Ash brown hair color: who is it for and how to achieve the desired shade?

The chestnut tone has many interesting hues and never goes out of style. He is noble and suits all color types of appearance. However, the cold ash-brown hair color, so demanded by many ladies, looks harmonious only in the case of strict compliance with a certain color of skin, eyes and even a woman's age.

A palette of chestnut tones
Chestnut color, due to the variety of shades, can have warm and cold tones. Women with virtually any hair color can choose for themselves different shades of chestnut, depending on their natural characteristics.
The main warm tones include the following subtypes:
- golden chestnut;
- with caramel notes;
- with a shade of red, red and copper;
- milk chestnut;
- chocolate chestnut.

The cold palette includes:
- light brown chestnut;
- black-brown cold;
- chestnut frosty;
- dark chestnut.

Also, an ash-chestnut shade belongs to cold colors, which, in turn, can be light and dark.
Who is the warm and cold shades of chestnut suitable for?
Chestnut among masters is considered a universal tone and looks exclusive with any appearance in conditions of high-quality staining. It is able to soften rough facial features, hide minor skin imperfections, and its cold shades, including ashy, make the image refined and elegant. At the same time, chocolate undertones give the lady's face severity, calm confidence and intelligence, therefore, ideal for serious, business women.

If girls of the color type "Autumn" and "Spring", as a rule, are closer to the warm overflows of chestnut, then "summer" and "winter" ladies will use this color with light brown, ash, dark and chocolate shades.
For owners of golden, swarthy and tanned skin, it is necessary to choose warm shades, as for cold ones, they look advantageous in combination with pale, milky, alabaster skin.
You should also pay attention to the combination of chestnut tone with eye color:
- if the eyes are blue, then golden, milky and caramel tones should be selected;

- for brown eyes, the best option would be chocolate, dark and black-brown tones;

- copper, bronze and red tints, as well as frosty chestnut, are well combined with a green iris;

- Ash brown and light brown are best combined with gray and blue, transparent eyes.

Dark chocolate ash the shade is especially popular because it gives a special charm to the owners of such hair. Smoky brown it is best suited for natural light-eyed brown-haired women with fair skin, and its darker undertones for brunettes, if they also have a white face and clean, clear eyes. In addition, these shades are relevant for long and curly hair, for a cascade haircut and short hairstyles with elements of asymmetry.
However, it is worth knowing that such fashionable tones are capable of aging a woman's face, so mature ladies should choose them with care.

To whom the ash-chestnut color is definitely not suitable, it is the red-haired "autumn" young ladies with a cheerful, radiating energy, appearance.
How to dye your hair
It is easiest for brown-haired women to get the desired shade without damaging their hair. The greatest difficulty in achieving the desired result can be experienced by girls with black hair. First, they will have to discolor the hair, but if you use the services of an experienced master, he can do partial lightening or highlighting, and then most of the hair will not suffer from etching. You should not dye your hair in cold brown tones with a silver overflow, if before that they have already been dyed with dyes containing red and red pigments.
As a dye that can give the hair such a desired shade, you can use the products of brands known for their quality:
- L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss (frosty chocolate, frosty glaze);

- Indola profession (medium and light brown with ash);

- Garnier Color Naturals (frosty chestnut);

- Estel (ash brown with light brown undertone, icy brown, brown mother-of-pearl).

When dyeing curls on your own, you should follow the basic requirements for the procedure:
- follow the instructions;
- start coloring from the top of the head, paying special attention to the roots;
- do not highlight thick strands that may not be stained;
- after that, you need to go to the back of the head, gradually going down to the hair growth zone on the neck;
- bangs, hair on the temples and forehead are dyed last;
- further, you need to accurately withstand the staining time and wash off the dye with warm water;
- the balm must be used without fail, it is kept for at least 3 minutes, and then it is also washed off.

Sometimes, after a while, yellowness may appear on the hair. To eliminate this trouble, you can use special toning shampoos.
If you want to keep the color and shine of your curls as long as possible, after dyeing, you need to take care of your hairstyle: do not use hot water for washing, but for styling - a hairdryer, hot curlers, curling irons and other devices that negatively affect the hair structure. It is better to comb the strands with a natural wood comb, and once a week to do moisturizing and nourishing masks. Also, do not forget to cover your head on sunny days, since being under ultraviolet rays leads to fading and drying out of the curls.

For how ash-brown hair dye looks like, see the next video.