Milk chocolate hair color: who suits and how to get it?

Natural hair shades have always been popular among young girls and adult women. The warm color of milk chocolate is no exception. And now, despite the abundance of bright alternatives, it is still in trend.

Advantages and disadvantages
This hair color is often chosen by stars. This is not surprising - it has many positive aspects.
- Hair dyed in milk chocolate will look more radiant and will also be filled with vitality.
- Chocolate shades always look more natural and natural.
- In general, it is versatile and suitable for girls of different ages and with different features of appearance.
- If you choose this shade, then the change in the image will be perceived rather positively. After all, this tone is not too flashy and even conservatives will like it.
- Modern technologies allow you to dye your hair in all sorts of shades of chocolate, so you can choose something of your own, ideally suited to your eye color and even skin tone.

If we talk about the cons of this color, then it is worth noting that negative reviews are left mainly by those who used cheap low quality dyes or dyed their hair from a bad master. It is also worth noting that dyeing at home can lead to the appearance of yellowness or a red tint on the hair.
Nothing bad can be said about the shade itself.

Who is it suitable for?
Almost any girl can afford herself the luxury of dyeing her hair in a popular shade called milk chocolate.But still, before making a decision, you need to evaluate all the features of your appearance and make sure that the new color really suits them.
Most of all, this shade is suitable for tanned girls with naturally dark skin. This combination allows you to emphasize seductiveness and beauty. But for the owners of peach skin, chocolate color makes it possible to focus on such features as femininity and natural charm.

When it comes to eye color, many shades go well with milk chocolate. So, for example, it will make blue or gray eyes brighter and more expressive. But for those who have brown eyes, he will give playfulness. He will make green-eyed beauties more mysterious.
This shade is most suitable for girls with natural light brown hair color.
Curly blondes can also safely choose it, without worrying that spots or ebbs will appear on the hair later.

If the hair color is initially very dark, then dyeing will make the hairstyle more golden. This option has been quite popular for several years in a row. Indeed, after dyeing, the hair seems even more alive than before.
But red-haired girls or owners of freckles should not choose such shades for themselves. This, on the contrary, will make their image less vivid and attractive.

Palette of shades
Since modern technologies do not stand still, the palette of shades is quite diverse and multifaceted. The most popular among them are such colors.
The chocolate shade with hints of caramel will look beautiful on short hair. He will give them lightness and volume. However, it manifests itself as much as possible on lighter hair. In addition, if the girl also has blue eyes, the image will turn out to be as romantic as possible. In order for the color to fall on the hair more evenly, it must be light.
But girls with dark curls must first make a lightening, and only after that apply the main tone.

This shade looks quite luxurious, besides, its popularity is growing every day. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that he can play in the light, changing the shadeand is therefore very difficult to describe in words. At one moment it seems ashy, at another - already chocolate. Girls with a cold color type can afford to dye their hair in this color.

For girls with dark hair, it suits best. After all, he looks more natural and natural on them. In the same time this is an excellent choice for older ladies, because this tone looks quite strict and restrained.
It is most suitable for women with green or blue eyes, as well as dark skin.

Painting technology
In order for the hair color after dyeing to turn out not only beautiful, but also even, you need to contact a specialist. But many girls prefer to dye their hair at home. Some do this because they want to save time on a visit to the master, others - so as not to spend money on something that you can handle yourself.
However, not everyone knows how to achieve the correct result at home. In general, everything is not so difficult, but it is worth remembering that everything is done at your own peril and risk, and without the help of a professional, the result may not be as ideal as we would like.

First you need to buy paint, as well as prepare dishes for it. It can be either ceramic or plastic. You will also need gloves, a brush, and a thick-toothed comb. Next, you need to comb the hair, and then divide it into several bundles. After that, they will need to be secured with clamps. It is best not to wash your head for several days before painting. This will protect the hair from the harmful effects of ammonia.
The paint must be mixed with an oxidizing agent as written in the instructions.
After that, the finished mixture must be distributed evenly on one part of the hair, and then combed. The same must be done with the remaining strands.

To obtain the selected shade, it is necessary to withstand the dye on the hair for no more than 35-40 minutes. Then it must be washed off using a professional shampoo. To prevent the forehead from reddening after such a procedure, a cream must be applied to it. In addition, an allergy test should be carried out a few days before staining. Also, do not dye if before that a perm was carried out or henna was used to dye the hair. And in fact, and in another case, the color will fall unevenly.
In order for the staining result to be positive, it is necessary to choose the right paints. It will not be so difficult to do this, because many manufacturers have milk-chocolate shades. Here are the most popular ones.

