Platinum blond: shades and dyeing technology

Hair coloring in shades of platinum blonde is at the peak of popularity this season. On the streets of the city, in nightclubs and beaches, you can meet a lot of girls whose hair has just such a color scheme. Beauty industry experts argue that the popularity of such toning will not subside by next year. The reason for the success of the platinum blonde is that this shade makes the facial features more expressive, bright, and the look itself - cocky and sexy.

The shade "platinum" looks very stylish in its pure form, but it is quite difficult to get it at home - low-quality paint or mistakes during the toning itself lead to the fact that, instead of a luxurious blonde, you will get an unpleasant yellow tint at best, and at worst - Fairly injured hair, the restoration of which will have to spend a lot of money, time and effort.

Keep in mind that dyeing blonde hair is much easier than dyeing dark hair. For brunettes, this process will require preliminary bleaching, which means that you will have to visit the master at least 2 times. Moreover, every professional colorist will say that the purity of the color depends not only on the degree of lightening of the hair and the brand of dye - it is also important to have the skills to correctly combine shades, neutralize yellowish-red pigments and accurately calculate the required exposure time of the composition. Only in this case can you achieve a noble platinum shade on your hair.

But all the effort spent on getting a new shade will certainly be justified - a platinum blonde looks really luxurious on your hair.
Long hair in this tone gains additional volume, while short hair looks longer.

Hair color goes well both with straight hair and with a multi-level gradient haircut, styled in a "light mess". This look is the most sought after among glamorous ladies who love bohemian style. It is not for nothing that this color scheme was preferred by Marilyn Monroe, who for many decades has been considered a symbol of sexuality and femininity all over the world.

Who is it suitable for?
Platinum blonde is a very moody color. When choosing this tone, it is necessary to feel well the line that separates the luxurious blond look from the comical and awkward look. In order not to become an object of ridicule, you need to choose your own shade of cold platinum, and for this you should take into account the woman's color type.
Platinum always looks good on women of the winter type, who are characterized by pale skin, blue or blue eyes. In some cases, the blond looks spectacular on the owners of green or brown eyes, but only if milky-white porcelain skin comes with them.

It is desirable that the features of the lady's face were as expressive as possible - otherwise, against the background of a catchy mop, the face will be "lost" and will be completely invisible.
Platinum blonde has an age limit. This color suits young girls who easily allow themselves bold and extravagant looks. Ladies, whose age has passed the 30-year age limit, it is better to stay on more natural shades. However, if a woman has a well-groomed appearance, a fit figure and a properly selected wardrobe, then such a color scheme can look very impressive on a returning lady.

But to whom the platinum color does not suit at all - it is women with dark skin, olive, golden, swarthy, for such young ladies it is better to make a choice in favor of linen, honey and golden shades.
Color palette
Platinum is the purest shade of blond, cold with an icy steel fusion without signs of yellowness and copper. The most common variations of this color scheme are considered to be several shades.
- Ultra Platinum Blonde - almost white hair. This radiant vibrant tone works equally well on long and short hair.

- Platinum silver - pure whitish platinum with a silvery tint. Typically, a metallic shade is created through the use of silver shampoos or semi-permanent paints.
However, if you plan to dye this color at home, then keep in mind that you should not keep the dye on your hair for more than 10 minutes, otherwise you risk becoming the owner of an almost natural gray hair, and not at all a fashionable shining tone.

- Platinum blonde - the warmest representative of the platinum range. It is slightly darker than the first two options, since light-brown tints are clearly visible on the white strands. This tone looks like burnt out in the sun, and is considered the most natural of all its companions.

- Pearl Is a platinum color with a pearlescent beige sheen.

- Ashen - darkened shade. It is similar to gray, it is characterized by unobtrusive gray notes.

Staining techniques
Platinum color can be used for full or partial coloring.
In the first case, the entire hair volume is toned. This technique requires preliminary bleaching and the use of professional dye products - otherwise the emulsion will be unevenly distributed throughout the hair, and the effect will be “cheap” and dirty.

Most often, girls resort to accent when strands of pure white color are used in combination with other shades to add brightness, glamor and unique style to an image. It should be noted that in the technique of partial dyeing, the use of platinum is not limited to the winter color type - cold blonde strands or platinum hair ends in the image can be adopted by the fair sex with any type of appearance.

Among the most popular techniques, there are several common versions.
This dyeing option involves a combination of many thin strands of different colors. Most often, platinum and light blond tones are combined. This creates a slight effect of strands burnt out in the sun, visually increases the thickness of the hair, but at the same time preserves the color gamut.

For the most daring and daring, we can recommend creative solutions. - for example, combinations of platinum with greens, purples, blues, blacks, pinks and other bright shades.

Balayage and ombre
These are interesting techniques for toning hair with "horizontal" color stripes located across the direction of hair growth. These methods involve a gradient transition from one shade to another. (as a rule, from light to dark), but at the same time balayazh is distinguished by a greater softness of overflows. Lovers of the classics usually create a gradient from light brown platinum to its silvery-white color scheme.

However, extravagant options are also possible here. Lovers of standing out from the crowd often use white shades, turning into blue, purple and raspberry colors.

Platinum is often used for highlighting. Usually the main color is a couple of shades darker - thus the effect of light playing in the sun is achieved. Owners of natural light hair are very suitable for creating the effect of regrown roots - keep in mind that in this case there should be no sharp contrast, otherwise you will turn from a stylish girl into an unkempt person.

