Ash blonde: who suits this hair color and how to get it?

Ash blonde is one of the most beautiful options for a light shade of hair. It is not the first year in a row that it has been recognized as a relevant and fashionable solution for bright women who are not afraid to experiment with their appearance. True, in order to be in trend, you need to follow the latest trends, because the ash-white hair color of the current year will be radically different from last year's decisions. Today it can be very different: rich graphite, elegant pearl, daring silver.
Let's consider further how to get a beautiful shade and keep it for a long time, whether it is possible to dye from a brunette to a platinum-ash blonde with dark roots on your own, as well as to whom this color will suit, and is it worth, in general, to make a color change.
Those who have already dared to try on this current shade will definitely not regret the bright change in the image. Everyone else should study in more detail useful information on the transition to an ash blonde before dyeing.

Ash blonde is a trendy hair color that is often confused with gray hair. But if earlier in the palette hairdressers had only limited means for performing such coloring, the modern range of shades gives almost unlimited opportunities for self-expression. This color has no natural analogue - it can only be obtained artificially, by mixing several tones at once. Coloring is easiest for owners of natural flaxen hair - the lighter and colder its own pigment, the easier it is to achieve beautiful toning.
On dark, red hair with wheat-blond pigment, it is more difficult to achieve an even and beautiful color.
This is due to the fact that orange shades are quite difficult to remove when stained. Black hair can give a reddish tint when lightened, so you have to mix blue, purple pigments, produce multiple dyeing and toning of the strands.

Ash is a complex color that is not suitable for all color types. Before moving on to a change of image, it is worth making sure that the shade will not be discordant with the skin tone and general characteristics of the appearance. The "contraindication" here is the presence of a bright natural blush. It is typical for a spring girl with her transparent white-pink skin. But for girls of the summer or winter color type, this option is quite suitable - their appearance is cold enough to be combined with such a color.
Do not dye your hair ash blond with intense tanning on the skin, bright black eyebrows. Such features will "argue" with the shade of the strands, give an unnatural feeling. However, all this does not prevent representatives of show business with naturally dark skin from going on bold experiments with appearance.
And these bright, confident girls look very attractive. Any recommendations are relative, and if you want to be an ash blonde, you can decide on coloring.

Who is it suitable for?
To change your natural hair shade to ash blond, you first need to study the recommendations of stylists for its use. This rare and unusual color will definitely suit some of the fair sex.
- Owners of blue, gray, violet eyes. Ashy harmonizes best with these flowers.

- Light blond and ash blond blondes. Fashionable coloring is also suitable for girls with natural light brown hair color. It gives their appearance nobility and chic.

- Owners of olive skin and brown eyes it is recommended to use not continuous coloring, but highlighting individual strands. In this case, the color will look more natural, without radical transitions.

- Women with golden, honey-colored hair. True, a limited range of ash shades will suit them. The best choice would be a dark graphite, ash-blond blond, otherwise you will have to constantly deal with the emerging yellow pigment.

- Owners of a milky white skin tone without red undertones. They can try on the whole range of ashy shades - from very light pearl and platinum to graphite.

- Girls with beige or golden skin. For them, the best choice would be an ash light blond color, close to natural.

- Owners of straight strands, long and thick. On short, fine hair, a trendy shade can appear as a manifestation of gray hair.

The ones who find it most difficult to repaint in a new cool shade are women with red, auburn, black and chocolate brown hair. Among the expected difficulties in this case it will be possible to name contrast with regrown roots. But here, too, colorists have already found ways to turn brunettes into blondes. But a radical lightening of the base will take a long time and will require regular correction in the salon.
Another contraindication is problem skin. A complex cold hair color will highlight all imperfections. For the same reason, it is not recommended to combine self-tanning with ash strands. They will emphasize its artificial origin, show excessive yellowness.

Among the rich palette of ashy blondes, you can easily find options that allow you to add elegance and nobility to the image of a girl, woman. Several tones are considered the most attractive and beautiful options.
- Ash blonde. It resembles a classic ash tone, but appears brighter, looks good in tall hairstyles, and is suitable for painting over the first gray hair.The shade is suitable for combination with highlighting, the use of complex staining techniques.

- Platinum ash. "Cool" color, rather dark, with a pronounced sheen. Well in harmony with light eyes, graphic clear haircuts

- Dark ash or graphite. It has a pronounced blue-violet tint, this color allows brunettes not to radically change the color - white in the base can be replaced with light lightening. Ideal in combination with olive skin, it is also suitable for white-skinned women with cold eyes. Natural fair-haired girls can try on bright graphite without additional lightening.

- Purple ash blonde. Suitable for bright modern girls. Such complex coloring requires a very light base - ideally, you need to be a natural blonde. It is important to be prepared for a thorough hair styling, to keep the skin clean.

- Light honey blonde. In the cold version, it is also referred to as ash. In this case, the coloring should gravitate towards light brown, and not towards yellow, warm shades.

