Ash hair color for short hair: the choice of shade and the stages of dyeing

Regardless of age, every woman should always look beautiful, well-groomed, elegant and unique. In order to achieve these parameters, you need to follow the latest fashion trends and not be afraid to change your style. To completely change the appearance, it is not enough just to change clothes and do unusual make-up.

Hair coloring will help to emphasize the individuality of the fairer sex. In the arsenal of stylists there is a huge palette of both natural and artificially created color shades. Over the past few years, ash has remained a popular and demanded color, which is not suitable for all fashionistas, therefore before dyeing your hair, you should definitely consult with specialists.

Who is it for?
Ash color is a combination of blue, purple and green shades. The high popularity of this palette is due to the fact that it is very difficult to achieve such a color solution, and natural hair of this tone practically does not exist. This color scheme is in good harmony with short hair cuts, black arrows, bright makeup and rich lipsticks.

Stylists recommend using the ash palette for representatives of the cold color type, as well as for persons with the following characteristics:
- light brown hair and gray, blue and green eyes;
- chestnut locks, peach skin, green and olive eyes;
- dark skin with blue and brown eyes;
- fair skin and brown eyes.
Stylists do not recommend using an ashy shade for brown-eyed girls with pigmented skin and expressionless eyebrows.

For dyeing black, dark chocolate and deep brown hair color, it is better to turn to professional masters. A home procedure may not work. Before choosing this color, you need to consider the length and shape of the haircut.

The shade looks impressive and fashionable on a very short pixie bob, bob and sesson. For longer hair, it is better to dye only curls, as well as use decorative braiding and false tails. Often customers choose dyeing in ombre style, connecting rod and balayazh. Sometimes, to create the desired image, it is enough just to paint the temple area or perfectly straight ends. It is strictly forbidden to change the shade of the hair after a perm. This procedure can have a negative effect on the structure of the hair and hair follicles.

Before choosing this tone, you must carefully study its positive and negative sides. Advantages:
- effective highlighting of gray strands;
- creating the effect of pomp and volume;
- the presence of shine;
- creating a background for bright makeup;
- giving freshness to the skin of the face.
- the difficulty of leaving;
- the use of professional caring cosmetics;
- mandatory preliminary discoloration of the strands;
- change in shade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
- carrying out the staining procedure only in professional beauty salons.

Variety of shades
Innovative technologies and modern equipment have allowed manufacturers to produce a huge range of shades of ash tone. A wide color palette gives almost all fashionistas the opportunity to choose the tone they need. Let's dwell on the most popular color schemes.
- Blond (platinum, pearlescent, pearl) - for owners of fair skin, as well as to highlight the expressionless area of the eyebrows and eyes.
- Pink-ash - for owners of porcelain skin and blue and green eyes. Does not apply to dark hair.
- Deep (dark) ash - for women of fashion with dark curls and olive skin.
- Ash brown - for dark-skinned beauties with gray and green eyes. To revive the tone of the face, it is advisable to use blush.
- Violet-ash - only for women with light strands and blue-gray eyes. Only a professional hairdresser should select and apply the coloring composition. Using the services of non-professionals can lead to yellow and gray spots.
- Ash chestnut - for blondes with light eyes and delicate skin. Steel strands will help to make the hairstyle more expressive.
- Light ash - for owners of bleached hair and fair skin.
- Ash pearl - a universal tone that consists of ash, purple and powdery colors.
- Gray-ash (muted) - for snow-white skin without acne and pigmentation. Owners of a natural light brown color without red strands, with light green eyes can safely use this shade.
- Calm gray - for women of fashion with blue and gray eyes. Stylists recommend applying it to curls with geometric hairstyles and straight bangs.
- Gray-black with a metallic sheen - only for ladies with delicate and porcelain skin. This shade significantly increases the age, and is used only up to 35 years old.
- Gray with a touch of mocha and milk chocolate - Ideal for girls with dark skin and green-gray eyes. Even owners of pigmented skin and freckles can afford this shade.
- Gray with a blue tint - a complex color scheme that will be a godsend for fashionistas with blue-gray eyes. But this shade can emphasize all skin defects disadvantageously.
- Ash gold - spring color for owners of green, tea and olive eyes. For makeup, you can use berry and peach lipsticks.
- Gray caramel - an elegant shade resulting from the combination of bronze and ash tones.
- Gray-silver - an unnatural shade that requires perfect skin and matching makeup.

Coloring options
Ash is one of the more challenging shades and needs special attention. To achieve the desired result, stylists recommend using several coloring options using the following tools.
- Dye - a persistent coloring composition that has the effect of moisturizing and nourishing, and is used in professional salons. It is formulated with ionens, lipid molecules and grape seed oil, which make curls vibrant, shiny and silky. It is possible to apply the coloring composition only on the highlighted strands. The paint paints well gray hair and hair with dark roots.
- Cream paint - an innovative composition of deep penetration, which creates a uniform color and rich tone.
- Tint spray - an unstable product that is applied to bleached and washed strands, and is washed off within 14 days after application.
- Tint balm - a product that is washed off after the third shampooing.
One of the main disadvantages of the ash tone is the lack of natural dyes. The use of various natural ingredients can lead to unpredictable results.

The presence of new dyeing technologies gives the craftsmen the opportunity to create unique images and styles.
- Shatush - a combination of several shades similar to the base hair color. Ash strands look creative on light brown, black and bleached hairstyles. Often stylists use an asymmetric distribution of colored curls and bouffants.
- Ombre - simultaneous use together with the ash color of dark brown, dark blond, turquoise and lavender shades, as well as clear and contrasting borders.
- Balayazh - soft color transition on long strands.

How to dye your hair?
The process of dyeing hair in an ash shade is very complex and painstaking, requiring practical skills and theoretical knowledge. In order to get the planned hair color without purple spots, it is necessary to bleach the curls before painting.

For this procedure, it is necessary to use professional formulations, and only after 5 days dye solutions can be applied to the hair. If the clarification procedure did not give the desired effect, then it is imperative to repeat it.

For a richer and deeper master color mix several shades of ash, and only after obtaining the desired tone, the composition is applied to the hair. Distribution of funds to the strands must be started from the occipital zone. Special attention should be paid to the bangs. The dye composition should be on the head for the amount of time indicated in the instructions. It is strictly forbidden to independently increase or decrease these parameters.
Rinse off the paint with plenty of water, and use conditioner and fixing compound to fix the shade.

Follow-up care
For the longest possible preservation of the resulting shade of a woman's hairstyle, stylists recommend adhering to the following recommendations:
- wash your hair only as it gets dirty;
- use warm water and special shampoos for colored hair;
- refuse masks with honey, cinnamon and chamomile, as they give a golden hue;
- apply thermal protective compounds before hot styling;
- regularly apply tint products;
- use means that protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Also, hairdressers often propose to make lamination, which will not only fix the shade, but also prevent the curls from cutting.
In the next video, you will find a recipe for dyeing your hair in ashy blond.