Walnut hair color: shades, tips for choosing a dye and care

Many girls, deciding to refresh their usual look, prefer a soft nutty shade. It perfectly suits most female color types, looks appropriate in any situation and revives naturally dull hair, giving it shine and silkiness.

Color features
Nutty is a deep shade that can play with different colors depending on the chosen undertone. This explains its popularity among the owners of any native hair color. Brunettes choose walnut color in order to soften the natural darkness of the pigment., and blondes, on the contrary, to make the image more serious and even age-related. We must not forget that the natural shade perfectly copes with gray hair. Walnut is used for both full and partial staining.

The main advantage of this color scheme is its versatility. It is suitable for both men and women, and of any age. There are also no restrictions regarding the hairstyle, as well as the length and characteristics of the hair. A wide palette allows you to periodically change tones and experiment with the image, but not deviate from the color that suits the type. Finally, the shade itself looks very elegant and rich.
As for the shortcomings, some brunettes and brown-haired women will first have to discolor the strands, since the pigment manifests itself much more effectively on initially light curls.
In the case when earlier the hair was exposed to highlighting or even ordinary staining, you will have to entrust the coloring in the color of the walnut to a professional, since this shade is rather capricious. After the procedure, in order to maintain beautiful overflows and highlights, you will have to provide proper care for your hair.

Varieties of tones
The walnut palette includes a large number of shades, the difference between which is 1 or 2 tones. What a particular color will appear on the hair largely depends on what the "base" was - natural or pre-dyed, as well as what kind of shade. To select a shade for the first staining, it is better to first try several options for short-term tinting., and then go to the permanent ammonia paint.

A rather dark shade of "hazelnut" is close to chestnut. It is suitable for beauties with a golden skin tone, as well as for those with a bronze tan. The combination with brown or green eyes looks most beautiful in this case. The shade "light walnut" is recommended for use by natural blondes, as well as women with light brown hair. It matches perfectly with gray or green eyes, freckled or tanned skin.

The cold "dark nut" looks very rich. Its owners, as a rule, are "winter" beauties with pale or dark skin, as well as blue or dark brown eyes. The use of this shade allows you to give softness to an overly strict and harsh image.

Warm "golden nut" is considered one of the most successful representatives of the palette, as it hides skin imperfections and age-related manifestations. A sunny shade is recommended for girls with a bright appearance and the same personal qualities. Best of all, the "golden nut" looks on condition of green, brown eyes, as well as delicate peach or tanned skin.

The shade "mocha" is recommended for owners of the "autumn" color type. It perfectly emphasizes golden skin and brown-green eyes, and also adds brightness and radiance to the image. Muscat shade is characterized by the presence of a red undertone.

In a more saturated version, it turns into a mahogany shade. A reddish glow works well with fair skin with a natural rosy blush. It is best if the color of the eyes in this case turns out to be gray-blue or dark brown. By the way, the nutmeg shade is considered the most suitable for bouncy curls.

Hair color "walnut" is distinguished by the presence of bronze and copper undertones. It suits "spring" and "autumn" girls, ideally combined with transparent skin and green eyes, the shade of which goes into olive.

The "praline" shade works best on natural blondes with light eyes. The resulting beige-nut color is reminiscent of ripe wheat and creates a calm, romantic look. Other popular varieties of the nut palette include milky, honey-nut and even silver shades.

Who is it for?
Since the hazel color has a lot of shades, it suits most women. "Spring" beauties, owners of light golden skin and brown or green eyes, are most suitable "light nut". Its gentle and subtle shade will not drown out the natural "pastel" beauty. For girls of the “summer” type, whose appearance is characterized by the presence of pinkish skin and blue, as well as green eyes, there are “cold” variations of the nut. When choosing a shade, it is important to ensure that there is no gold or copper undertone.

The appearance of "autumn" girls can be different. Some of them have pale pinkish skin and green eyes, while others have beautiful olive skin and brown eyes. In this case, it is better to take shades with a bronze undertone or tints of copper color.For former brunettes of the "winter" type with translucent or, conversely, dark skin, as well as blue, blue or brown eyes, "nutmeg" or "dark nut" is most suitable.
The nutty shade is suitable for all hair lengths and styles, from the shortest to the longest curls. This shade is favorably emphasized by the geometry of a square, a cascade or a milled ladder.

