Red-red hair color: who suits and how to dye the curls correctly?

It's not so common to meet a girl with natural red hair. Women with this appearance are considered unique and will definitely attract the eye. To become bright and noticeable, the fair sex is increasingly dyeing their hair with a red-red color.

Red hair in humans has long been considered something mystical and mysterious. Likewise, today a girl with fiery hair can always count on attention from others. The red-red shade of hair is an indicator of courage, passion, self-sufficiency. The main advantage and at the same time disadvantage is the visibility of the red-haired beauty.
Girls with fiery hair are always in trend, as they look unusual and interesting. Unfortunately, this color may not suit everyone - incorrect staining can hide all the advantages of appearance. But with a worthy reincarnation, the beauty will become even more attractive.

Who is it for?
Auburn red is a bold shade as it is vibrant and intense. It will be ideal for girls who have an aristocratic appearance, characterized by cold shades of eyes, fair skin. If the red-red color of the hair is an unnatural hair color, then you will need to prepare in advance for painting.
This tone is considered the most suitable for women with an "autumn" color type. If a girl has bright eyes and fair skin, then such coloring will only decorate her appearance. The fair sex, who have golden, olive skin, can safely dye their hair with this shade.This image suits the eyes of bright blue, green, brown and dark blue colors.

A ban on dyeing in red-red is the skin on which there are acne, redness and other defects. You should not change your hair to this shade in the following situations:
- overdried hair;
- more than 50 percent gray hair;
- damaged curls;
- many wrinkles on the face;
- the presence of age spots, freckles, moles on the face.
Currently, there is a wide palette of shades of reddish-red, so each of the girls can choose the most suitable option for themselves.

How to paint?
Whether your hair is short or long, it must be dyed correctly. At home, this can be done with a tonic, dye paint and even folk remedies. The tint product should be used for those who naturally have red hair and want to add a reddish saturated shade to them. You can make the image brighter with shampoo, balm, tonic.
High-quality ammonia dyes include the following brands of products:
- Estel;
- Schwarzkopf;
- Wella.

Women should remember that after dyeing, shades of reddish color may be brighter than expected. This is especially true for people with naturally light hair. With a long-lasting, high-quality paint, the color can last from 4 to 8 weeks. After a while, the curls lose their color saturation, overgrown roots appear on them.
To achieve a reddish-red color, you can use such a folk method as staining with henna... This substance is characterized by a gentle attitude to the hairline, as well as a bright and dazzling result. Powdered henna is diluted with water, applied to the hair and kept for the time indicated on the package. After that, the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water.

In order to make the shade of henna different, you can use the following components:
- carnation - to increase brightness;
- beet juice - to give a reddish hue;
- kefir - to enhance the intensity of the color;
- chamomile infusion - will make your hair light and shiny.

To get an unusual and beautiful effect when painting with a red-red color, you can use a special complex painting technique, for example: ombre, balayazh, highlighting. The partial hair color change method can be used on both red and dark base. The result of this procedure is gorgeous, while it looks absolutely natural.

If solid staining with a reddish-red color can be done at home, then it is better to entrust partial modeling to a professional. Only a master will be able to assess the condition of a woman's scalp and advise her on dyeing options.
An important point when dyeing a bright fiery shade is the initial hair color. Light brown curls contribute to obtaining the desired red-red result, both when using paint and henna.
For other shades, initial darkening or lightening of the hair may be required.

When choosing a paint, it is worth paying attention to a number of points.
- Price. Expensive and high-quality products can contain natural ingredients, due to which the negative effect on hair is minimized.
- Composition. Do not use ammonia products on a regular basis, as they can make your hair weaker.
- Tint. When choosing a paint, you should pay attention not only to the picture on the front of the package, but also to the stretch on the back. On the back of the pack you can see what color you get after dyeing your hair color.
- Shelf life. Do not forget that, like any other cosmetic product, hair dye and tonic have a limited period of use.

Follow-up care
Hair coloring is stressful for hair.With this procedure, damage to the structure can occur and, as a result, dull hair (they can soon look like straw). Caring for a red-red hairstyle consists in carrying out the following activities:
- using a balm rinse after shampooing, a mask - every 7 days;
- the use of shampoos that are designed for colored hair;
- the use of tonics and tint products when washing out the color;
- shearing off damaged ends;
- refusal to use irons and hair dryers.

Catchy red and auburn hairstyles are considered a great solution for every woman who wants to stand out. With a radical change of image, it is also worth changing the style of clothing and makeup, so as not to look ridiculous.
A master class on dyeing hair in a bright copper-red color, see below.