Blonde hair: selection of shades and dyes, dyeing nuances

Blond hair rejuvenates the face, making it more expressive and visually adding volume to the hair. It is no coincidence that light shades are so popular. Fashionistas are not stopped by the need for regular tinting of roots, periodic toning and careful maintenance.
However, not everyone can correctly navigate in a variety of shades and choose an option that matches the characteristics of a particular appearance. Therefore, before dwelling on the color you like, you need to familiarize yourself with the color scheme of light tones and correlate it with your skin type.
Varieties of shades
The entire light hair color palette can be divided into warm and cold shades. The first includes linen Is a white tone or white with a yellowish tint. Wheat identical to the natural light blond color with a pleasant shade of yellow.

A number of shades suggest the presence of a yellowish tint of varying saturation. For example, golden color implies the presence of a light yellow tint, honey - rich yellow, sandy - pale yellow.

Warm tones include intermediate tones like caramel, which is a cross between yellow and chocolate colors. In many ways, it resembles wheat, but instead of yellow, red paint prevails here.

There is Venetian shadethat combined red and yellow colors. The natural color scheme is reminiscent of the sun's rays, the light of an electric lamp and even the bright flowers of a sunflower.
There are tones that suit the most reckless lovers of experiments.
Agree, not everyone dares to dye their hair pink with a rich strawberry hue.

It is possible to choose the so-called borderline color scheme, combining cold and warm shades. This is pearl color, which is given warmth with a golden hue.

The cold palette is not so numerous, but you can also choose the appropriate paint option in it. This, for example, platinum or ash tone without any hint of yellow. Ebbs in any color are allowed.
An important condition: they must be kept in cold colors.

The natural version of the cold shade is considered dark blond color... The beige color looks natural. Californian implies a combination of dark blonde with ash and platinum. A pearl tone in combination with an ash tint looks unusual.

Who is it for?
Beautiful fashionable shades adorn the exterior and attract attention. But in order for the color to become an organic complement to the image, when choosing a color, you should rely on the features of your color type.

Winter spring autumn summer
For spring girls with wheat-honey hair and translucent fair skin, any warm shades are suitable: wheat, beige, light blond. They will best emphasize the expressiveness of blue, green, gray or brown eyes. Warm colors organically complement the natural beauty of hair and do not violate the rules of color type.

Winter type with porcelain skin pallor, gray, blue or brown eyes and bluish-black or brown hair, recognizes only cold colors. They are platinum and ash colors.
However, experts also recommend taking a closer look at the dark shades of blond.

For summer type light blond or brown hair color is characteristic. There are ashy shades and the so-called mouse color. Summer girls have blue, gray or blue-green eyes and aristocratic pallor. Bright cold tones such as ash, platinum, pearl and pearl blond will allow to emphasize the pink undertones of the skin.

Autumn color type it has golden or coppery warm hair tones. Autumn girls have dark or light beige skin and bright green, amber or hazel eyes. The ideal blonde option for them would be shades like golden, Venetian or honey. At the same time, the bright appearance allows you to experiment with a strawberry or caramel shade.

A universal staining option that suits all color types without exception is light brown. For example, the rich color palette of medium blond tones allows you to choose the right color for any skin type. For a cold color type, gray, ash and platinum-blond tones are suitable, for a warm one - caramel, honey and wheat-blond.

Spring-autumn girls should take a closer look at dark shades of light brown to hide skin imperfections. However, dark-skinned people should pay attention to chocolate and golden shades. Otherwise, they will seem older than their age.

Many shades of light blond tones allow you to choose the optimal color for any appearance. For example, golden and wheat blond emphasize the beauty of white skin and the brightness of light eyes.
These tones look natural and help create a sophisticated look.

Creating a single image
It is important that the chosen shade not only emphasizes the natural beauty and features of a particular color type, but also organically combines with the hairstyle and haircut. It is also necessary to take into account the length of the hair - long, short, up to the shoulder blades or up to the shoulders.
For example, the beauty of curly hair is best emphasized by golden, honey or wheat shades. If your hair is naturally dark, you should pay attention to the caramel shades or consider dyeing it 1-2 tones lighter than the natural color.
Wavy curls look good both in copper shades and in cold ash, pearlescent and silver tones. It should be remembered that warm colors mask imperfections in the skin, while cold colors accentuate imperfections.

