Hair color trends for brunettes: what color to dye?

Hair coloring is a relatively simple and drastic way to change. You could even say that haircuts and dyeing are an alternative to psychotherapy for women. And even if a woman does not want radical changes, then there is always the opportunity to refresh the image, to bring something new, fashionable, interesting to it.

How to choose the right color?
There is no concept of fashion trends in general - all women cannot go apricot blond or a bob haircut in a row. If you are naturally brunette, then not all variations will suit you. First of all, you need to reckon with the color type. Most natural brunettes belong to the winter color type, of which, for example, Monica Bellucci is a prominent representative. Color type description:
- cold skin tone with a slight bluish undertone;
- uniform, blush-free skin tone;
- when sunburned, the skin becomes either light olive or intensely olive;
- dark brown, brown-black and black hair color, sometimes ash-blond;
- eye color - from light blue to black.

The color type of winter differs from the color scheme of summer in a denser skin structure, more contrasting combinations (for example, blue eyes, light skin, almost black hair), a very light, bluish white of the eye. This color type has many subtypes, and they will be a guide in choosing the most beautiful shades. For example, if a woman has brown eyes, light skin, then you can paint in shades with bright red pigment, as well as in copper, golden, amber. Hazelnut and caramel can be interesting. Almost any fair-skinned and brown-eyed lady will suit the color of chocolate in its rich version. To give a more detailed answer, it is worth examining today's fashionable colors and considering them in relation to natural brunettes.

Cold dark shades
This is a whole palette of colors that are just gaining popularity and will be in fashion for more than one season. The general fashion for blond seems so far away, and if you follow the top-ranked beauties on Instagram, it turns out that 90% of them are brunettes. This is probably why many women return to natural dark, decide to repaint in their own color, and if it is difficult to do this, they repaint in dark cold shades that mimic the natural hair color as much as possible. Among these shades:
- dark blond, smoothly turning into cold brown;

- graphite (a tone lighter than black);

- dark chestnut;

- frosty chocolate;

- black chocolate

- black coffee.

It doesn't have to be a solid color, which often looks fake. A good master will paint in several colors, which will mimic the natural heterogeneity with darker roots and lighter strands around the face, as well as lighter tips. One of the most famous brunettes, Megan Fox, has this option today. It is difficult for this beauty to change, because it is impossible to come up with a better dark color. But a mother with many children finds solutions, playing with shades and resorting to coloring a la nature.
Dark hair color will definitely suit brunettes, but you definitely need to find your zest in it. Perhaps it will be a soft cherry undertone, light blue or rich mocha. It is very important that the dark hair color is combined with the eyebrow color, which should not be lighter. In this case, the eyebrows should not be unnaturally thin.

Remember that if you have well-made eyebrows, facial features become more regular, the expression of the eyes increases, asymmetry is masked. But better doesn't mean more, the eyebrows should look as natural as possible, just like the hair.
All variations of light brown
The light brown color is now going through the "Renaissance". Girls with brown, gray, blue eyes turn to different shades of light brown in order to build an image that is unusual with its softness and naturalness. If you have been a burning brunette for a long time and realized that you are tired of this intense color, then the best solution would be to switch to light brown.

In order not to turn abruptly into blond (and such a decision, although it is paradoxical, is often characteristic of brunettes), you can try smoky blond... It is lighter than the classic light brown, softer, the image turns out to be a little mysterious, delicate.
If you have fair skin and gray or blue eyes, this option can be very interesting.
The most popular shade of light brown is dark blonde. This color is interesting because in bright light it looks delicate, shimmers, showing soft transitions. But with all these possibilities, it is a very clear, dark, beautiful natural color.

Just so that it does not work out with a greenish undertone, staining should be complex and professional, only in the salon and with a competent master colorist.
Here are some examples of how fair-haired can make you bright.
Irina Shayk
This star is more often presented as a brunette, although Irina has a wonderful dark blond hair color. It goes well with her light eyes, which play either greenish or aquamarine shades, with expressive eyebrows and an even skin tone. The hair color is rich, rich, it looks good on long hair, but it will also decorate short hair.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
In her youth, she was in the top of blondes, although the actress's hair is naturally dark. Now Sarah prefers a dark blond color, which draws attention to her beautiful eyes, makes her complexion even more expressive.

