Light brown hair color: all shades and dyeing rules

It is remarkable that the times when light brown was offensively called "mouse", dull, nondescript and faded, are over. Now hundreds of thousands of blondes around the world rush to salons with one request - "give me back my fair-haired!" It turned out that for a long time being in the position of an outsider from all sorts of shades of hair broke out in first place. Light-eyed girls are often repainted in light-haired, but the owners of brown eyes also strive to acquire a delicate, very beautiful and thin hair color. Light brown is back in fashion, and it seems that it will be for a long time.

Light brown hair color is the most common option among Slavic girls. That is why they are again referring to it as a color that is as organic as possible with natural data. Once upon a time, women en masse painted in black, chasing its brightness and accent. But black demanded an equally catchy make-up, a certain choice of clothes, an even skin tone.
Over time, it turned out that cases when a naturally blond Slav woman suits a black woman are few in number. But with fair-haired - the opposite is true: it fits well with the original image, does not cause contradictions and conflicts in appearance.

Experts in the beauty industry assure that society is full of artificial brightness and gloss hysteria. Today, a woman with a bright, shimmery make-up and expressive, but completely unnatural hair color looks ridiculous and old-fashioned. Beautiful natural colors became fashionable because they made women convincing in their outer self-presentation: one does not have to guess how much effort this beauty is worth, and how much is artificial in it.Rather, on the contrary, light brown shades look so natural on curls that in most cases you cannot even guess that these are dyed hair.

And now a little biology. The natural hair color depends, as you know, on the melanin pigment, on the amount of air in the pigment itself, as well as on the coloring element produced by melanin inside the hair shaft. Melanin is responsible for the richness of the color, and two other components are responsible for its shade - pheomelanin and eumelanin. These two components are present in curls of any tone.
Eumelanin is black-brown and pheomelanin is yellow-red. But their concentration in the hair shaft is uneven, more pigments are found in the very center, and in the cuticle they are practically absent. If the human body synthesizes more eumelanin and much less pheomelanin, he will have dark hair. If eumelanin, on the contrary, is less - hair with a red undertone. If there is no pheomelanin at all, and there is not very much eumelanin either, the hair will be in an ash-gray scale.

The light brown we are interested in is a gray-brown color, if we give it a straightforward characteristic. Light brown is a palette of natural shades from light blond to dark blond; colors can include ash and copper overflows. These shades are found among the majority of Slavs. Light brown - the color that is between blond and brown-haired.
Natural color stabilizes by 5-6 years, sometimes it can change during puberty. Already after 20 years, curls sometimes lose pigmentation, and even from such a young age, gray hair can form.
Usually, the appearance of gray hair is genetically fixed, but sometimes severe and / or prolonged stress affects the process of inhibition of melanin production.

Who is it for?
The type of appearance of girls when choosing a color and shade, of course, is important. Of course, fair-haired will suit all ladies for whom this color is native. If you have been walking with light brown hair all your life, but you think that they do not suit you, try to correct the situation. The first option is to use products with reflective particles. They will cover the hair with a film that will make the curls shine. It is the radiance and silkiness that make the light brown color show all its splendor.
The second option for fair-haired, dissatisfied with their own hairstyle - lightening by 1-2 tones (or, conversely, the choice of a light brown shade is slightly darker than natural).

And also light brown will do:
- light-eyed girls with olive or very light skin;
- brown-eyed girls with light, even skin and a pleasant oval face;
- former dyed brunettes with long, straight hair;
- women who want to get out of blond;
- girls with thick hair from nature.
Of course, you need to take into account individual moments - not only skin tone and eye color, but also hair length, hairstyle, structure, age, lifestyle, preferences in make-up and clothes.

Let's look at one very illustrative example. Angelina JolieFor many years, considered almost the most beautiful woman of our time, she was a brown-haired woman, a brunette, and even a blonde. In her youth, Angie preferred radical dark colors, and then there was a fashion for a bright, without diluted and muted shades, appearance. Being in a relationship with Brad Pitt, Angelina became lighter, for a long time she had a light brown color, which softened her cocky image. Thanks to the fair-haired, the actress ceased to be associated with the femme fatale, and they paid attention to her as a philanthropist and benefactor. The light brown color has become an association with motherhood, inner harmony and poise.
Therefore, a fair-haired person goes not only in accordance with a woman's appearance, but also her position, image, desire to show herself in a certain light. If you want to become softer, more feminine, calmer - turn to light brown.

