Red hair color: how to choose a shade and dye your hair?

Every woman dreams of standing out from the crowd, capturing the enthusiastic glances of others, being the center of attention at special events and in everyday life. For this, the fair sex is ready to take extreme measures, for example, radically change wardrobe, change makeup, but it is not always possible to make such innovations real in a few minutes. But you can change your natural hair color to red in a couple of hours, and the effect of the result will be felt instantly.

Who is it for?
The red hair color of the fair sex attracts the attention of others. This is especially clearly read in the views of the surrounding men, envious women and strangers passing by. Even good friends will not be able to remain indifferent in front of the fiery shade of their companion. The reason for this is the rarity of red hair, since not every woman will go to such a shade.
The fiery shades stand out from the crowd in the same way as the scarlet lipstick on the lips or the very tall.

Mother Nature has awarded some ladies with red hair from birth, and over time, the owners of sunny hairstyles lose interest in her. But natural brown-haired women, brunettes and blondes can only dream of transforming into a fiery beast. In general, the red color is distinguished by extraordinary, eccentricity and originality., thanks to which it turns out to create a rebellious image.Professional stylists who create fashionable hairstyles report an increase in the demand for red hair dyeing. At the same time, fashion trends have nothing to do with it.
In the Middle Ages, a woman's fiery hair was considered a witch sign., because of which they were avoided by those around them, and during the Inquisition they were burned at the stake. Today red hair is a sign of perfection. Men, seeing a lady with fiery hair color, understand that they see a deity in front of them with irrepressible energy, passion and sexuality, which cannot be seen in brunettes or blondes.

According to its characteristics, the red color is considered unique. Its color palette contains a huge variety of shades, each of which perfectly matches the individual prototype of a woman's appearance. In fact, fire tones have practically no contraindications, except for gray hair and sensitive scalp.
Attempts to dye gray hair with a high-quality red dye composition may not be crowned with success. The same goes for brittle and dry curls. The result is a lumpy coloration and no color expected.

To determine the appropriate red shade, each lady must determine her own color type. There are 4 of them, and each belongs to a specific time of the year.
- Spring. Representatives of this color type are distinguished by delicate skin with a fine structure. It may appear clear or pale. Natural hair color is mainly light brown, honey and golden. The eyes are large, endowed with a natural shine.
The spring color type is considered warm, respectively, the selected shade of red should have a similar range.

- Summer. Women belonging to the summer color type have delicate skin with a pink and grayish tint. Their eyes are distinguished by a rich blue or pronounced gray color. The natural hair color of summer beauties ranges from chestnut to golden. In addition, the summer color type is divided into 2 subgroups - contrasting and non-contrasting.
In contrast, the difference between hair and skin color is pronounced, for example, brown curls with pale pink skin. The non-contrast subgroup suggests a close combination of curls and skin tones, for example, ash blonde with grayish skin.

- Autumn. It is this color type that assumes red hair color in all its manifestations. At the same time, the eyes do not have much brightness, the skin is light golden and quickly tans when exposed to sunlight. Autumn ladies are almost all endowed with freckles.

- Winter. The color type is cold, it assumes the brightness and sophistication of the external image. Winter ladies should choose red tones for hair dyeing related to the cold range. The described color type is also divided into 2 categories.
The contrasting look includes a blend of crisp white skin and dark hair. Non-contrasting, more precisely, approximate shades, imply a dark skin color combined with dark curls.

The provided information on the color type will allow a woman to understand which is the most appropriate shade of red color she should use to change her own appearance. And yet, when choosing a suitable redhead, you need to pay attention to skin color.
- Face pink in perfect harmony with almost the entire ginger color palette. But the image of a lady with pinkish skin and auburn, ginger or honey hair will look especially bright. The only exceptions are exotic tones, for example, copper-purple or rusty.

- For owners of olive skin it is preferable to use cold tones of a ginger palette, namely: honey, ginger-blond or golden-bronze. Bright reds and copper colors of any saturation will seem ridiculous in this case.

- Dark-skinned women it is preferable to use a warm gamut of red in any saturation.

- Grayish complexion requires complementing it with light red tones, for example, honey blonde, golden or light red.

- Owners of a pale color skin, it is best to consider options for the red range with the missing red pigment.

Variety of shades
The red color has a unique rich palette, so almost any woman will be able to choose the most suitable tone. And yet, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is best to study in detail the varieties of shades in order to understand in which direction to select the color of the paint.
- Bright red. It is this color that is considered bright, bold and saturated. Ideal for those with dark eyes. The saturation of the represented hue has no boundaries. It can be light copper or sunny orange.
The main thing is to remember that this particular tone should not be applied to the curls of ladies with heavenly eyes.

