Sandy hair color: shades, choice of dyes, coloring and care

The most common way to change your look is hair coloring. But if you do not approach this matter with due responsibility, your image will not be very attractive. For lovers of a light look, many hairstyle masters recommend opting for sand color. Over the past few years, it has become very popular and has attracted the attention of many women.

Shade feature
The peculiarity of this shade is that it will suit the owners of both light and dark skin, regardless of the shape of the face.

The main advantage is that this color hides many flaws. Many masters argue that it is quite easy to choose makeup for such hair, almost any clothes are harmoniously combined with them.
In addition, all shades of sandy hair color are not striking, the girl will look elegant, regardless of age. For older women, this color is much younger and refreshing.

Who is it for?
The answer to this question is not so difficult. It depends on the feelings of the woman and the color type of the appearance - the parameter from which stylists and makeup artists make a start during the selection of the image. Not all girls feel comfortable with too light hair, preferring black, red or chestnut shades. Usually, calm representatives of the fair sex, with a soft character and tanned skin, are painted in sandy color.
So, women with brown, green or blue eyes, with a dark skin tone can fearlessly repaint... This image will suit them perfectly.Today, you can achieve a huge number of shades of sand, so that even girls with the lightest skin, if desired, can safely dye this color. However, you should be careful or entrust this work to a professional.
If you choose a color that is even one tone lower than the desired one, then your image will become faceless. Sand color is suitable for natural blondes or brown-haired women.

How to choose shades?
Paradoxically, the sand color is versatile and individual at the same time. There are a lot of shades - from the lightest tones to beige. Every woman who wants to dye this color should see the difference in them. All color shades are conventionally divided into the following main groups.
- Sandy blond. This color is suitable for both young girls and older women.

- Golden sand. This color is most often chosen by young girls of student age. Not suitable for everyone.

- Sandy blonde. A very popular color. It is especially common among Hollywood stars.

Before buying, it is worth considering that one and the same color, but may differ greatly from different manufacturers. Plus, the color palette for each company also differs. In simple terms, the "white sand" from Garnier may be slightly darker than that from Pallette. Before buying, you can not ignore the natural color. If your "native" color is chestnut, then the paint should be taken in light shades.
If you do not want to lighten dark hair, and then re-dye it, then you can opt for darker sand tones, for example, "Platinum Blond No. 111".

How to achieve the desired shade?
If you have a natural hair color - light, then dyeing it in sand will be as easy as shelling pears. However, owners of natural dark colors may find it difficult to color. Hair should be lightened in advance. To do this, they buy not only paint of the desired color, but also a clarifier. You need to lighten dark hair in a few steps. For owners of shoulder-length hair, only 1 pack is enough, if the hair is longer - 2. After the first stage of lightening, the hair may begin to give off a yellow color. This is fine. After the second stage, the color will even out.
It is because of the appearance of yellowness that brunettes and brown-haired women are not advised to paint in sandy color. In many salons, instead of the usual lightening, they resort to the use of bronding, glare highlighting. Ombre staining technique is no less common. Thanks to lightening, the hair will not lose its natural beauty, turning into a sandy shade.
Please note that this color is not suitable for all natural brunettes. The fact is that many dark-haired girls have an olive complexion, so blonde hair will look inorganic.

Thanks to highlighting, owners of dark hair can make themselves several strands of a sandy shade. This technique gives the girl a certain exclusivity and originality. Ombre is a technique for dyeing the ends of the hair. First, they are discolored, and then painted in sand. This technique poses no threat to the skin and hair roots due to the fact that the dye and clarifier are applied only to the ends. This technique has many advantages. If you are not satisfied with the new image, then you do not have to repaint again, you can simply cut the ends or paint them in the desired color, for example, in chestnut.
Blondes will not have any problems, because clarification is not required. You need to choose the tone of the sand color, starting from the color of the eyes and the natural color of the hair.
If you have green, brown or black eyes, then the ideal option would be dark shades of sand. For blue-eyed women, golden or white tones are more suitable.

Coloring features
The hair dyeing process is always divided into several steps. First, they buy paint and check if there is any allergy to it. Next, you should wash your hair and dye it.It is worth waiting 30 minutes and rinsing off the paint. Each of the steps will be described in more detail below.
The selection of the dye is directly influenced by the structure of the hair and the characteristics of the skin. Not everyone knows, but the hair is actually a lot lighter than it looks. To determine the real hair color, lift a small section and look at it in the light. Staining is strictly prohibited if there are wounds on the scalp, even if they are minimal. First, eliminate the ailment and only then start painting. Otherwise, the consequences may be far from pleasant. There are some rules that must be followed during the dyeing process: the ends of the hair should be lighter than at the base, and the back of the curls is made darker than the front.

Allergy check
The susceptibility test is fairly straightforward. Dilute some dye and apply to the skin behind the ear. Next, expect a day. If during the day the skin on the stained place begins to redden, obvious irritation has become noticeable, it means that the product did not suit you.

Hair washing
Many neglect this point. However, not everyone knows how to properly wash their hair before painting. The fact is that if the hair is not completely dirty, then it is better to skip this point, since the fatty layer protects the skin from the negative effects of chemical elements. If you still need to wash, you only need to wet your hair so that water does not get on the scalp.

Paint application.
- Professionals recommend lubricating the skin along the edges of the hair with any cream. Thanks to this technique, whiskey, forehead and other areas of the skin will remain unpainted.
- You need to dye your hair only with the gloves that come with the kit. This will prevent your nails from ruining or getting your hands dirty.
- It is forbidden to use metal containers during the painting process. Plastic or ceramic products will do.
- Do not dilute the paint long before applying it to the hair.
First, the hair is divided into 4 parts. As a result, 3 partings are obtained, along which paint should be applied. After that, the back of the head is stained. The temporal and frontal parts are painted last. The process of applying paint takes about 15-20 minutes. Otherwise, the staining will be uneven.

If you are lightening your hair, then the paint should be kept for at least 35 minutes. However, take your time to wash off the paint, first check if the areas are well stained. This is done with a comb. Part of the hair is parting, the color at the ends of the hair and at the base should be the same. If the paint is uneven, it should be kept for another 15 minutes.
Next, we start emulsification. It is the process of washing off the dye from the head, giving the hair a beautiful silky shine. To do this, apply some water to the head, lather and massage the mixture all over the head. You can wash your hair only after completing all the above points.
Rinse your hair with water the first time to rinse off the remaining mixture, then you can use shampoo. You can purchase a neutralizing balm to help get rid of paint residues.

How to care?
After you have dyed your hair, they must be especially looked after.
- If you are using a hair dryer, try to dry with cold air. Professionals do not recommend using a hairdryer after staining.
- You cannot use the pool for several days. And after going there, you should make special masks.
- Be aware that lightening dark hair will result in split ends. After dyeing, you will most likely have to visit a salon to correct your hairstyle.
- You need to take care of your hair only with special products. There are shampoos for colored hair. Use a hair balm after washing.

Summing up the above, we can say that the sandy shade is suitable for girls of any age. Darker colors add elegance, while lighter colors highlight the eyes, emphasize the contour of the face, hiding imperfections.

You can look at the beauty of the sandy blonde further.