Miranda Kerr
The ex-beloved of Orlando Bloom is one of the most beautiful women on the planet, while she does not have a lush bust, she is not blonde and cannot boast of curvy, fashionable nowadays. Miranda chose a natural light brown hair color and rarely parts with it. And he really suits her very well.

If you have the same beautiful face shape and light eyes, then you can try. After a long stay in very dark, black, such a light brown will make the image softer and younger.
There is a good way to figure out which shade is right for you. You can find a famous person whose facial features and features are really similar to yours. And analyze her choice of color, haircut, length. You can also learn from the mistakes of the stars: No matter how the burning brunette Kim Kardashian experimented with hair colors, she could not find better natural black or dark brown. In blonde, girls of this appearance look shocking, but nothing more.

Eggplant color
What a few years ago was considered bad manners, an option "for grandmothers", is in the top today. Eggplant shades are chosen by the most daring, because they are eye-catching. You can paint in this color in no time, but not at home - a professional will do it beautifully and stylishly, home staining will come out dirty and heterogeneous.
When stained with eggplant, the roots darken closer to natural dark. So that the color does not wash out quickly, the master will tell you which toning shampoo you need to use after staining. This color looks most organically on dark-skinned brown-eyed and black-eyed brunettes, young, with even skin and a beautiful face contour.

If this is a woman of age and cannot boast of such enviable characteristics, an eggplant will only draw attention to the flaws in appearance.
Balayage for brunettes
Balayage coloring has not yet gone out of fashion and, according to experts, it will be popular for several seasons in advance. For many brunettes, balayage with bright contrast can suit. You can leave dark not just the crown, but the hair below the ear, but then follows a soft, most natural transition to light. This option will open up on long hair. If you have a medium length, and even with bangs, the chances of success are minimal.

Balayage with natural highlights is in vogue today. It looks like a woman's hair is naturally dark, without any dyeing and shimmers beautifully in the sun. Highlights make the hair look thicker.
Red, cherry and even pink balayage for dark hair is also in demand today. It will turn out very bright and bold, but if you like such radical solutions, this is the best choice. Naturally, these shades are suitable for young women with good skin and dark brown eyes.

Basma and henna for brunettes
Today, fashion is considered not only in the context of shape, haircut, color, but also naturalness. Therefore, a huge number of women decide to abandon chemical dyes in favor of natural ones. And brunettes can turn to good old basma, which is used in combination with henna. If you have never used these tools and are dismissive of them, most likely you are mistaken.
Henna and basma are absolutely natural, harmless, and even inexpensive dyes. Henna is obtained from dried alkane leaves, and basma is obtained from a plant called indigo. Henna has been proven to strengthen hair. Yes, she has an annoying quality - to dry out the strands, but if you have everything under control in terms of masks, balms, hair oils, this problem will not be. You can dye your hair with a mixture of henna and basma once every 2-3 months.

If you have previously used staining with chemical compounds, you should wait 2 months after the last staining (lightening).
What proportions are needed:
- 1 part basma to 1 part henna - even chestnut tone;
- 1 part henna and 2 parts basma - color close to black, but softer than "one" from synthetic dyes;
- 2 parts henna and 1 part basma - beautiful bronze tone.

If you have black hair, then basma with henna will practically not give any effect. If you only use henna, you can get a light reddish-brown undertone, but the hair will not drastically change color. But if you have a dark blond, chestnut or black-chestnut shade, the experience of using natural dyes can be very interesting. In addition to their composition and cost, they have another advantageous quality - these dyes are indispensable if you decide to grow your hair.
Coloring in an even and soft tone with basma and henna can be done at home, the result will be predictable, and most importantly, the hair is practically not injured.
With the addition of additional ingredients and oils, coloring will be akin to a hair mask, which will only strengthen the strands. This is an indispensable help for women who want to have not only long, but also healthy hair.

For information on how to choose a hair color, see the next video.