Pink blond: popular tones and color recommendations

Also sometimes referred to as pearl or quartz blonde, pink blond is a stylish and trendy color that has been loved by many. It looks at the same time restrained and unusual thanks to light overflows in pinkish shades. In this article, we will look at who this color is suitable for, how to choose a shade, paint, and also how to care for dyed hair.

Who is it for?
Blond is a demanding color that does not suit everyone. Despite the fact that many have at least once tried similar shades of hair on themselves, in reality they look organically only on some types of appearance.
This is especially true of pink blonde, since this color is initially brighter and more demanding.

The first thing that affects the perception of hair color is the condition of the skin. If you are thinking of dyeing your hair blonde with a pinkish tint, there are a number of nuances to consider.
- A pink blond requires, above all, a very well-groomed skin. The fact is that light tones give a special accent on the skin of the face, so imperfections can become even more obvious. This is especially true for redness - since the paint contains pink pigments, it will highlight any irritation on the skin.
- Blondes and blondes are usually people with a light complexion.... It is pale skin that looks most natural with a blond - that way, your hair will never look like a wig. The Scandinavian type of appearance goes well with any blond.
- Dark skin can sometimes look good with blond too.... Peach and olive skin tones and pinkish hair will look very vibrant and exotic. However, they can also be unnatural visually.When choosing such a coloring, keep in mind that this is always an experiment - the result can both delight you and disappoint you.

In addition to the skin, the condition of the hair itself is also important, as well as the haircuts. Here stylists are advised to proceed from the following principles.
- Like skin, hair for a strawberry blonde must be very well-groomed - you choose a catchy color, so you will receive increased attention. It is worth considering that even if the condition of your hair is good at the moment, lightening coloring can significantly harm the health of your hair - you will need very careful care and good smoothing products for styling.
- Mostly blond is chosen by owners of straight hair, not curly. Firstly, women with straight hair were more ethnically blondes, and this looks as natural as possible. Secondly, curls can look casual in such a bright color. Finally, the structure of curly hair is often more vulnerable to dye when the hair is initially softer and thinner.
- Short haircuts with a pink blond look very interesting and bold. For example, this is a pixie, bob or square. In this combination, you can easily create a bright, bold, but feminine look.
- Graduated haircuts on long hair can also look very interesting: due to the difference in the length of the strands, the light will play differently on your hair, creating interesting overflows of color. Blond pink is a complex and composite color that changes depending on the lighting. A competent hairdresser can create an interesting effect based on a cascading haircut.
- Despite the fact that the color is bright, it is very versatile for any style and hairstyle. Complex high hairstyles, soft curls, braids and ponytails will look good on a pink blonde.
- Sometimes pink blond is used for shatush or balayazh - these are dyeing options based on soft highlights that allow you to create the effect of sun-bleached hair. Blond pink works well with straw or ash shades, depending on which shade of pink you choose.

Palette of shades
The pink blond is very diverse. If you decide to dye your hair in these shades, the final effect will depend on the correct choice of a particular color. It can vary in its brightness and nuances, it can be purer or more complex. However, the main characteristic of a color is its warmth or coldness.
Here it is important to make the right choice depending on your skin tone: for northern beauty, choose a cold blond, and for dark skin, choose a warm one.

In 2019, many people prefer cold tones. Often it is platinum blond with an admixture of various pink pigments. This color looks very stylish and sophisticated in any situation. Consider the most popular cold tones in blond.
- Pearl pink - this is a delicate and barely noticeable shade, which, under certain lighting conditions, will be almost whitish, and will shimmer in translucent tones. The color of the pearls still resembles rose quartz. It is a delicate and delicate color suitable for women of any age. Very often natural blondes are painted in similar shades - this allows you to experiment with the image, but not radically change your appearance. Pearl pink tones play very nicely in the sun and look great in the summer season.

- Soft pink with light shades of fuchsia and purple - another option for a cold tone. These pigments are taken in very small proportions, they are not striking, but only create light, beautiful overflows. This is a great option for those who want to try an informal color, but cannot decide on bright colors.

- Pastel pink with raspberry tint looks great on women with pale skin. These shades look quite natural, although they are not among the natural hair colors.They are perfect for shatush as a lighter shade on ash hair.

Warm blonde tones with a pink tint should also be considered.
- Light pink peach tone often looks interesting on women with dark skin and brown eyes. This color is most relevant for the summer season. Achieving a peach hue can be tricky to keep your hair from turning yellow, but getting it done is well worth the effort. It is also imperative to wash dyed hair with special shampoos so that the color does not wash out too quickly.

