Gray hair color: shades and subtleties of coloring

The trend of recent seasons is spectacular and original artificial gray hair. Many girls resort to dyeing their hair in interesting ash shades. The gray color is good because it suits almost all young ladies, the nuances lie only in the selection of a certain shade solution.

There were times when ladies were afraid of gray hair like fire. Owners of an ash-blond shade of hair tried to paint over the natural color in all available ways. Many women of fashion considered gray tones "mousey". Moreover, for a long time, it was believed that the ashy tones on the hair noticeably age their owner. That is why most fashionistas did not want to have a similar color of curls.

Fashion does not stand still, and today gray hair color is no longer frightening and aging. Today it is fashionable, in demand and relevant. Gray shades can be enigmatic, mysterious and alluring if you choose them wisely for a certain type of lady's appearance. Often, the hair, painted in similar tones, accentuates the girl's eyes, giving them expressiveness and brightness.

The main distinguishing features of gray shades on hair are their uniqueness and depth. Do not be afraid that a young girl with a similar shade of hair will look much older. If you approach the choice of tone deliberately and responsibly, then there will definitely not be such problems - the hairstyle, on the contrary, will refresh the lady's image.
Today dyeing hair in gray tones has become a kind of way of self-expression... Owners of hair in such shades are rarely ignored by others. Gray colors can radically change a lady's appearance, make it more interesting, mysterious and alluring.

Who is it for?
Despite the fact that gray shades on hair are insanely popular and in demand these days, such solutions should be resorted to only after getting to know who they are most suitable for.
When choosing a suitable gray shade, it is necessary to build on the color of the woman's iris. The combination of artificial gray hair and light eyes is considered optimal:
- blue;
- gray;
- green.
This does not mean that ladies who have brown eyes by nature will have to abandon trendy coloring. Of course, you can dye your hair gray in this case, but the result will be a less expressive and vivid image than in the case of a light iris of the eyes.

The next point that is important to consider when choosing a "gray" shade is skin tone. Girls with very light, "porcelain" skin can choose almost any shade of gray on their hair. There are no exceptions.

If the girl is the owner of a dark, dark skin, then you need to be careful here, since such tones are often insidious. Against this background, gray curls can seem foreign, unnatural. As for the natural tan (but not dark) - here the gray hair color will be quite appropriate and beautiful.
The structure of a lady's hair is also important. On light and healthy curls, gray looks much better than on dry and lifeless strands. Ash shades will only draw unnecessary attention to sore and thinning hair.

Who is not suitable for?
Although gray colors are suitable for many girls, there are still cases in which it is not recommended to apply to such scales on the hair. Consider who does not suit such color schemes at all.
- Gray paint highlights absolutely all skin imperfections, be it acne, blackheads, vascular network, age spots or any other imperfections. If a girl suffers from the listed problems, but really wants to dye her hair gray, then she will have to constantly use special cosmetics to hide the flaws on the skin. Otherwise, the "gray" tones will attract too much attention to them and thus spoil the image as a whole.
- If there are dark circles under the eyes, then the gray color on the hair will look disharmonious. It will highlight the ugly pigment even more, which will make the lady look specific.
- It is not recommended to resort to such experiments with hair for women over 35 years old. Whatever one may say, gray color is very similar to gray hair and visually mature lady can add extra years.

Many ladies, having decided to turn to dyeing their hair gray, prefer to visit a stylist or hairdresser first. Experts will tell you whether it is worth resorting to similar color schemes or it is better to give the choice to other paints.
If you doubt your choice or are afraid to spoil the image, you should visit a professional - he will answer all your questions.

Color palette
The palette of gray shades is rich and varied. Every fashionista can choose the best option. Let's take a closer look at the most popular and attractive ranges.
Ash blonde
Most often, natural blondes with a light skin tone give preference to this interesting color. The described shade looks especially impressive when paired with beautiful, blue eyes. In another way, it is also called blond with a silvery-ash tint. If you need to get rid of excess, unwanted yellowness, then this cold shade will go perfectly.

Light gray
The mentioned color is able to partially change based on the lighting.Spectacular, multi-level transitions, as well as the presence of an expressive, attractive shine, make such color solutions one of the most popular among today's fashionistas.... Feminine light gray shades on the hair will suit fashionistas with delicate sky blue or gray eyes.

