Light blond hair color: shades and subtleties of coloring

Today more and more girls prefer naturalness. This rule also applies to the choice of hair color. They should be natural, not provocative. Many girls refuse bright colors, preferring soft tones, including light brown hair, which looks quite feminine and stylish. It is worth considering who is suitable for a light blond shade of hair, what tones he has, how to make such dyeing correctly, and also what kind of care a hairstyle dyed in a light blond tone requires.

Who is it suitable for?
You should be very careful when choosing the optimal tone, because the same shade looks different on different girls. Light colors will suit only some of the fair sex. But if you competently approach the choice of shade, then you can choose the best option for yourself in the palette of light brown tones.
Staining light blond is quite difficult. It is better to entrust this process to a professional, then you can not worry about the result. It should be noted that light blond paint has many nuances when painting.

Light brown color goes to a large number of girls, since it belongs to the universal shades. It can be used to dye both short and long hair. Light brown is represented by a wide selection of tones.
Experts often recommend that mature women with gray hair think about painting in a light blond color. It will look natural and will make a woman several years younger.

You should be careful when choosing a shade of light blond color, while you should take into account your color type... Cool tones are suitable for fair-skinned beauties. But brown-eyed girls with dark skin should take a closer look at light brown tones with copper.
It is necessary to take into account your natural color when choosing a shade in which hair will be dyed. If your curls differ by only two tones from the desired shade, then you can safely paint in a light blond color.
But brunettes should abandon such an idea at the very beginning and not experiment, since it will still not work to achieve the desired result. Many people compare this shade with blond, but you don't need to use strong chemical dyes to get it.

Color palette
The palette of light blond colors includes several tones, all of which are natural and attractive. Let's take a closer look at each tone.

Light blond
This is one of the basic tones. He gives purity to the image. Light blond hairstyle looks stylish in an elegant design... It is worth using weaving curls or styling them. You should create beautiful and even strands. Lush hairstyles will also look attractive.
The use of highlighting will allow you to add variety to a stylish bow. Strands can be dyed copper or ash to create contrast.
Dark blond strands will look stylish. A variety of options will allow each owner of light blond hair to choose the best option, taking into account the traits of both character and appearance.

Golden blond
This tone is usually called angelic, since girls with this shade of hair look gentle and innocent. The peculiarity of this shade is that it is rather difficult to achieve it at home. It is worth initially contacting a professional hairdresser to get golden-blond hair. If you are more interested in getting a natural color, then the wheat option would be an excellent choice. This tone is often chosen by the owners of blue or brown eyes with fair skin.
The golden blond tone changes under different lighting conditions. It can give off an ash, white or golden tint. If you do not provide your hair with proper care, then it will quickly fade and begin to break. Should choose for them careful care, since even ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on this color.

To preserve deep and rich color, you need to buy not only special shampoos, but also masks, balms with a moisturizing effect. The perfect complement would be tint shampoosas they will help maintain color saturation, and also contain nutrients that perfectly restore the structure of the hairs.
Girls with golden blond curls short haircuts are great. The curls falling in a cascade on the shoulders are also superbly blown away. Stylish styling or weaving will be an ideal complement. To protect hair from mechanical stress, it must be braided or tied into a ponytail.

This is a "cold" variant, which practically does not occur in its natural form. Owners of ash-blond curls can only be envied, because many "stars" try to achieve this color with the help of dyeing, but only a few can achieve this. Ash is a cold color, so beauties with such hair can safely wear bright clothes and apply spectacular makeup.
Ash-blond color with overflow of gold or copper is perfect for girls with light or dark skin. Even if you are the owner of dark skin, this option will be optimal in all the variety of light blond tones.

Quite often, pearlescent shades are attributed to light brown shades, which go to units. If you are the owner of green or blue eyes, as well as matte skin, then, of course, you can try to diversify your look using a pearlescent tone.It should be understood that initially the hair should be light... If they are naturally dark, then a clarifier should be used. In the future, the paint of a pearlescent tone will add shine to the hair, a certain transparency, while it can be used not only on light brown hair, but also on red, chestnut or brown hair.

Beige blond
This color is ideal for older women, as light colors make them look younger. This color is very popular with ladies for 40 years. It is versatile because it looks great on all the fair sex, regardless of skin color and eye color. In spring or summer, you can use highlighting, complemented by pastel brown strands.
This addition will allow you to create additional volume and give your hair naturalness in a color scheme. Initially, it is worth lightening your natural hair color before dyeing it into a beige blond in order to achieve the desired result. And the sun's rays will help to lighten the hairstyle even more.