Dyes from this company are easily applied to the hair, and also dye them effectively and evenly. The set also includes a balm, after using which the strands are made shiny and smooth. All components are natural, which allows you to take care of your hair.
This company produces both classic paints and ammonia-free coloring agents.

The paint contains natural substances. With their help, you can even paint over gray hair. In addition, at the end of the process, the curls become soft, and the color stays on them for a long time. The result is pleasing with our naturalness and simplicity.

A shade such as milk chocolate is called in a series of paints from this brand "Frosty beige". Hair becomes soft after the coloring process, but they will not paint over the gray hair.
Therefore, older women should pay attention to something else.
The set also includes a balm for the hair, which gives it shine.

Some also use natural ingredients for coloring. For example, you can achieve the effect of milk chocolate with natural cinnamon coffee. The coffee beans must be ground and then poured over with hot boiled water. After that, add cinnamon to them and leave to infuse for a few minutes. Next, you need to apply the mixture to the hair for 1 hour, distributing it evenly. At the end, you need to wash off everything with warm and clean water, to which you can add a few drops of lemon.
You can also achieve this color using basma and henna. For one package of henna, you need to add half a package of basma. After that, the mixture must be poured with hot water and applied to the hair. After 30-40 minutes, it must be washed off with running water.

Partial staining
Experts consider milk chocolate to be quite a multifaceted shade that can be used for both full and partial coloring. If we talk about the latter, then girls are also provided with a huge number of options.
- Shatush. This technique will work for most girls. The only thing that is required is to correctly lighten the strands along their entire length.

- Highlighting... Using this technique, you can lighten individual curls against the main background of the hair. Curls of caramel color on hair with a natural chocolate shade will look great.

- Ombre. Using this approach, it is very important to correctly make a smooth transition from dark to light. At the very roots, the hair should be rich and dark, and the ends should be light.

Curl care
To keep the shade after staining as long as possible, you need to learn how to properly care for your hair. Even if the dye was of the highest quality, after washing off, particles of harmful substances still remain on the hair. To neutralize them, immediately after staining, wash your hair with a special shampoo that has a stabilizing effect. In addition, you will need conditioner balm.
It is best to use warm water for washing, not hot water.Comb your hair with a sparse-toothed comb or a wooden comb.

In addition, in order for the hair to always look decent, dyeing should be done at least 1 time in 45-50 days. If the deadlines are not met, the hair will become faded, moreover, regrown roots will be visible. You also need to remember that you need to wash your hair no more than 2 times a week.
To prevent the hair from becoming brittle after the coloring process, you need to stop visiting the solarium for a while and use various hair styling devices, for example, a hairdryer, as rarely as possible. Drying wet strands is best done naturally. Owners of blond hair need to purchase a special shampoo. With its help, you can remove yellowness from the hair, as well as make it more hydrated.

In addition, experts also recommend do not neglect regenerating masks... They can come with paint, but if they are not there, then you can buy them separately. The use of such masks will make the curls silky and soft. In addition, the hair after that will be brighter. For the care of colored hair, you can also use home masks.
For example, you can preserve the brightness of the color using masks made from bee honey, chicken eggs, essential oils, and regular rye bread.
All components must be mixed and then applied to the hair along the entire length for 20-30 minutes. After that, rinse the curls with clean warm water.

An herbal mask will also be helpful. For its preparation, you can use herbs such as yarrow, chamomile and celandine, which must be mixed in equal proportions. After that, pour boiled water over them and let it brew a little. When the infusion has cooled, they need to rinse their heads for 10 minutes. After several procedures, the hair structure will be completely restored.
Since dyed hair needs moisture and nutrition, it is necessary to rub vitamin E, B12 and others into it 2 times a week. Keep them on your head for at least 40-50 minutes.

It is not recommended to walk outside without a headdress, as the sun will make your hair more brittle and dry.
In conclusion, we can say that milk-chocolate color is perfect for most girls. Unlike darker shades, it allows you to make the image more romantic and softer.
Therefore, you can safely choose just such a way to change your appearance, while not forgetting to choose "your" tone.

For a review of milk chocolate paint, see the next video.