Color palette
The variety of shades of the light brown palette can be impressive - colorists are happy that technologies are developing, and masters can offer their clients the most subtle and graceful shades that maximally repeat natural solutions.
All natural shades of light brown are divided by temperature gradation into cold and warm. And this is indeed a valuable division that should not be ignored.
It is important not only to choose a color by an accurate and beautiful name, but also to find the optimal color temperature that is organic for a particular look.

Cool shades will suit those who have an appearance that disposes of such a scale. Girls with natural light brown can "jump" from one temperature to another. With age, they should take a closer look at the more youthful warm shades of light brown. But if the skin tone is even, wrinkles are not very noticeable, and the oval of the face is good, you can stay true to cold tones for a long time.
- Dark blond. There are color options where not a single warm note is present. But there are also shades (and more often they are natural), where, depending on the lighting, the color from cold can turn into warm.

- Light gray. The color suits the owners of blue eyes and fair skin. Fine hair looks even thinner with this color. Suitable for young girls with shoulder-length hair and love for large curls.

- Frosty light brown with brown undertone. It is also close to natural. It will look good on women whose appearance type is like Liv Tyler's - fair skin, expressive eyebrows and gray-blue eyes.

- Light brown with pearl. A good option for those who want to leave blonde, but not radically.

- Pearl. Close to the noble variations of blond, suitable for owners of lush hair.

- Platinum blonde. This color is preferred by many Hollywood stars. It is considered a compromise between the desire to stay in the line of blondes, while making your image more natural.

- Ashen. A noble color that will not suit everyone. Ditch this trendy shade if you have severe pigmentation on the face, blemishes and redness on the skin, noticeable age lines, very enlarged pores and base hair color with yellowish and reddish undertones.

A restrained, Nordic make-up suits cold light brown shades. A bit of a winter aura should emanate from the image: a little bit of ice in the eyes, a slight drag of mystery and restraint. You need to be so calm in choosing clothes. Vivid colors are possible, but sporadically and dosed.
The casual style is variations of gray and blue, ivory and milky purple.

The main representative of this part of the palette is the middle beard. Most Slavs are born with this hair color. And while Asians and Latinos are dreaming about this elegant shade, Slavic girls are dyed blond, become radical brunettes or bright red. But, as a rule, by the age of 30 (or even earlier) they are drawn to their native middle-brown.
If you have long and thick hair, and you want naturalness and expressiveness, turn to medium-bellied. In summer, it is quite light, with slightly burnt out locks on the face, the color looks incredibly fresh.

There are other warm shades of light brown.
- Beige. For young girls, color can add age, often it requires a bright make-up.

- Sand. A beautiful natural color, a godsend for those who constantly rush between blond and natural blond. Looks perfect on medium to long hair, straight to coarse hair.

- Light brown with honey undertone. It can be afforded by girls with freckles, who still cannot find a color complementary to their appearance. Rich, shimmering in the sun, very refreshing color.

- Light brown with golden. It also repeats natural variations, suitable for gray-eyed ladies and those with a tea-colored iris.

If you cannot determine your color temperature, contact colorists or look for analogies in stellar examples.
How to choose the right tone?
There are at least two criteria by which you need to be guided in choosing a tone. This is the color type and structure of the strands. But there is also the age and the image that you carry. For example, women of age with relatively dark skin and dark eyes decide to dye their curls light brown. On a short haircut, both temperature options will be appropriate, but warm shades look more interesting in the sunny season, cold ones - stricter and more restrained.

By color type
Everyone probably knows that beauty experts distinguish four common female color types, indicated by the names of the seasons. Let's dwell on each of them.
Spring is the warmest and sunniest color type. It includes ladies with gray, gray-green or blue iris, light skin with a peach undertone. The natural color of the curls of representatives of this type is light brown (from light to dark), and also wheat and honey. Here in the outline of these colors and look for your own version.

Summer is, despite the name, cool appearance. This is how girls look with light brown, green, gray-blue and dark gray eyes. They have yellow-olive skin, since the vessels are located close to the epidermis. By nature, women in the summer category are fair-haired, and their natural color is often with an ash tint.
Women of this color type are advised to dye their hair pearl and platinum blond, silver and ash shades, as well as ash blond. A golden tint in the hair is undesirable - the skin will become tired and yellowish.

Autumn is a swarthy red-haired girl with brown or green eyes. Auburn, brown-haired women, owners of chestnut color with a red tint belong to this color type. The light brown color is outside the preferred fall category for women. Unless bronze-blond or light-brown may be appropriate.