- Beige and pink shades also trending this year. They look very natural and suit many people well - you can slightly vary the tone of beige from very light to close to light brown. On women with a European appearance, this color usually looks very beautiful and rarely seems unnatural.

- Caramel blonde with pink tint - these are warm, sunny, honey shades with an admixture of pink pigment. More often young girls choose this color.
It is a cheerful, full-bodied and rich tone that gives hair extra volume and attracts attention.

Choice of paint
First of all, you need to decide whether you are going to do the coloring yourself or go to the salon. One way or another, it is better to choose a professional paint. As for the brand, you can read reviews or consult a consultant in the store - different brands are good for different hair types, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

Please note that if your natural hair color is light, you can simply choose a dye that lightens 1-2 tones to blonde. The pigments in the dye will interact with the pigments in your hair, so the result may end up with a slightly darker, warmer, or colder shade than shown in the example.
If you have dark hair, you need to bleach it - it is very important to correctly follow the technology and recommendations on the packaging with paint in order to minimize harm to the hair.

If you go to a salon, usually in the salon they work with specific brands of paints - accordingly, the colorist will offer you only what is in the assortment. If you trust the reputation of the salon, you can trust the master. If in doubt, choose a salon that works with the brands whose products you have already used - this can give some guarantees that the paint will suit you.

Coloring options
The easiest way to get a pink blond is to paint with a solid color of the corresponding color. This is easy to do even at home: on short hair, you can easily distribute the dye on your hair yourself, and for long hair it is better to ask a friend for help. You will need gloves, several mirrors for a better view, and a timer to keep the time accurate.

If you follow the correct technology, the color will turn out to be even and beautiful - this coloring is suitable for both squares and graduated haircuts.
Often they make ombre or sombre with a transition from dark to strawberry blonde. The advantages of this type of coloring are many: firstly, you will not ruin your hair with discoloration too much, and secondly, such coloring will not radically change your image.

If you are inexperienced in self-coloring, to create a transition, it is better to contact the salon, however, it is quite possible to make such an option at home. It is enough to pin strands of hair at the same distance and apply paint only on the lower half - in all nuances, follow the instructions from the specific manufacturer. For an ombre with a clear border, you need to apply the paint evenly, and for a sombre with a smooth transition, you need to keep the paint at the ends longer than in the middle of the strands.

Similarly, do trendy coloration with dark roots. This is convenient because the hair will grow back imperceptibly, and you do not have to constantly tint the roots.To create an effect, simply apply the paint not from the roots, but a couple of centimeters below. Flat hairpins will help to even out the length of all the strands.

Soft highlighting options - shatush and balayazh - it is better to do it in salons. For them, you need to select the strands and wrap them with foil under the paint, while the rest of the hair is painted with another paint or left in its natural color. The result is a soft transition, reminiscent of sunburned hair. This gives the hair volume and shine.

Follow-up care
Many people know that, unfortunately, blond is washed out very quickly - this applies primarily to pink shades. Proper care is very important if you want to maintain your color for a long time: it can stay rich and attractive for more than a month if you take care of your hair correctly.

Consider the main points in caring for a pink blonde.
First of all, you need special shampoo and conditioner for colored hair. It is better if these are products of the same brand as your paint. Sometimes you can find toning shampoos that allow you to maintain the color for a long time, but their use is recommended only if the shade completely matches yours. The pink color is very capricious and complex, it can be easily interrupted by a regular blond.

Traditional shampoos for colored hair pursue two goals: to wash hair as gently as possible without drying it out, and to preserve color. They act very gently on the hair follicle, leaving it sealed to preserve the pigments.
Balm conditioner should be moisturizing and nourishing... This is especially true when you lighten dark hair to blonde. Bleaching inevitably damages the hair, it becomes thinner, prone to dryness, brittle. That's why it is necessary to nourish the hair along the entire length.

However, even if you choose good products, remember that the more often you wash your hair, the faster the color will wash out.
It is not necessary to wash your hair every day, if you do not use varnish and hard fixing products, then it is enough to wash your hair 2-3 times a week.

Since hair can be damaged after dyeing, various leave-in care products will not damage - oils and serums that support hydration. In addition, you should carefully consider the styling products. You may find it useful shine and smoothing mousses... Thanks to these tools, the hairstyle will look well-groomed and neat. In addition, with smoothing agents, the hair is less tangled and, accordingly, less mechanically damaged.

For information on how to dye your hair pastel pink, see below.