Lovers of pure blonde often resort to zonal coloring - in this case, only the shade of the upper strands changes, the lower ones are tinted in a golden, light brown-wheaten or light brown shade.

Subtleties of painting
For a platinum hue, it is best to hire an experienced colorist. Be prepared for the fact that this procedure will not be cheap at all, although many factors affect the final cost:
- the initial shade of the hair - affects the total number of bleaching procedures;
- hair type - natural or previously dyed;
- used coloring and bleaching compositions;
- the complexity and time of work - in this case, we mean full or partial toning, as well as the subtleties of using various techniques;
- the level of the salon and the professionalism of the master.

On average, the price tag for salon coloring starts at 1,500 rubles. Nevertheless, communication with a colorist will be the best choice for girls who decide to change their hair color to platinum blonde.
Only an experienced hairdresser knows how to mix different shades, how to neutralize pigments obtained in the course of previous tints.

But if you are determined to achieve platinum on your own, the first step is to choose the right paint. At the same time, it is better to forget about the compositions presented in the mass market right away - only professional products that can be bought in beauty salons or specialized stores correspond to your goals.
Nowadays, store shelves are full of the widest selection of all kinds of paints and tonics, but you should not rush into a purchase. A high price is not always an indicator of high quality and a guarantee of a good result. The best are professional products from L'Oreal, Wella and Garnier Olia. The platinum shades of the brands Estel, Palette, Schwarzkopf and Syoss received good reviews.

Before toning, the hair will certainly bleach; for this, clarifiers are used, produced in three versions:
- water based formulations - they contain a low percentage of peroxides and are optimal for initially light curls;
- oil - suitable for brown-haired women and women with brown hair, thanks to the special structure, the damage caused to the hair is neutralized, and brittleness and split strands can be avoided;
- powders - These funds are called "heavy artillery", they are optimal for black and difficult to lighten hair.

Before the procedure, be sure to do a small tolerance test - Apply a small amount of the composition to the skin at the elbow, then watch the reaction. If you notice redness, bloating, swelling, rash or soreness, stop using the drug. If you have weakened or previously dyed hair, it will not be superfluous to additionally check on a small lock - if after applying the composition it “shrivels”, then turn to less strong clarifiers.
The clarification process is followed by coloring. Between these stages, at least a day should pass, depending on the quality of the coloring composition, the degree of pigment penetration, as well as the shade stability and its durability, vary.
To work you will need:
- gloves;
- clamps;
- brush;
- application brush;
- cape.

The staining technique involves several steps.
- The entire shovel must be divided into 4 parts, each one fixed with clamps.
- Dilute the paint according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Next, you need to proceed directly to staining. To do this, each strand is dissolved and dyed evenly in the direction from the roots to the tips. First, they paint the front strands, then proceed to the back ones.

When all the hair has been processed, you need to comb it with a brush and withstand the time indicated on the package with the dye.
After dyeing, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm running water.
A little life hack: if you want the pigment to stay on your hair as long as possible, and at the same time not ruin the curls much, 4-5 days before the procedure you need to apply a special emollient oil to your hair, preferably at night, and rinse off in the morning. And, of course, do not forget to use sulfate-free hair balm after coloring.

How to care?
Platinum-colored hair requires special care to prevent yellowing.
It is best to use shampoos with a silvery shade for washing., and after washing, it is advisable to apply conditioners containing purple pigment.

Growing roots require regular lightening and subsequent toning. To do this, every 1.5-2 months, the hair in the root zone is lightened and dyed, and paint is applied to the rest of the length for 10-15 minutes to maintain the color.

Every 7-14 days, hair needs masks that restore hair structure after bleaching. You can use ready-made products, and lovers of natural cosmetics can resort to "grandmother's" recipes.

For example, a mask of kefir and lemon juice has proven itself well. These substances help nourish and moisturize hair, and also remove yellowness.
To maintain the radiance of the color, use toners or tint shampoos every 1.5-2 weeks. They will cause minimal damage to your hair, as they wash off much faster than permanent dyes.
The shampoo application technique is simple. First, the head is washed with shampoo in the usual way, and with repeated washing, the required amount of the product is distributed over the entire head of hair and withstand the time recommended by the manufacturer.

Professionals recommend platinum blondes to use the formulations of the brands L'Oreal, Irida, Rokolor, Schwarzkopf. The assortment line of these brands includes platinum, pearl and ash blondes.

Of the masks, Color Lux from Belita is recommended, as well as Estel, KayPro Color Mask.
In conclusion, a few words about the image of the platinum blonde. In order for the color to look as harmonious and advantageous as possible, its owner should pay special attention to her haircut, makeup and her wardrobe.

If we talk about hairstyles, stylists recommend something textured to the owners of silver curls, for example, a cascade, garcon or pixie. A square looks very impressive, which combines thick straight bangs and pointed ends on the sides. If you prefer straight curls, then you should pay attention to the ladder, for lovers of long hair platinum "Aurora" is suitable.

Makeup for platinum should be neutral and shaded as best as possible. It is better to use mascara in a brown shade, special attention should be paid to eyeliner and eyebrow coloring. Bright lips - scarlet or violet-brown tones - will make the image as complete as possible, however, a caramel tone is quite suitable for everyday going to work or school.

No hairstyle will look spectacular if the woman is wearing sloppy, gaudy clothes. Platinum blonde suits cold shades: white, black, blue, light blue or pink.

Secrets of a pure platinum blonde in the video below.