Light blond ash hair color: shades and subtleties of coloring

Light blond ash hair color is a stylish solution for girls who are not afraid to attract attention. A noble shade is almost never found in nature, and therefore it looks quite original, but at the same time it is appropriate in any situation.

Light blond ash hair color is recognized as one of the most attractive shades. He has an unusual ability to highlight facial features, which plays into the hands of the owners, for example, small eyes or narrow lips. "Light brown ash" makes the skin glow and really change the age of its owner. And, of course, it makes it possible to create a winning and effective, but at the same time elegant image.
Nevertheless, this shade is rather difficult to obtain, and also requires regular maintenance procedures. In the event that a radical change in color is scary, a full-fledged color can be replaced with highlighting.

Who is it for?
Light blond ash shade is not suitable for every woman. At first, aristocratic tone looks good only on condition of perfect skin, free from pimples, spots or dark circles under the eyes. All these shortcomings will only become brighter in the presence of silvery curls. The same applies to mature women, whose skin is already covered with wrinkles. This shade significantly adds age, adding several years at the same time.
Secondly, for ashy blond hair, it is important to match certain color types. The shades of this palette look best on "summer" beauties with light cold or olive skin, as well as blue, gray or green eyes.The natural shade of the hair in this case is light brown or cold blond. In principle, it looks good ashy even in the presence of a light brown iris and golden curls.
Ash-blond shades are not recommended for dark-skinned young ladies. The same in most cases applies to the owners of Asian appearance. If a girl has a "summer" color type, then the color will definitely suit her, if "winter", then you should be more careful with the shade. "Light brown ash" will not suit "spring" and "autumn" young ladies.

Color spectrum
The light brown ash color has several interesting shades, therefore, by adding a different pigment to the light brown paint, it will turn out to achieve a shade that will suit even those young ladies for whom it is not recommended. Dark blond ash color looks great on mature young ladies, in contrast to its light "brother".
It looks quite classic and even businesslike, and therefore goes well with any style of clothing and is considered appropriate in any situation. In addition, it is much easier to obtain than light blond, since the hair does not have to be pre-discolored. A dark blond shade is also suitable for women with an oriental type of appearance.

Ash blond is a complex shade that suits very few women. For its use, the prerequisites are perfectly clear porcelain skin, bright eyes and fine, neat facial features. If you dilute the ash blond with a golden undertone, then the color will suit those girls who have a warm skin tone with freckles. Ash blonde with a blue undertone is recommended for owners of fair skin and green eyes.

Ash brown is the most versatile representative of the palette. It goes well with dark eyes and similar eyebrows, as well as warm skin tones. With such a head of hair, the skin of the face looks refreshed and even rejuvenated, so the ash brown color is chosen for older ladies. Often this tone is used not only for full-fledged coloring, but also for a partial change in the image. using ombre or shatush techniques.

Dark ash hair color is recommended for girls with brown eyes. Since he brightly emphasizes all the imperfections of the face, ladies with skin imperfections or too large and pretentious features should beware. Ash pink tone is the perfect choice for young ladies. The only recommendation from experts is that it is recommended to use the shade for partial coloring, for example, using the shatush, balayage and ombre technique.

Choice of paint
It is virtually impossible to get a light blond ash shade at home without high-quality paint. One of the most popular and deservedly beloved paints is Essensity Schwarzkopf Professional. Natural ingredients in the composition and the absence of ammonia do not cause much harm to the hair, but the color is quite saturated. The dye is easy to use and is ideal for masking gray hair. However, the disadvantage of this solution is its short-term service life - the paint is quickly washed off the hair.

Cream paints of the brand are considered quite good. L'Oréal Paris. They cope with painting gray hairs, retain the resulting shade for a long time, and also do little harm to the hair, since there is no ammonia in the composition. To achieve an original look, shades are suitable "Ash blonde", "Pearl light brown" and "Very light ash blonde".

For testing, you can try using tinted shampoos or balms. There is no guarantee that the desired shade will nevertheless appear, but you can still get an initial idea of whether the shade is suitable, and at the same time not spoil the hair at all. The color is washed off somewhere after a couple of shampooing procedures.
As a rule, brands are used for this purpose "Tonic" or "Irida"... In addition, you can start with the usual highlights for "trying on" the shade. This technique will not radically change the look, but it will significantly refresh it and allow you to get used to the ash tones.

How to paint correctly?
Ideally, the achievement of an ash-blond shade should be entrusted to a professional, since in almost any case the process begins with a difficult procedure for bleaching the strands. Getting rid of the yellow pigment is necessary to further obtain the required color, since otherwise the hair may turn out to be greenish. If the hair was previously dyed in a dark shade, then first, the paint will have to be washed off, and then you still have to repeat the procedures for getting rid of the pigment.

In addition, experts recommend that you first improve your curls, and then change your hair color. It is important that the strands are moisturized, saturated with all the necessary vitamins and useful elements, and also cured.

Owners of beige hair or light blond ladies do not need to use persistent paints - a toning balm or shampoo that makes the hair ashy will be enough. Although the color is quickly washed off after shampooing, it is believed that with continued use, its effect can last up to a month and a half. If we are still talking about full-fledged staining, then you should start with lightening.
Experts recommend using for this purpose a gentle oxide solution of low concentration, as well as carry out the procedure in several stages. Of course, a more reasonable solution would be to entrust the task to a specialist.
The amount of time during which it is required to keep the clarifier on the strands is determined depending on the natural color of the curls. However, it is imperative to act according to the instructions and not linger, otherwise living curls will quickly transform into "dry straw". Further home staining is carried out according to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer.

Curl care
Ash-blonde curls will retain their spectacular appearance only with regular and high-quality care. Experts recommend thinking not only about external influences by using a variety of masks, oils and decoctions, but also about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and maintaining proper nutrition. This mode should be set at least one month before changing hair color. After direct staining, it is necessary to start restoring the hair, since achieving such an unusual shade is very traumatic. If the coloring took place in a salon, then experts will certainly tell you how to properly care for your hair, but if the coloring was at home, then the care complex is compiled independently.
As a rule, we are talking about moisturizing the strand, nourishing the roots and using products intended for colored hair, and therefore preserving the resulting pigment. When the roots begin to grow, they will have to be tinted, otherwise the look will quickly become sloppy. To correct the roots, you can use the same paint that was used for the main paint, but already used according to a different instruction, or a toning shampoo. To prevent hair dryness, it makes sense to use special serums containing liquid crystals.

In critical cases, the biolamination procedure will come to the rescue. She will preserve the color of the curls and improve their condition. When caring for weakened hair, one should not forget about natural ingredients. Best of all, oil wraps and herbal decoctions affect the hair after dyeing. These natural remedies will not harm your hair color, but will significantly improve the condition of your curls.

Next, watch the video with advice from a specialist for dyeing light brown hair in an ashy shade.