- Auburn. It is this variant of the shade that looks extremely natural on the hair, the female image is not overloaded with colors, on the contrary, the beauty of the appearance is emphasized. Auburn tones are suitable for owners of any eye color and skin tone.

- Carrot. It is this version of the red shade that allows you to decorate a new hairstyle with maximum naturalness. The carrot shade has a rich palette ranging from calmly balanced tones to rich colors, which are mainly used by red beasts. Any saturation of the presented palette will look gorgeous on women with fair skin.
In this case, it is preferable that the color of the eyes of the fair sex was green, gray or sky blue.

- Fiery red. This shade can rightfully be considered one of the most daring options for the ginger palette, which has been fashionable for many years. He is chosen by women who are distinguished by self-confidence. The palette of fiery colors is incredibly diverse. Therefore, the curls can be painted in different tones, and the darker color of the fire is ideal for the fair sex with a dark complexion. And light tones are in good harmony with a pale skin tone.

- Light red. No matter how rich the palette of the light reddish shade is, all the colors on the hair look unnatural. Although the combination of light red tones with pale or pinkish skin looks the most harmonious.

- Red-red. The shade map of this color is quite varied. It contains mostly restrained tones, which are considered universal, as they are combined with any hairstyle, skin color and eyes. Although the most harmonious will be the image of a woman with a pale complexion, complemented by any tone of red and red scale.

- Red-blond. A luxurious shade in all its forms. On curls of any length, every possible tone looks extremely natural. Quite often, the fair sex has this hair color from birth. But other women have to achieve the artificial beauty of a reddish-blond hue through constant hair coloring and toning.
It is important to note that this particular color scheme is ideal for ladies with any skin and eye color.

- Copper red. The palette of a honey-red hue can be used by women with any skin color. Although the most spectacular will be the copper color of the curls in combination with the green eyes of the woman.
Only this is not an indicator, the owners of a different eye color will also be able to change their image and attract enthusiastic glances to themselves.

- Reddish brown. It is the brown pigment that has a positive effect on the red color, as it pacifies the redness. The described palette of shades is in perfect harmony with any female image, and it does not matter if a woman's skin is dark or pale.Once in the sun, the curls will shimmer with a warm shade of mahogany, thanks to which the strands are playful and filled with a special shine.

- Chestnut red. This shade is rich in a rich palette that looks perfect on fair-skinned women. Any chestnut-red tone successfully covers the gray hair that has arisen and is in harmony with any haircut option. According to the age qualification, the described shade is suitable for women of middle age and older.

- Ash red. The shade is quite young, refined and delicate. Any tone of the described palette is best used for young girls. For the fair sex of middle age, the color variety of the ash-red shade visually adds a few extra years.

- Chocolate red. A profitable option for ladies who decide to change their image. The main highlight of the shade is the versatility of tones. In poor lighting, the curls seem dark blond, and in the sunlight, a red overflow is visible.

- Reddish pink. This shade is ideal for young girls, as dyed hair will be filled with pink notes in any light.

- Golden red. Suitable for women with any skin tone. The rich color palette ranges from golden chestnut to chocolate tones.
Before dyeing in any tone of a light red shade, the hair must be lightened, and after the color change procedure, monitor and care for the curls.

- Red-haired blond. Before becoming a light red beast, hair of any natural color needs to be lightened, so that the result will seem bright and daring. If the selected tone of the red-haired blonde is applied to the natural hair color, the redhead will not have brightness. And with the correct dyeing process, you will get a noble wheat-red color.

For ladies who do not have a wide knowledge of the color palette, it may seem that auburn is already a certain color. Only this is a delusion. In fact, auburn is a distinct shade that has a varied palette of tones and midtones. It is worth noting that owners of an ash-red shade can easily change a light tone to a dark one with any color scheme.
- Amber. The lightest tone from the presented list of dark red shades with the addition of a nutty color.
- Terracotta colors. Red gamut interspersed with honey.
- Saturated copper. Special reddish color with a tint of gold.
- Copper red tone. Intense red with a complement of red.
- Dark copper tone. The color is considered a chocolate undertone.
- Cherry blossom. We are talking about brown, red and purple colors.
- Mahogany color. Chestnut color interspersed with a red tint and a barely visible purple tint.
- Bordeaux tone. Wine shade, complemented by scarlet and purple tones.
- A shade of burgundy. Visually resembles the color of a dark ruby.
- Mahogany colors. A deep red shade with brown complement.
- Ripe plum tone. A mix of red and purple shades.