How to choose a coloring agent?
At home, you can use persistent dyes, tinting agents, or natural ingredients to get a nutty shade. The color created by long-lasting dyes lasts from 2 to 3 months. Although there are variations without ammonia that try not to affect the condition of the hairline, most of the products used do harm it.
Such paints without preliminary preparation can be used by blondes and fair-haired girls, but brunettes and brown-haired women will first have to bleach their hair.

Garnier brand offers hazelnut and deep hazel shades. According to the manufacturer, the composition is enriched with avocado, olive and shea butter, which are responsible for nourishing the cuticle. The long-lasting pigment will last for almost two months. Gamma brand gives customers the opportunity to change their hair color to the shade of "walnut praline", which has a beautiful golden sheen. The oils and vitamins contained in the composition are responsible for the color retention even when exposed to high temperatures.

Permanent paint Kleral brands does not have ammonia in its composition, which ensures safe dyeing of the hairline. The palette contains a fairly large number of nutty variations, including "light brown nutty", "dark blond nutty" and "medium brown nutty". The tool perfectly copes with gray strands and in addition restores damaged curls.

Tinted shampoos do not differ in durability, but are great for "trying on" a new shade or enriching the existing one. Faberlic brand contains a hazelnut-colored shampoo in its line. It provides a fairly rich color to the curls, but washes off after the sixth or eighth shampooing. "Tonic" offers customers "mocha" or "golden nut", which can be used on natural light or additionally bleached hair.

Folk recipes contain coffee, walnut peel, henna and basma as the main coloring ingredients. It is important to mention right away that natural ingredients should not be used on previously colored strands, as the effect of the procedure may be unpredictable.
To use walnuts, you need to rinse and grind the skin using a meat grinder or blender. The substance is poured with boiling water and kneaded until a mushy mixture is obtained.
After applying the mixture along the entire length of the hair, it is necessary to withstand from 20 minutes to an hour. If the resulting shade does not satisfy, then after a week the procedure should be repeated.

You get a dark nutty tone if you mix coffee with basma or henna. Basma is chosen for a cold undertone, and henna for a warm undertone. Both components are used in equal proportions. After mixing the dry ingredients and pouring their boiling water, it is necessary to mix everything until a creamy substance is obtained. The dye is applied to slightly damp hair and left for an hour.

Coloring recommendations
A simple nutty shade can be obtained at home, but it will be possible to successfully dye the strands using partial dyeing techniques only in the salon. They look best on long or medium strands. Shatush implies lightening individual strands extending from the ends, but only half the length. Walnut shatush is more suitable for brunettes or brown-haired women.

Balayazh also processes the tips, creating blurry transitions from light to dark shade. The use of a nut color with any undertone will be appropriate in the case of natural blond or light brown hair. Ombre forms a change in shade, starting from the middle of the curl, and the roots are either not painted at all, or are covered with dark pigment.
The cost of dyeing your hair in a nut color starts from 1000 rubles in the case of a short haircut. The final cost depends on the length of the curls, and on the brand of the products used, and on the prestige of the salon. In the presence of additional procedures or partial staining, the price tag starts at 4 thousand rubles.

How to care for strands after the procedure?
Hair after dyeing always requires special care. To maintain a beautiful nutty shade and restore the health of the hair, you will need to use 4 to 5 products from the line designed for colored hair. You can wash your hair only with lukewarm water, as hot water dulls the color. It is forbidden to intensively rub the strands with a towel - it is enough to limit yourself to light squeezing.
It is better not to use a hairdryer at all, but if you still have to, then choose the cold air mode ..
In summer, it is allowed to go out under the sun only with a headdress or a special product applied. As a regular procedure, it makes sense to introduce herbal rinses, and replace the shampoo with soap nuts if possible.

You can look at the beauty of walnut hair color further.