decorate their black hair with curls of non-flashy shades of red. For such women, classic tones are suitable - burgundy, cherry, mahogany, copper, reddish red, they look especially expressive on long and curled black hair.

To avoid mistakes when choosing a suitable shade, it is worth taking into account some of the recommendations of experts:
- the tone of the dye is selected taking into account the color of the eyes and skin;
- the proposed curl pattern is applied to the skin of the face from the side at eye level and looks in the mirror, "trying on" the strand to your image - this simple technique can partly help solve the problem of choosing the right shade;
- a tonic is applied to the clarified strands, the selected shade is fixed with a persistent dye;
- first experiment with bangs and bulk hair ends;
- a soft contrast is obtained when the strands are discolored by 2-3 tones, for this the clarifier is kept for less than the allotted time;
- purchase hair dye products in brand stores so as not to get unexpected results after using them.

Painting techniques
Various contrasting options are popular today.

Black hair can be diversified with red strands using highlights. Highlighting is the technique of dyeing individual strands of hair along the entire length. This method has many advantages over radical color change.
- Highlighting suitable for both short and long hair, has no age restrictions, except for bright red strands for older ladies.
- Staining with chemicals with a chemical composition when highlighting, it does less harm to the hair, the "new" strands revitalize the hairstyle, the hair visually increases in volume.
- For older women, this method - a great way to disguise gray hair.

Previously, highlighting was used only on blonde hair, now there are more and more people who want to decorate black hair with scarlet strands. Women's hearts did not remain indifferent to modern highlighting options (ombre, balayazh, shatush, bronding).
To work with black hair, ombre and balayage techniques are used.

The working strands start at different heights, without affecting the roots, gradually merging at the bottom into one common mass. Ombre creates maximum contrast, the technique is applicable with bright, saturated shades of red.
An advantageous option is natural black hair that does not require lightening, dyeing, root correction when it grows back.

The technique provides for highlighting only the ends of the hair, the bulk and roots are not affected.The transition from one tone to another is vague, without a distinct edge. Balayage can be applied to any hair length.

Over time, new interesting ideas for dyeing curls appear.
- Ombre on a black short bob refutes the claim that this dyeing technique is only suitable for long hair. A hairstyle with fiery red hair dyed from the middle to the ends looks fantastic, and the haircut only emphasizes the contrast.

- Bright strands with a raspberry hue on long straight hair they create the illusion of overflow.

- Looks great short hair balayageadding to the image of hooliganism.

- With ombre on dyed hair, black lightens by 3 tones, dyed in a raspberry color, then lighten the required number of strands and give them bright red tones. The admiring glances of others are guaranteed.

- With a red ombre for a cool curl rich ruby strands on a black background "cheer up" the hairstyle, adding lightness to the image.

- With California highlighting only the tips are painted in different shades of red - these can be pink, orange, cherry tones.

How is the procedure performed?
Red highlighting on black strands is performed in several stages, suitable for hair of different lengths.
- For short hair, use a rubber hat with small holes, through which strands are pulled out with a crochet for the entire length of the hair of the same thickness. Using a hat prevents the clarifier from getting into unnecessary areas and helps to determine the correct distance between the strands.
- The lightening composition is applied to the prepared curls, wrapped in foil, kept for the allotted time, then washed with warm water.
- The lightened strands are smeared with a dye of a selected shade of red, then the same steps are repeated as for bleaching.
- If the girl has long curls, the whole shock is divided into 8-10 parts, all parts are fixed separately. For discoloration, one part is released, a foil is placed under it, several thin strands are selected along the surface along the entire length, a clarifier is applied to them. Then repeat the same as for short strands.

The ombre technique is applied for long to medium length hair in a few steps.
- Natural black strands are less problematic, in this case there is no need to correct the color of the growing roots. Light-colored hair is first dyed black, and then proceeds to work with the strands.
- The entire mass of hair is parted into 2 equal parts to avoid tangling of the hair, and then into strands. The curls needed for lightening are of arbitrary height, not reaching the roots.
- At the top, at the base of the strand, a bouffant is made, which lasts until the end of the work, it will provide a smooth color transition.
- The curl treated with the clarifying composition is fixed with foil and kept for the required time, then the clarifier is washed off with warm water. The staining procedure is carried out according to the same scheme.

Balayage is best used for short hair and medium curls.
- Hair on a short haircut is combed in such a way that only the ends remain on top, the fleece is fixed with varnish with strong fixation.
- The clarifier is applied to small strips of foil, fixed on the strands so that the composition does not get on the roots.
- Withstand the allotted time, wash off with water. When staining, the same steps are repeated.

Curl care
Taking care of red and black hairstyles will take more patience and time than any other, as it will take a double correction. About 1-2 times a month, fake black hair should be painted over at the roots, and red strands will also have to be “freshened”. Compliance with these rules requires ombre and balayage. After red highlighting along the entire length, on the contrary, you will have to first lighten the regrown strands at the roots 2 times a month, and then paint them.
Dry, split ends should not be highlighted - the result will be disastrous. You should not lighten the curls after their recent staining with henna, you need to wait 3-4 months, since henna does not react with chemicals.
All cosmetic products with a chemical composition harm the hair, therefore colored curls require special care. To restore the structure of damaged hair, masks and compresses with an oil composition, as well as rinsing with herbal infusions, are useful.

In the next video, you will dye the ends of your hair red with a tonic.