Choice of paint
It is worthwhile to carefully and slowly approach the choice of paint shades. It is important to understand that the depicted hair color on the package usually does not coincide with reality. To find out what the color will actually be, it is worth examining the samples of artificial strands. Usually paint manufacturers make small catalogs by which it is very convenient to choose the color of the dye.
Hair color after dyeing largely depends on the original shade and type of hair. It is better to initially consult with a professional so that the staining result matches the expectation.

Today, light blond shades are found in many palettes from various manufacturers. You need to pay attention to the most popular paints for coloring in shades of light blond.
- L'oreal Paris Recital Preference Is a gel paint that is characterized by durability. It is presented in a special formula with microparticles that perfectly color every hair, ensuring color saturation.

- "Garnier Olia" - cream paint, which does not contain ammonia, therefore, does not have an irreversible effect on the hair structure. This paint is distinguished by its durability, which is one of the indisputable advantages. This collection includes not only light variations, but also copper, dark ones. To get light brown hair, the following tones have been developed: light blonde, beige, cream, light golden and pearlescent.

- Estel Professional Essex - This is another well-known cream paint that stays on the hair for a long time. Brand products are manufactured in Russia. All paints are tested. They not only provide the necessary color, but also keep the curls healthy. The Professional Essex collection is intended for professional use. The manufacturer offers a wide range of light brown shades: from transparent pearl to golden. The paint perfectly paints over gray hair, maintains the tone of curls without yellowness and allows you to create natural shades of light brown.

- Schwarzkopf Professional Igora Royal - paint, which is characterized by superfastness. This dye is ideal for 100% gray coverage. The dye acts gently on the hair structure, ensuring uniform coloring.

- "Cutrin SCC-Reflection" - This is a cream paint, which is included in the rating of the best. It will provide not only long-lasting color, but also gentle care for the scalp and hair. It is perfectly distributed over the curls, while painting over them from root to tip. Due to the presence of antioxidants and arctic cranberry seed oil, the curls retain their internal structure after dyeing.

How to dye?
If you want to dye your hair light blond at home, but do not want to use chemical dyes, rinsing your hair with chamomile or sage broth would be an excellent solution.This option is suitable exclusively for girls with light brown hair who want to get a color a few tones lighter. If you want to repaint from a dark color to light blond, then you only need to use paints. Several rules from experts should be followed.
- Dark strands are harder to dye than light ones. If you are a natural blonde, then you can get a slightly lighter color even without preparatory work. But brunette girls should first lighten the curls.

- When the hair is lightened, do not immediately dye it. You should give them a rest so that they are saturated with useful substances, restore their structure. This will take at least a few weeks. After that, you can proceed to using a product with a coloring pigment.

- Initially, it is worth correctly calculating the amount of dye that will be required to dye all your hair. It should be understood that cold tones can give curls a greenish tint, and warm ones - yellowness. Usually one pack of dye is sufficient for dyeing shoulder-length hair. If your curls are longer, then you will need two packs of paints.

- The paint should be applied evenly to cover all the strands. Keep the dye on your hair for as long as indicated in the instructions. You do not need to overexpose it, because if you do not follow the instructions for use, you can severely damage the curls.

- If you want to get a rich tone of light blond color without yellowness, a specialist should do the staining. In the salon, you can try unusual techniques and methods of staining. Today, masters can only dye the ends of the hair or make a gentle transition from dark to light tones, or vice versa.

Effect: before and after
Consider several examples of painting curls in light shades of light brown.
- It is quite easy for beauties with light brown hair to make it a few tones lighter by nature.
You can use both paint and natural remedies.

- Light brown blonde hair looks quite natural if the natural shade is also presented in this color. The transition from a dark shade to a light shade looks stylish and bold on long hair.

- You can change the color even from dark if you use paints with a lightening effect. Of course, this dyeing has a strong effect on the structure of the curls, so the hairstyle needs special care after dyeing.

Hair care
If you want to have a light blond tone, you must initially lighten the entire head. To obtain cold tones, even a light brown color needs lightening. It is for this reason that hair after dyeing needs special care, since ammonia dyes have a detrimental effect on their structure. Therefore, hair should be carefully cared for using the following products:
- hair masks made according to folk recipes;
- products from professional series;
- salon procedures designed to restore curls.

The fair sex, who dyed curls in cold blonde tones, will have to additionally use products to maintain healthy hair. To prevent warm shades from turning yellow, tint balms should be used on a regular basis. But rather light shades of blond need to often tint the roots, as well as regularly get rid of split ends.
Other shades of light brown are not so whimsical to care for. If brighteners were not used during staining, then it will be enough for the curls to provide nutrition and moisture. If desired, you should apply masks for colored hair.
With the help of modern paints, you can quite easily and quickly acquire any of the shades of light blond color. But you should correctly select the tone, contacting a professional for help in staining.

How to dye your hair light blond at home, see below.
It is not true that ashy blond does not suit brown-eyed girls. I naturally have this hair color and brown eyes.