Light shades of any color always have associations with tenderness, sensuality and femininity. Thanks to a wide palette of shades of red, every woman can easily choose the right shade for herself. The main thing is to listen to the advice of stylists, to find a consensus between your own color type of appearance and personal preferences.
- Blond pink. Youthful colors reminiscent of pink rose petals. With poor-quality staining, the shades seem cold.
- Caramel red. A wide range of tenderness and warmth in several colors.
- Honey red. Sunny color with a slight filling of the red hue.
- Orange. Orange hue of citrus.
- Golden red. Special reddish color with intense tints in the sunlight.

Overview of paint manufacturers
The modern beauty industry today presents a huge variety of red colors that allow you to choose the perfect combination with any female appearance. On the shelves of many stores, everyone's usual hair dyes from well-known manufacturers are located, among which famous brands are especially preferred.
- Garnier. It is this manufacturer that has a huge number of advantages over its competitors. Any dye composition stays on the hair for a long time. The product contains only natural ingredients, which makes the hair coloring process safer for curls.
Another important advantage of the Garnier manufacturer is a wide color palette of red shades.

- Palette. The color card of this manufacturer is quite wide, assuming the presence of a variety of hair colors. A huge plus of the brand is the pricing policy and the presence of rulers indicating the level of color fastness.
The disadvantage of Palette paint is the strong smell of ammonia. Quite rarely, but there were cases when the result obtained did not correspond to the color promised on the package.

- Estel. Highly resistant colors, which contain plant oil that protect hair from damage and negative environmental influences. They do not contain ammonia, and after dyeing, the hair acquires an extraordinary shine, especially for red shades.

- L'Oreal. The coloring formulations of this manufacturer are firmly kept on the hair for more than two months. It is this paint that paints gray hair with high quality, for which it is highly valued by middle-aged women.
L'Oreal has a fairly wide color card, thanks to which every woman who wants to make her hair red will be able to choose the most suitable shade.

Coloring features
Today, world-class stylists offer their clients a variety of options for dyeing hair, especially when it comes to red color in all its manifestations. On short haircuts, contrast highlighting is most often used, and on long curls, the well-known stretch is used by all.
It is worth noting that the use of several shades of red in one hairstyle looks very impressive in the image of young girls. Colored strands belonging to dark shades of red will decorate the curls of women of middle age and older.

The dyeing process itself in experienced hands, even at home, does not cause much trouble, although it is much easier to change the color on short haircuts. As it should be, in order to obtain uniform dyeing, the roots are first processed, and then the dye is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. After some time, when the roots grow slightly, they should be painted with the same color of the dye composition.

The process of dyeing long hair is different. Initially, the hair is divided into separate strands, fixed with hairpins or clips. The coloring composition is evenly applied to each curl. For an accurate explanation, it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step technology for dyeing long curls.
- Prepare the coloring composition according to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not use other substances when mixing.
- Comb your hair, divide into strands. Raise the upper curls. Initially, the lower part of the hair is painted over.
- Apply the paint evenly, starting from the roots and going down to the ends.
- Use a similar system to paint the upper curls.
- Wait for the allotted time, then rinse the coloring composition from the hair under running water.
- It is imperative to treat the hair with a conditioner balsam when washing off.
- After that, blot wet hair with a towel and wait for it to dry naturally. A hairdryer should not be used.
- It is possible to assess the finished hair tone only after the curls have dried.

Colored hair care
Hair after the dyeing procedure needs special care. Despite the small level of exposure to chemical elements, the curls still receive damage, and if you do not deal with the hair, after several stains, the live mop will turn into brittle, dry tow with split ends. To avoid such troubles, you should heed the advice of experienced stylists.
Hair must be dyed once every few months. At the same time, special shampoos and rinses will help maintain the color, which do not contain ammonia and oxidants.
If the color still fades, instead of repeated chemical exposure, you should revitalize your hair with natural dye formulations, for example, an elixir of onion peel or chamomile. As a cosmetic option, you should use a tone-on-tone tint foam.
By the way, it is the cosmetic substances that will allow the hair structure to recover after the color change.

In addition to the information provided, you should use other tips, thanks to which dyed hair will shine, emphasizing the feminine image.
- If it is necessary to carry out the lightening process, then no more than 3 tones.
- It is strictly forbidden to do simultaneous hair coloring and perm.
- For coloring, use special products from well-known manufacturers.
- Dyed curls should not be subjected to additional stress, such as a hair dryer or tongs.
- When washing colored hair, it is preferable to use a conditioner balm. Thanks to this, it will be possible to strengthen the health of the curls.
- To make your hair manageable, you need to comb it before going to bed.
- You should not comb your hair immediately after washing. You need to wait a while. Long curls should be scratched from the ends, gradually rising, thereby avoiding damage to the hair structure.

For information on how to dye your hair red, see the next video.