Straw hair color: shades, color and care tips

Possessing a naturally "blonde" color, its owners are often faced with the presence of a grayish tint mixed with the main color, giving the latter the effect of gloom and coldness. The straw shade, obtained artificially, corrects this defect of the female image.

Features of painting
It is not difficult to recreate such a shade on your own. It has something in common with wheat-honey, while it is devoid of copper reflections. This color also does not look like dry straw, and ideally, it should be with a golden tint, devoid of "chicken" yellowness.

If the hair is initially dark, experimenting with a "blonde" color will go nowhere.
Pre-lighten by 6-7 tones. This is done in at least 2 sets... Lightening hair in 1 step will lead to denaturation of natural protein, without which your hair would crumble.

Excess peroxide leads to the disclosure of the scaly structure of the hair - as a result, they, like a Velcro for cleaning clothes, cling to all the reagents deposited on them, including rust from insufficiently purified tap water, and change their color to extraneous, unpleasant to the eye shades that do not match with skin.

Who is it for?
If you want to dye your hair straw blond, make sure your skin color is warm, yellowish.
In the case of dark blond or brown hair, do not bleach it too much - the abuse of peroxide can make your hair dry.

An alternative is ombre or highlights, and they, in turn, emphasize your naturalness.
- Choosing the right straw undertone also has its own characteristics.Spring skin tone, as the lightest, is perfectly combined with cream shades, and a light straw, linen or golden blond color will suit a lady with this color type.
- When you bring a blue sheet of paper to your face, from which all the cosmetics have been washed off, when the skin looks fresh and fine wrinkles are less noticeable, the color type of the skin is summer. Then the ash-blond color will suit you.
- For a winter ("porcelain") skin tone, platinum blonde is best suited.
- But for an autumnal, darker color, a copper-bronze blond is better suited, that is, straw shades will create a repulsive impression.

How to choose a dye?
Now that you have an idea of what color scheme for hair dye will suit you, pay attention to the amount of ammonia contained in the dye. An excess of it will turn your hair into lifeless curls of a flashy yellow color - any cheap dyes sin with this.
Make sure there is no ammonia present.

The best option is ammonia-free composition... An alternative is powder coloring, which relieves each hair of unnecessary dyes contained in the purchased composition and suddenly manifested itself. The cream composition is the easiest to apply, the cream paint does not leak.

When choosing warm tones and midtones, remember that they add yellowness after coloring. Look for paint on the packaging of which the supplier indicates that it does not add additional yellowness to the dyed hair.
Pay attention to the composition: it should contain as few artificial and more natural (oils, extracts and vitamins) ingredients.

Examples of ready-made solutions
You can use colors that suit all blondes.

Londa professional
The straw shades are derived from 12/03 (natural golden). The number before the fraction indicates the tone itself, after - the saturation, this rule is typical for paints of any brands. It is consumed sparingly. Presented by six color gradations of the series Special Blond, some of them allow you to find the desired color tone without yellowness. The simplest organic dyes easily penetrate the scaly structure of the hair and color it perfectly.
Formulations for professionals contain natural beeswax, fats, moisturizing ingredients.

Syoss Oleo Intense
Does not contain allergens. Semi-professional line of paints created for salon make-up artists. The composition is rich in vitamins vital for nutrition and protection of curls from negative atmospheric factors. Blondes can use 8 color tones, 4 of which are cold shades. Hair is easy to comb after drying, while maintaining its original shine. The composition is enriched with oils and does not contain ammonia.
They are completed with a liquid conditioning composition, which is why the color does not fade for a long time, and yellowness does not form.

L'oreal excellence creme
Increased resistance to repeated washes. The row is represented by several cold and warm tones. The special formula of the composition protects each hair three times. The composition contains a nourishing serum and a special balm.
Resistant to fading and washout, does not need frequent touch-up, does not fade in the sun, retains color and is not prone to yellowing.

Matrix Socolor Beauty
For a straw blonde, tones # 10G (lighten) or 7G (darker) are suitable. The best quality - for its cost... Artificial dye is combined with natural, which allows you to carry out a comprehensive and gentle coloring of each hair in a matter of minutes. Suitable for giving hair the desired shade at home (no salon visit required).
The composition contains the most important protein for the normal life of hair - keratin. The paint perfectly tones the hair.

Garnier olia
Completely ammonia-free composition. There are 8 color gradations in total, 2 of them are referred to as cold shades. An abundance of natural oils, including - jojoba oils, olive oils and fat pomace from wheat.
Protects hair from exposure to rain, wind and sun, there is no ammonia in the composition.

Estel Deluxe with tone 8/3
To obtain an ash-straw or violet-straw, a tone of 8/13, 8/36 is required. For its semi-professional use, it is the best budget formulation. Similar paint - High Blond from the same row.

Deluxe is expensive, as it was created specifically for professional make-up artists, it allows you to lighten hair in 4 color gradations, there are a dozen blonde shades - 3 cold and 7 warm.
Due to its natural composition (plant extracts), the paint will enrich the curls with some nutrients. Hair will not be overly tinted, after dyeing and drying, they are not coarse, they are well combed. The color of the blonde takes on a "magazine" gloss.

Wellaton or Palette
The semi-pro class will also give straw tones. These paints contain excess ammonia, leading, after dyeing, the hair to the same yellowness, and their structure will become noticeably worse.

Wella Professionals
A paint containing an accelerated recovery activator, which is a composition that looks like a nourishing mask, after staining it makes the color more challenging. The brand itself has been widely known since the 90s, 12 color gradations are available for blondes. The validity period is from 2 weeks to a month. The basis is a cream that lightens in 4 color gradations, which does not cause yellow hair after dyeing.
It tones the hair, includes a derivative of vitamin B5 and components of milk whey, which makes the hair literally play in the sun. Inexpensive.

Schwarzkopf palette
Fitolinia - long-lasting effect and brilliant result. The composition includes aloe extract, which softens both the hair itself and the scalp, which has a soothing effect. Protection against drying out of the hair structure, does not contain ingredients that impart excessive yellowness. Available in four shades. All components, except for the dye, are completely natural: mainly oils, extracts from plants and vitamins. Allows you to easily lighten hair by an average of 5 shades of the original color.

Ollin Professional
Accelerated restoration of damaged curls. The color range includes 10 shades designed exclusively for blondes. The straw color of the curls is unattainable with paints marked with a "no yellow" marker. The service life of one coloring is up to 1.5 months, protection against premature fading.
The composition includes real wheat proteins, vitamin D, extract from raw seeds - all these substances enrich the hair structure from the inside.
The inexpensive price of paint is affordable for many.

Revlon Professional
A creamy-gel substance that is easy to apply to curls. Lightening is possible at 5.5 color gradations, after application, the hair looks defiantly beautiful, shines in bright light, and the shade turns out to be almost natural.
The product is both cosmetic and conditioner at the same time.
At the same time, the processes of natural aging of hair are slowed down, and hair loss is significantly reduced. Doesn't irritate even overly sensitive scalp.

In the next video, you will learn how to choose the right hair color.