For girls with straight hair, it is not enough to simply dye their hair - the hairstyle should be given additional volume. That is why stylists recommend combining balayage, which involves overflowing shades, with an elongated bob haircut, and platinum color with a mischievous pixie haircut.

Ombre with lightened ends is ideally combined with a torn bob, which suggests the presence of short strands. The asymmetrical styling of silver-colored hair allows you to add volume even to short-cut hair.

You can experiment with bangs. Any short haircut with long bangs, combed to the side or braided into a braid, will look voluminous and feminine.
Many girls go for a classic square to the shoulders with straight bangs to the eyebrows.

There are a lot of options for women's haircuts for bleached hair. Every year stylists offer new interesting solutions, but before choosing a particular haircut and coloring option, you should consult a specialist. After all, a chic appearance should fully recoup the time and money spent.

Dyeing methods
The names of popular techniques are on everyone's lips. Each hair length requires certain nuances, but there are options that are suitable for hair of any length.
Versatile professional dyeing methods
Boyish hair length is dyed to match the haircut. For a square, a balayazh or ombre is suitable, for a bob haircut, toning or shatush is performed. Particular attention is required when choosing a shade for very short hair, as instead of the expected beauty, you can get a clown look.

Long or medium hair does not require such a careful choice of color, but a sense of proportion certainly does not hurt. The most popular technique is considered to be professional one-color dyeing. The procedure is relatively simple, but this option requires regular toning and touching up of the growing roots.

Other types of staining are more complicated, but they mask well overgrown roots. For example, california highlights assumes the color of the hair roots in dark tones with light highlights at the ends. Balayazh involves dyeing individual strands with shades close to the native hair color.

Ombre with its smooth transition between colors it will look optimal on bob or bob haircuts on short hair. Similar requirements for boyish haircuts are put forward by the technique bookingwhen dyeing starts just below the hair roots. There are no special requirements for longer curls.

Another ultra-modern type of painting has become pixel coloring, in which the hair is drawn in the form of pixels. The only drawback is that it is only suitable for straight hair and not suitable for curly hair.

There is a so-called 3D paintingwhen a base and slightly lighter tones are used to create a color. As a result, strands are highlighted in separate zones, which makes the hairstyle look more voluminous even on thin hair.

The listed options are suitable for both long and short-cut hair.
And yet, the longer the length, the more variations there are to create an interesting look. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the methods of lightening more lush curls.
Coloring long and medium hair
Coloring involves dyeing individual strands in more saturated colors. With this technique, natural color transitions or vivid contrasts are achieved. Highlighting individual strands creates volume and emphasizes the texture of the model haircut.
Light blond is usually recommended to dilute the hairstyle with chestnut or reddish shades, brunettes are offered to lighten strands with caramel flowers, and red ones are advised to honey or wheat tones.
This technique is good for young girls and young women, more mature ladies run the risk of emphasizing their age with such transitions. Therefore, they should pay attention to majimesh, which gently lightens the hair by 2-3 tones. The general hair color is preserved, the shade changes.

However, this type of coloring is good only for light hair, on dark hair - no one will see a smooth transition and play of color. For dark-haired young ladies, a gradient is more suitable, the colors of which are stretched along the entire length from the darkest to the lightest.
Pay attention to marble staining, which is used to color individual strands with a powdery clarifier. The result is a spectacular translucent color that immediately attracts attention.

Another newfangled method is considered screen painting, when, using a stencil, a pattern is applied to the strands in the form of an animal print, flowers or geometric shapes. The procedure uses the main length, so the regrown roots will not be a problem for such a color, and it should be corrected at least once a month.

Home lightening
You can lighten hair of any length without the help of professional colorists. To do this, it is enough to choose a special bleaching composition such as a clarifying powder, gel or remover. The first one contains blue or purple pigment, which lightens hair by 6 or even 8 tones without yellowing effect.
At the same time, non-observance of the proportions and the wrong exposure time dry out the hair, and it is not suitable for thin hair either. Therefore, before using the powder, you should consult with the master about the preparation and use of the product.
A more gentle remedy is a gel that contains hydrogen peroxide and lightens the hair by just a couple of tones. You can speed up the process with a hair dryer. It should be borne in mind that this tool is designed for natural dark blond hair. On darker colors, the effect of the gel will not be noticeable.

