Stretching color on light brown hair

Knowing that solid coloring presupposes staining the roots in the future, many women of fashion have come to the conclusion that it is better not to use a uniform tone - the stretch of color looks much more beautiful on the hair, and the regrown strands look more natural and do not spoil the overall appearance.

A dyeing technique that provides a smooth transition between dark and light shades on the hair - this is the stretch. It can be done on short, medium and long hair, except for very short haircuts, where there is no space for color blending.
The methods of achieving it are different, and each has its own specifics.
- Ombre carried out in the presence of two tones: dark - at the roots and light - at the ends, while the horizontal transition is actually blurred.

- Balayazh - a similar method, which provides for the vertical growth of the original color into an artificial one, with it the tips are lightened by 3-4 tones lighter than the natural color.

- Shatush classic is mainly used on medium length hair and short curls, the light version is suitable for long strands. To avoid rough lines, fleece is applied during painting. An indent from the roots is always required.

- Sunlight is relevant for short hair - in general, the result is obtained as when staining using a shatush.

- Flamboyage - highlighting with subsequent application of pronounced or muted fire tones, smooth overflows are achieved thanks to the use of adhesive tape, which isolates the distance between individual strands.

In addition, there are other ways to get stretch marks - bronding, sombre, baby lights, which are used for various features of the hair, including its length.Light brown hair color is considered ideal for stretching tones.
The peculiarity of stretching for long hair is using a cut of several tones (up to 8-10), moreover, a certain distance from the roots remains in a natural tone, which gradually brightens towards the tips, and blond is most intensely manifested on them. Shades do not have to be natural - colors such as scarlet, burgundy, turquoise, ultraviolet and many others are in fashion.

If the color is stretched on medium-long hair, then the number of tones is noticeably reduced, but this does not exclude a beautiful overflow of 2-3 and several shades. In addition, the curls processed using this technique look thicker, more voluminous, brighten up the sharp features of the appearance.
On short hair, various techniques also increase the splendor of the hairstyle, smooth out the rough oval, and visually make the large nose smaller. This is ideal for ladies of all ages.
Beautiful shades and transitions can be created on the curls of a natural light brown tone.

Color palette
On light and dark blond hair of various lengths, the stretch is carried out and looks different. The main condition is the correct choice of the color palette.
For light blond hair, lightening dyes may be suitable, of course, blondes. You can enhance the smooth transitions of contrasting darker and more radiant undertones if the girl has tanned golden skin. In this case, ash and platinum will be suitable shades. Stretching in a beige tone also looks beautiful. With light yellow skin, honey, straw and golden shades of different intensities are suitable for dyeing according to a fashionable method.

A more varied palette of tones is designed for dyeing dark blond curls. The most daring options are possible here.
Tones that can be used:
- coffee and cocoa;
- light ash;
- caramel;
- amber;
- copper;
- all shades of chocolate.

For this, chestnut or chocolate colors are used at the roots, and the ends are painted in golden, wheat, reddish, bright blond. With the same success, you can create a range of closer natural shades that match the original base color, only intensifying and darkening them. Therefore, on light blond curls, they usually use california highlightshowever, it is also perfect for dark blond hair.

Stretching looks most impressive on long hair, and in order to hold it on short strands, you definitely need to contact a professional, since it is supposed to darken the root zone, if not done correctly, the hair can have a sloppy look. As for the medium length, color bleeding looks no worse on it than on a long length.... Hairstyles such as a bob, an elongated bob, and other hairstyles with graduation are especially organically suitable for these purposes.

The nuances of staining
When deciding to paint on their own, girls will need to study the rules for carrying out this process, otherwise, you may not get a good result.
- For fair-haired ladies, a few days before dyeing, you should not use any nourishing agents and hair oils - this will reduce the adhesion of the dye to the hair surface, and the curls may be poorly dyed.
- During dyeing, it is important that different dyes do not come into contact, for this they use adhesive tape, foil, or comb the hair. For uneven color distribution, you need to take strands of different widths - this guarantees a natural transition.
- At home, it is allowed to use not only persistent formulations, but also tint tonics (for fair-haired ladies).
- Before the procedure, you need to wash your hair and dry it naturally. However, you cannot wash your hair a couple of days before the procedure.
- California highlighting is best done in the salon, since the master uses professional products - deep cleaning shampoo that dries the strands before dyeing, and a nourishing mask after it.
In addition, the specialist is able to select flawless shades in accordance with the individual characteristics of hair, skin, facial features and eyes.

In addition, you need to know that before and after stretching on dark hair, careful hair care is necessary, the use of natural oils, herbal decoctions.
The main disadvantages of self-staining:
- you can ruin your hair using aggressive compounds;
- often women cannot achieve a smooth transition or unsuitable shades are chosen;
- during dyeing, unexpected colors may be encountered due to improper lightening.
Based on this, it is easy to conclude that it is better to entrust such a responsible event to specialists who have the experience and the necessary skills to create a perfect image on light brown hair.

For color stretching and toning, see the next video.