Winter is an oriental type of appearance. These are dark brown or black eyes, dark or beige skin, black or dark brown natural hair color. Light brown is also rarely suitable for them. Girls of this color type often dream of a blonde, but it makes them plain. Nothing will suit them better than natural black, bluish black or cherry black. And fair-haired, alas, also deprives them of expressiveness, brightness, violates the organic nature of the image. Unless you can try a rich dark blond for a change of scenery.

By the structure of the strands
Everything is simpler here, although you will not find universal recipes either. Generally, the darker the color, the thicker the hair appears. Therefore, if you have naturally thin hair, choosing light blond options, you only risk exacerbating the impression. The only way out is to do volume, curls, waves, high hairstyles that distract from natural data.
Curly hair can look equally impressive with different versions of light brown. But in principle, curls look more advantageous when the color plays, when part of the hair seems to have burned out in the sun.
As practice shows, light shades of light brown are more preferable for owners of curls.

Painting techniques
There are several options for making your hair light brown. And a one-color, uniform home coloring is far from the best of them. Short hair is less demanding on the choice of technique. But haircuts of medium length and long curls should only be serviced by professional colorists. To get a deep color with natural transitions, so that the dyeing passes without doubtful stripes and spots, so that the total mass of hair does not discord with more saturated bangs - go to a specialist. It doesn't matter if you completely repaint or just freshen up the color.
Today, virtually any professional coloring is considered difficult. And it's not so difficult to dye your hair with deliberately white ends, as to create an attractive illusion of natural color.

The most popular techniques include several variations.
- Classic coloring. Everything is simple here - the master sees a good, solid, healthy base that does not require clarification. He applies the color from the roots to the ends of the hair, starting from the parietal zone, resulting in a deep uniform color, which only remains to be maintained.

- Obmre. In this case, only the ends of the hair are lightened and tinted. It is worth noting that the fashion for such coloring is leaving. And many girls who decide to expose their natural light brown curls to a fashionable trend simply cut off the white ends. Returning to a uniform natural color turns out to be more difficult than parting with length.

- Shatush. Choosing this technique, the master applies glare of honey and light brown all over the hair in a chaotic manner. It looks nice, voluminous, but there is one drawback. This neat variegation can quickly get bored, and you want an even, calm tone. And it won't be so easy to achieve it.

- Pixel coloring. Not all masters take it up. The dye has to be applied using special stencils, a pattern is formed on the hair canvas. This is not such a popular technique, and it will not become widespread.

- Highlighting. If you are tired of light brown, with which you go all your life, you can freshen it up with a very superficial, light highlighting with the effect of burnt hair.

And although there is a light brown to light brown strife, an even color without specially made highlights and overflows is the main request of modern women of fashion. Perhaps the fashion for graceful simplicity has come - modern cosmetics allow girls with not very bright facial features to look very beautiful and stylish, and a radical hair color in such an image is inappropriate. Or maybe people just missed the light brown color, which had been in the shade for so long and so unfairly that it became exotic for a while.

Curl care
There are 10 strict, proven, rigorous rules of hair care after dyeing that apply to fair-haired women too. Do not ignore the rules, you will enjoy long-lasting color and healthy curls.
- You cannot wash your hair on the day of staining. The maximum that is allowed is to wash off the paint. Without using special shampoos and other usual means. If you dyed your hair in the morning, and decided to wash it in the evening for ease of styling, you negatively affect the color fastness. In the process of dyeing, the hair cuticle opens so that the dye penetrates deeply into the hair. And after drying, and after styling, the color is not yet finished, it is not completely fixed. To make the color "shrink", wash your hair at least 3 days after staining.
- Shampoo and conditioner should be strictly for colored hair. If you choose another, the color will wash out faster. Special means really work in a different way, they cover the hair scale and prevent the light brown color from being washed out. Products with sulphates and parabens are partly a thing of the past, this is a very harsh and coarse cleaning of hair.
- Avoid overheating. So you want to dye your curls in a noble light brown and show off under the summer sun. Alas, you won't be able to show off for a long time, ultraviolet light will destroy the pigment, the color will begin to fade. Therefore, it would be nice to get a fashionable headdress, or dose the time spent in the sun. Use thermal protection if you don't want light brown to start giving off a green undertone.
- Wash your hair gently. Washing your hair is a gentle massage, not an aggressive wash. Take 5 minutes to wash your hair, not 2 in an intensive mode. All movements should be delicate and unhurried. After washing, you do not need to furiously try to wipe the curls, you just need to gently blot them with a gentle towel. Don't brush them right away.
- Train yourself to wash your hair less often. Conduct an experiment - wash your hair no more than 2 times a week for a month. You will see that your hair will gradually begin to oily less. Frequent water treatments do not add durability to the pigment.Blondes, dyed light brown, should completely reduce shampooing to 1 time in 5 days.
- Maintain the brightness of your curls. Get a toning shampoo. He will not only cleanse the hair, but also dye it a little every time.
- Do not overuse grooming procedures. The first 2 weeks after staining, you do not need to make masks, apply oils and other serum mousses. Shampoo + balm - a couple, which is enough. Revitalizing masks reveal hair scales and "steal" pigment, light brown becomes less expressive very quickly.
- Don't forget to update the length. Even if you are zealously and purposefully growing your hair, cut it 2-3 cm every 2-3 months. "Killed" split ends will not decorate any length.
- Avoid chlorine-laden water. Always wear a protective cap when in the pool. Until the color has "settled", give up the pool altogether.
- Sleep with dry, well-combed hair. You don't need creases and "roosters". If your hair is long and unruly, braid it loosely.