Otherwise, the specified shade is also called "mouse". The color looks natural, natural. Just a few years ago, such solutions were considered completely out of fashion. They have always tried to paint over the mouse tones, but time does not stand still and today these scales are in trend. Such shades on the hair can effectively emphasize the femininity and beauty of ladies with light eyes.
You can make your hair color even more interesting and expressive if you turn to a suitable highlighting option using the colors "chestnut" or "dark blond".

Ash gray
This unique shade is popular with many Hollywood stars today. To achieve it on the strands, the hairdressing master has to resort to combining 3 tones at once:
- ashy;
- light brown;
- blond.
This is the best option for beauties with a gray-blue iris of the eyes and light, delicate skin. Ash-gray scales look especially rich and sexy against a similar background.

Deep gray
This trendy and original shade differs from natural gray hair only in the presence of a beautiful shine and greater uniformity. According to experienced stylists, deep gray is ideal for fashionistas with a naturally porcelain skin tone and rich eye color.

Chocolate gray
A warm brown undertone makes gray tones softer and more pleasing. This is the perfect solution for women of fashion with brown or green eyes, as well as with fair skin tones. The combination of warm and cool colors immediately transforms the lady's look, refreshes and revives it. Bright eyes can highlight the nontriviality of a chocolate-gray shade.
As for makeup, in tandem with similar color schemes, it is advisable to resort only to warm options. It is better to refuse faded make-up.

Violet gray
The shade of purple, which takes place in the traditional ash color, can make a lady's look more interesting, expressive and youthful. In this way, many young ladies emphasize their bright individuality and attract the increased attention of others.
Often non-standard natures turn to the violet-gray color. Such shades look harmonious in tandem with both dark and light eyes. The initial color of curls in this case can be any.

Pink gray
A popular youth shade that many girls choose today. Pink inclusions in ash hair can make the look softer, more delicate and even give a slight childlike spontaneity. Such solutions are more suitable for young girls who want to radically change their style.

Dark grey
This shade is considered one of the most difficult to implement. It is almost impossible to achieve it at home, without the involvement of a specialist. But this color is recognized as universal and suits many fashionistas.
In order to avoid mistakes with the choice, it is advisable to conduct a small express test - to bring a piece of gray color, identical to the selected paint, to your face. If you noticed that the face after that began to look brighter and more attractive, the color balance was not disturbed, then you can safely start painting of this kind.
It is important to take into account the color type - "your" hair color should be light brown. If you follow this rule, you will get a clean and beautiful tone on the first try.

This interesting shade can be easily obtained by natural blondes after using a special tint balm that has a blue pigment.If by nature you have a natural, wheat blond, then you will have to resort to staining in a lighter shade, and only after that apply a tint.
The blue-gray shade looks spectacular and unusual. It is applied to the hair using various dyeing techniques.

Ash chestnut
A trendy shade that can be achieved if the original hair color is dark blond. If your own shade is naturally lighter, then the coloring component will have to be selected more carefully. In this case, the problem of regrown roots will be more difficult to solve than in a situation with dark hair.
Ash chestnut can highlight the beauty of girls with a dark skin tone or permanent tan. Owners of fair skin can also turn to a similar solution. Eye color does not play any role here.

There is also a separate, gray shade. Premature "gray hair" is ideal for young girls who are not afraid of serious experiments and a complete change of image. An interesting shade of ash or a fashionable white and gray tone can be added to the silver in the hair. The result is a very stylish and original color.
A gray shade of hair can bring mystery and mystery to the image.

Silver blond
At home, it is not recommended to take this type of staining, so as not to be disappointed in the result. Only by entrusting all the work to a specialist, you can achieve spectacular and noble hair with beautiful silvery tints.
Initially, the original pigment of the curls is reduced to the maximum to a neutral tone. Next, the strands are tinted with the addition of light pigment. The artist must subtly feel the line separating the silver and darker shades.

Choice of paint
If you want to achieve a good result and successfully change your image, it is recommended to contact proven salons with a good reputation. Experts will know exactly in what proportions and ratios to combine the selected dyes in order to obtain the required tone. If you decide to independently choose the most suitable gray paint, then you should listen to a number of useful tips and tricks.
- Beauties who naturally have dark hair will have to be patient: first, they will need to discolor the strands in 1-3 passes. If you neglect this step, an even tone will not work. The process usually takes up to 6 months - no experienced master will undertake such drastic changes in 1 session.
- The gray shade is formed on the basis of ash, ammonia-free dyes. Since there is no ammonia in the composition, the color will not last too long, but the hair structure will not be affected in any way.
- If you already have gray hair, you should definitely study the manufacturer's marks on the branded dye packaging. Some lines have products that are suitable for using only partially gray hair (no more than 30%).
- It doesn't matter what kind of hair color you want to achieve. It can be both unobtrusive grayish and dense dark gray - in all cases, high-quality branded paints should be preferred. It is best to seek advice from an experienced hairdresser or stylist before shopping. Experts will tell you which coloring compositions are most suitable in your case.
- You can also achieve a suitable shade with a simple, household hair dye. In this case, you should find funds with the appropriate names, for example, "ash blond" or "cold ash blond". But as a result, it will be possible to get only discreet, classic colors, devoid of interesting notes and nuances. There will be few differences from the standard blonde.