For colored hair, you should use a wash - they are especially eager to use it to lighten a too dark or unfortunate shade. But it makes no sense to lighten natural curls with it - this tool contains a minimum concentration of an oxidizing agent, which practically does not affect the keratin layer.
Ammonia paints are considered to be another effective home dyeing product. Their indisputable advantage lies in their quick effect (especially if a wash was used before painting). The curls are lightened by 1-2 tones, but such a rapid transformation turns into severe stress for them.

To give an interesting shimmer, it is worth using a tint balm. Dark blond will look original with reddish or brown highlights, and brown hair will be adorned with a golden glow.
This product is ideal for correcting the natural hair color or the color produced. For example, a balm for ash or pearl hair neutralizes yellowness, while a product for warm shades helps to maintain color.
Before taking on lightening with artificial dyes, you need to be aware that the instant transformation of a brunette into a blonde will make your hair dry and lifeless. Hair will become brittle, and you will only have to dream of its former shine.

If your hair has never been dyed, you can try lightening using traditional methods.
- Lemon juice. Freshly squeezed and well-strained lemon juice is diluted in a glass in half with water, applied to clean, damp hair and heated with warm air from a hair dryer for 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week, a noticeable effect will be achieved in a month.
- Chamomile decoction. A tablespoon of chamomile is poured with a glass of hot water, insisted for a couple of hours in a thermos or boiled for 20 minutes in a water bath, and then filtered. The resulting broth is diluted in a half-liter container and rinsed with it each time after shampooing. Hair is lightened for 8 or 10 applications. Chamomile infusion is considered the safest lightening agent, but it has a short-lived effect. If you take a break, your hair will return to its original color in a matter of days.
- Kefir mask applied to the roots, evenly distributed over the entire length, then covered with a plastic bag, insulated and washed off after 1-2 hours with warm water without shampoos and rinses. Lactic acid brightens, nourishes and moisturizes hair. If you add cinnamon or honey to kefir, such a mask will promote the growth of hair.

Any home staining option gives only a short-term effect. To get a beautiful shade, you should seek the help of a professional stylist.
A specialist will not only help you choose the best color option without harm to the hair, but will also give a number of recommendations for caring for clarified hair.
How to care for your hair?
Keeping the new look in its original form will allow following the advice of the hairdresser. As a rule, masters recommend using special care products for colored hair.
To preserve the color, it is imperative to use special shampoos, conditioners and leave-in balms. Moreover, shampoos should be with a low pH level, the conditioner should be dense in the amount of lipids, and balms serve to nourish and moisturize the hair.

Thermal protective agents should be used before drying with a hair dryer. But even hair protected with lotion or spray should not be overheated: the air jet should not be scalding. And the use of a curling iron or iron in the first two weeks after staining, in general, should be abandoned.
Hair lightening is a lot of stress. Masks made of essential oils will help to maintain their healthy appearance and protect from loss of shine. It is important that the oils are selected according to the type of hair and do not contain coloring pigments.

The recipe is simple: the oil is heated in a water bath to 30-40 degrees, then evenly applied to the main length, put on a hat and warm the head with a bath towel. An hour later, the mask is washed off with a special shampoo.
At the end of the procedure, the hair is rinsed with chamomile infusion, which fixes the effect and additionally nourishes the hair. You can also make one of the nourishing and restorative masks based on natural oils.
- For the banana mask you need one specified fruit, one tablespoon of honey and nutritious oil, one egg yolk. All components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is created and evenly applied to the hair. The mask is kept for at least 30 minutes, and then washed off with warm water and shampoo. This procedure can be performed no more than once a week.
- For making an onion mask take a medium onion and a tablespoon of oil. Chop the onion in a blender, squeeze the juice, which is mixed with oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair and kept for at least two hours (you can leave it overnight). The only drawback of the procedure is the strong smell of onions, so it should be carried out on weekends so as not to pester others with such an unpleasant aroma.
- It is permissible to use heated castor oil as a reducing agent. The product is evenly distributed along the main length, applied to the roots, left for a couple of hours and washed off with a special shampoo.

Do not forget that even the best remedy will not save you from brittleness if your hair is exposed to cold air or direct sunlight. Therefore, wearing a headgear is a prerequisite for maintaining hair color and health.
For dyeing hair blond, see the next video.