- Light brown with ash pink strands. Looks very impressive, looks good in combination with the images of very young, bright and daring girls. Playful and flirty pink strands are made using the technique of veil highlighting, shatush or in the form of highlights.

- Cold steel. A pure color that is often used in combination with dark roots. It looks very impressive and requires a lot of skill when painting. Steel blond looks good in combination with dark skin and light complexion.

- Ash brown. One of the most fashionable color options for warm color types. The main thing is to maintain a cold range when staining, without leaving it in gold and yellowness. This tone with a bright purple tint looks spectacular and bold.

Each of these colors can add sophistication, luxury and chic to the appearance of a girl, a woman. It is only important to choose the right shade correctly.
Choice of paint
When used at home, it will be difficult to achieve radical color changes. The finished dyes change their shade by 2-4 tones. The best choice would be to use color creams that provide maximum ease of application. Among the popular options, there are several products from well-known brands.
- Koleston by Wella. Time-tested series of dyes. There are enough tones in the palette to create a spectacular ash shade. You can choose a clarifier to pre-color your hair.

- High Blond Deluxe by Estel. Among the three cold ash shades, you can find interesting color schemes - fashionable ash brown, beige and purple. The lightening series ensures the safety of dyeing, contains substances that protect the hair.

- Matrix. Ammonia-free paint for a gentle change in hair color. There are almost half of the cold tones in the blond palette, there is even a cold ash brown.

- Casting Creme Gloss L'Oreal. The collection includes 5 cold blondes that allow you to try on a delicate pearl shade of ashy or brighter versions of it without harming your hair.

- Palette "Fitolinia"... Natural light brown and ash shades are presented here in a fairly wide range. The shades are clean, you can mix them with the trendy tones of the same brand to enhance the effect.

- Garnier Color Naturals. In the natural line of brand dyes, those who are planning to purchase an ashy shade of hair should try on a pearl shade, very expressive and light.

- Ollin. Professional grade paint. Ash tones are marked with a special mark “no yellowness”.

Almost all do-it-yourself paints can be purchased at mass-market stores. Professional products are sold only in salons or specialty stores.
How does the staining work?
The simplest option for dyeing in ash blond is temporary toning of blond hair with a tint shampoo or paint with a short duration.In this case, it will be enough to apply a tint and rinse it off at the first shampooing. The method is suitable for natural and colored blondes.

In all other cases, you will first have to use a powder blontoran - a clarifier that radically changes the shade by 6-8 tones. In professional salons, for 1 staining, a tone change of up to 10 tones can be achieved. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Then toning is already done.

On beige or light brown strands, you can immediately apply the desired ash tone, but the result will be warmer, with a brown undertone. It is very difficult to perform repainting from yellow and red at home. You can get a clean cold tone only after lightening, with the right selection of blue and purple mixtons.

A brunette with dark roots may not give up the natural color completely - you can make a fashionable ombre coloring. However, when repainting individual strands, and with a radical change in shade, you will have to act according to a certain scheme.
- Staining is carried out using 20% peroxide. The powder is mixed with an oxidizing agent in a 1: 1 ratio and thoroughly mixed. The composition is applied to all painted surfaces. If the roots are colored, you need to start with them. The head is covered with a cap, the paint is kept for 60 minutes.
- Hair is toned with a 10 level professional dye... It is mixed with peroxide in a 2: 1 ratio. The composition is applied to the hair and kept for 60 minutes. Then it is washed off, the hair is dried.
- For a more intense ash color, a semi-permanent violet dye can be used. It is used by mixing with conditioner to consolidate the staining results.
When dyeing hair with a predominant yellow, red, chestnut pigment in ashy color, you can get a green tint of the strands. When repainting previously colored curls, it is recommended to first use a wash.

Curl care
After dyeing in ashy blond, the strands will need intensive care. The more radical the lightening, the more the hair will suffer. Thinned, porous curls will have to provide intensive rehabilitation therapy. Sometimes experts, for better color retention, recommend lamination of their surface after painting. In addition, there are several points to add to your daily care.
- Using professional color preservation products. The purple pigment shampoo will help prolong the brightness and uniformity of the color. Among the real hits are the Blond Me series, Bonacure Color Freeze Silver.

- The use of tinting agents. They will allow you to hide the difference with growing roots, get rid of unnecessary yellowness.

- Refusal to use hot tongs, hair dryers or the use of special thermal protective equipment.

- Additional food. It consists in using special caring masks, at least 2-3 times a week. Wraps based on coconut oil will be useful, providing intensive hair restoration.

Ash hair color remains truly fashionable, relevant and popular. But its owners will have to carefully take care of maintaining the brightness of the shade, and pay maximum attention to maintaining the health of the strands. Professional salon coloring, thermal protection, intensive nourishment and moisturizing of hair will help to save it.

The next video shows you how to dye your hair ash blond.