Painting techniques
Exists several techniques of painting in gray.
- Amazing hairstyles are obtained by adding lavender shades or silvery monochromatic. Such solutions are optimal when it comes to a bob or other short haircut.
- The sombre technique looks spectacular on the hair. It goes for medium and long strands, as well as for a fashionable square.
- The technique looks interesting, in which there are dark roots and light, for example, pink-gray tips. Such solutions look attractive on both medium and long curls.
- Other popular techniques are also allowed, such as balayage, ombre, highlighting. All the listed variations of the "gray" color look interesting and sexy.

Procedure tips
Dyeing hair in a gray shade is recommended to be trusted by specialists. If you do not want to go to the salon, then you can resort to painting at home. It is important to follow the instructions in order to get the desired shade and not be disappointed with the result.

Let's consider step by step how you can dye your hair gray at home with your own hands.
- In one session, it will not work to repaint the hair in gray. First, the strands will need to be lightened to light blond, platinum or blonde. The lighter you want to get, the more you need to lighten the curls.
- The next step is to tone the hair. To do this, you will need special semi-permanent coloring compositions. When choosing a specific paint, you should pay attention to its number indicated on the package.
- After lightening, the selected dye is applied to the hair in the same way as in other cases. It is kept on the hair for a certain time, after which it is washed off with warm water with shampoo and balm.
- If the cardinal coloring scares you, you can try to tint the curls with a special tinted shampoo, balm or foam. If suddenly you do not like the color or you make mistakes, the paint will wash off soon and you will not lose anything.

Curl care
Most manufacturers of dyes indicate on their products that they are resistant and last for a long time on the hair. However, for various reasons, over time, the pigment will still be washed off, and later it will completely disappear. To prevent this from happening, gray-dyed hair should be properly cared for to maintain a beautiful shade.
- It is necessary to use only special shampoos and rinses. They must have a postscript - "for colored hair." Such funds are sold in many stores - you don't have to look for them for a long time.
- It is important to use special masks on a regular basis immediately after washing your hair. The more elastic the strands are, the longer the applied pigment will be retained on them.
- If possible, it is worth resorting to lamination of curls. This popular salon procedure will keep the result of the coloring, while the strands themselves will look well-groomed and neat.

General recommendations
Gray hair color is very popular today. If you decide to change your image and dye your curls in a "gray" shade, then you should heed some useful tips and tricks.
- To make the color more durable, it is recommended to use additional shading agents (identical to the new color). They should be used at least once a week, keeping on the head of hair for 5 to 10 minutes.
- All coloring agents must be selected carefully. Products must be of high quality, preferably branded. This requirement is very important, since the result of cosmetic procedures depends on the quality of the paints used.
- It is not recommended to subject dyed hair to frequent heat treatments (use of a flat, iron and hair dryer). If you cannot do without such procedures, then first the curls must be treated with a special, thermal protective agent.
- It should be borne in mind that hair with a porous structure does not accept pigment in the best way.So that the hair does not turn out to be spotty with incomprehensible blotches, it is better to consult a specialist before staining.
- A couple of weeks before dyeing, it is recommended to make special nourishing masks for the hair so that the strands are not damaged by chemicals that dye the hair.
- A stylish steel shade is recognized as very fashionable. However, experts do not advise girls with green eyes and peach skin tone to contact him.
- It should be noted that the gray color cannot destroy the yellow pigment. Girls who naturally have red or chestnut curls should not dye gray on their own, at home. In such a situation, all procedures should be entrusted only to professionals, otherwise the result can cause great disappointment.
- It is recommended to buy paints only in specialized stores. This is especially true for professional dyes.

If you cannot decide on the optimal shade or you have any questions, it is better to talk to professionals in order to avoid serious mistakes in the future.
A master class on dyeing hair in gray, see below.