Stretching blond hair: features and types of techniques

Every year the beauty industry offers women more and more new ideas. Stretching is one of the most popular staining methods that many girls like. In this article, we will go into detail about this procedure and offer options for hair of any length and color.

What it is?
Stretching hair color is considered the most popular dyeing technique. Its peculiarity lies in the smooth transition from one shade to another. The darker color at the roots gradually turns into a lighter color at the tips. At the same time, the transition itself looks very natural and beautiful. This result is achieved due to the fact that the natural shade of the client's hair is taken as a basis. The master does not begin his work immediately from the roots, but stepping back a few centimeters.

This procedure has a fairly large number of advantages, especially in comparison with standard highlighting. First of all, it should be noted natural and natural look of styling, obtained with a gradient - a smooth transition of shade... Since stretching starts at a distance from the base, you do not need to worry about the need for constant touch-up.
As a rule, the root part is not touched at all, but at the request of the client, they can tint with the paint that is as close as possible in shade.

Hair coloring by stretching will be a salvation for girls with problem skin, since the effect of burnt-out strands distracts all attention to themselves. The procedure is gentle, as the roots are not affected.The curls become visually thicker and more voluminous, and the styling looks much more beautiful. Another advantage of the gradient is that it hides split ends, so you can put off your haircut for a while.

Unfortunately, this staining technique also has its drawbacks, however, there are very few of them. Stretching the color cannot be done on very short hair, as lack of length will not allow for a smooth transition. It should also be noted that it is difficult to perform the procedure at home: it will be possible to stretch the color only in a beauty salon, where they take a lot of money for this. The cost of such staining is about 7,000 rubles. Of course, if you are good at painting yourself, you can try a gradient too, but the technique is too complicated.

Choice of shade
The shade is chosen depending on the natural hair color of the client.

Girls with a natural light shade of strands are much more fortunate than others, since on blond hair you can stretch the color without preliminary processing. However, the work must be done by a professional, as the beige base is quite finicky and with illiterate application and maintenance, strong yellowness may appear, which will reduce the cost of the image.

The optimal shade for blondes is white, light blond, wheat, copper, golden and other natural colors. Of course, you can dye your hair and unusual, for example, do platinum gradient interspersed with pink, violet, blue, turquoise and other shades.

Girls with light brown strands most often turn to masters to change the natural color, as it looks too faded. Color stretching is the best option. In this case, blonding can be done both vertically and horizontally. On light brown hair, the gradient looks like fading curls under the sun. This technique looks very natural and gentle. Choose a shade of stretch marks should based on the color type of the face... It is advisable for cold young ladies to give preference to pearl, ash and mother-of-pearl colors.
For a warm type, golden and honey tones will be optimal.

Dark-haired ladies will be able to appreciate the gradient, since it is on their strands that it will be most noticeable. The contrast between dark base and light ends looks very impressive. In this case, several options for techniques are offered at once, each of which will look great. You can stretch the color only at the ends, along the entire length, starting from the face, or process individual strands.
For girls with dark curls, it will be optimal copper, golden and wheat blond... It is recommended to treat the hair roots, slightly lightening them with a caramel, chocolate or coffee shade.

Dyeing methods
Beauty salons offer a large number of techniques based on the color stretching procedure. Depending on the method, the gradient can be applied from the roots, from the middle of the hair, or at the very ends. The most popular techniques are balayage, shatush and ombre. They differ in the sharpness of the transition from a dark shade to a light one. Sombre, flamboyant, California highlights are also in great demand. The choice of this or that technique completely depends on the taste preferences of the client.

It is quite difficult to create a gradient on your hair yourself, so it is recommended to contact a professional craftsman. However, if your hand is already "full" for dyeing your hair, with a competent approach, you can achieve a good result. If you are going to perform the procedure at home, it is important to choose the right oxidizer. For blondes with thin hair, 3% is suitable, for owners of a dense structure - 6%, and for girls with dark, thick curls, it is recommended to give preference to 9-12%.

Do not wash your hair before lightening, as the oxidizing agent can severely damage the strands. When using styling products, you can wash your hair the day before the procedure. First you need to comb well and moisten the strands with a special tool. Next, several identical tails are tied, and a clarifier is applied to the ends.
It is necessary to do everything very quickly so that pigment removal from each tail is carried out almost simultaneously.

Then the composition is applied to the middle of the length and slightly to the upper part. Each tail must be wrapped in foil and wait from 10 minutes to half an hour... The waiting time depends on the desired result. The final step will be to wash your hair and then moisturize the curls with a balm. You can use a hairdryer or curling iron immediately. If desired, allowed using coloring balms on the ends for a more original look.

Coloring taking into account the length of the curls
Methods for dyeing hair by stretching the color should be selected depending on the length.

Masters love to carry out this procedure on long hair, from 25 cm, since it is on them, the effect of the transition from a dark shade to a light one occurs most smoothly and beautifully. Owners of long strands can afford to use more than two tones. Professionals, on the other hand, are able to make an incredibly effective transition using up to 10 shades, especially when working with dark curls.
To begin with, retreat a couple of centimeters from the base in order to preserve the natural color. Gradually, it flows into a lighter shade until it turns into a real blond at the very ends. If you are a bright and extraordinary person, you can add color to the white curls. Shades of purple, raspberry and turquoise look very beautiful.

For owners of bob or shoulder-length hair, a gradient is also suitable. By stretching the shade on medium-length hair, you can make the styling visually more voluminous and shiny. With this staining, facial features become softer, and the woman herself looks much younger.
Blonding interspersed with bright colors will give the image a "zest" and emphasize your individuality. Of course, there is less room for swing on medium-length hair, so the transition from dark to light will be a little sharper. In this case, you can use up to 5 shades. If the girl is the owner of bangs, then painting is done in a similar way.
They retreat from the roots somewhere about a centimeter and begin a gradual transition to blonde.

Among the modern representatives of the fair sex, there are many lovers of very short haircuts. The gradient in this case will not only give a more spectacular look to the hair, but also bring femininity to the image. Stretch staining visually add volume and soften the shape of the face. In this case, the procedure must be performed by a highly qualified master who can ensure the color transition at such a short length.
Usually, literally 2-3 mm recede from the roots, and then they begin to lighten the rest of the strands, giving the tips a golden hue... The gradient on short curls will suit a woman of any age, it will smooth out angular facial features and visually reduce a large nose. This hairstyle will look great both in the daytime and at an evening event.

Follow-up care
Since the hair structure can be seriously damaged during lightening, after stretching it is necessary to provide them with proper care. Be sure to use means for colored curls.
Limit the use of straightening irons and styling products. The hair dryer can only be used with the cold air function.Apply moisturizing and nourishing masks, oils or deep penetrating serums a couple of times a week, which can restore the structure of the curls from the inside. You can not comb wet strands and wash your hair daily. The next procedure can be carried out after 3 months.

For information on how to make a smooth stretch of color, see the next video.