It is possible to maintain the color not by the frequency of staining, but by competent, gentle care. And if all this seems to you a very difficult science, or you do not want to devote so much time to maintaining the color, there is always an alternative - to grow a natural color.
This is a long time, sometimes it pushes for short haircuts and a radical change of image. But your color is what suits you the most.

Successful examples
Celebrity examples are those inspiring looks that often push women to change their hairstyles. And this is a good way to find your option by looking for an actress or supermodel with a similar appearance to yours.
Color type, age, face oval - this is already enough to take an example from recognized beauties or just those women whose appearance is followed by the best stylists in the world.

Here are some stellar examples.
- Doutzen Cruz. The Dutch supermodel became famous as a very young girl. It seems that Doutzen prefers blond, but the beauty had different hair color options. Models with blonde hair with a natural light brown root, which have grown enough, are very suitable. A natural transition, a beautiful tone, the absence of catchy shades - and Doutzen, even without a make-up, looks like a very young girl. And if she did not have such light brown roots, the image would not be so organic.

- Sarah Jessica Parker. Not all classic beauties have as many fans around the world as the cheerful Sarah Jessica. More often Sarah prefers golden notes in her hair, but restrained light brown suits her very much. The color refreshes and draws attention to the eyes. But it is worth considering that by nature a movie star has good and thick hair.

- Natalya Vodyanova. A mother of five and the first Russian supermodel never went beyond the palette of her native color. Slightly darker, slightly lighter, but they were always variations of light blond. And he goes to Natasha at any age, be it in a photo 15 years ago, or in today's pictures from social networks. Natalya never had thick and chic hair, but the color of the curls, so in harmony with her fair skin and blue eyes, made her look natural and impeccable.

- Irina Shayk. Since we are already talking about Russian supermodels, it is criminal not to include Irina Shayk in the list of fair-haired star examples. She made a square, and it really suits her in combination with a perfect dark blond. If you have the same expressive big eyes, appreciate Irina's new image. It is simple but graceful.

- Milla Jovovich. Another beauty with Russian roots, who always returns to her native light brown color (and its variations). As in the case of Irina - a huge emphasis on the eyes, if they are of the same marine color as Mila's, fair-haired, most likely, suits you very much.

- Cara Delevingne. This celebrity has such expressive facial features that it seems that it is not worth emphasizing them with a bright hair color. Take a look at how Kara looks with a medium brown color - the image has become more balanced, solid.

If you think that there are not enough Slavs in the list, maybe not as famous, but beautiful, as an example of an ideal fair-haired woman, we will correct this oversight.
Liza Kutuzova - became famous after a long-running reality show, now an Instagram star. Lisa has beautiful thick hair by nature, with a chic volume. And she loves light brown hair color, periodically changing shades.

Or here's another example - Alexa, once a young star of a pop show, Timati's ex-girlfriend. Today Sasha is engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, but it seems that on Instagram, Alexa has no fewer admirers of her appearance and ideal, noble blond hair color. It really suits the girl very well.

There are examples for inspiration, as well as your own desire to transform. It remains only to find a good master who will bring the matter to the end. And then, maybe, your photo from social networks will become the best example for someone and will suggest an idea to repaint in a light brown color.
For information on how to dye your hair light brown, see the next video.