Warm blond: a variety of shades and step-by-step hair coloring

Despite the fact that more recently, the leading trend in the beauty industry was dark hair, this season stylists are confidently betting on blond. At the same time, cold shades in recent years are noticeably inferior to warm ones. Let's talk about what a warm blond can be, who it suits to and how to get it on your hair.

Who is it suitable for?
For quite a long time, natural shades of blond have been popular in Western countries as well. The famous blondes are vivid confirmation of this: Nicole Kidman, Britney Spears, Cameron Diaz, Paris Hilton, Gwen Stefani. Recently, some of them began to appear on the pages of glossy magazines in warmer light shades, and today many other movie stars and socialites are inclined towards the new trend.

Despite the fact that today it is possible to obtain a platinum color in a relatively gentle way than 10 years ago, it is nevertheless quite difficult to maintain this hue. With warm colors, everything is much simpler, but they look no less relevant. By the way, this is the color that the fashionable blogger Chiara Ferragni is wearing. This trend is fully consistent with the course towards naturalness, which has become popular in recent years.

Warm shades of light on the hair create the effect of strands burnt out in the sun, the color looks very natural, while maintaining it does not require special efforts, time and money from girls. In addition, some shades, such as, for example, beige or honey, are considered universal and are suitable for almost all types of female faces.
As for the rest of the tones, each of them has its own specifics of use, depending on the color type. Owners of a "summer" appearance with light brown hair, white skin, blue, gray or light green eyes look harmoniously in tones of strawberry blonde, which makes their appearance truly piquant. Young ladies with milky or peach skin, golden strands and light eyes, which are referred to as the "spring" type, should take a closer look at the wheat shades.
On curls, they will look like you just returned from an expensive resort. Light strands create dramatic shimmers, making the skin appear fresher and more ruddy, and the eyes deep and expressive.

If you are the happy owner of dark green or brown eyes, dark olive skin and cold hair, then you are an "autumn" woman. You should opt for golden blonde shades with reddish highlights.
Such overflows will emphasize a cheerful and playful disposition, and under the rays of the sun they will look truly luxurious. Girls with dark hair and dark eyes in combination with white skin are referred to as the "winter" color type. The ideal solution for them will be a powdery blond, it creates warm shades on the hair that will emphasize the cold beauty, and also make the image more delicate and romantic.

Thus, warm shades of blond can be called a universal solution that suits almost all women, regardless of the features of their appearance... The only exceptions, perhaps, are oriental and Caucasian women - they should take a closer look at other types of staining, since warm shades give them an untidy and slightly sloppy look. The formula of a warm blonde has no age restrictions - it is equally good on both young girls and ladies, whose age has crossed the 50-year-old milestone.
In addition, the shade is in no way tied to the haircut - it looks equally advantageous on a short bob, and on curly hair, and on straight long curls.

Palette of shades
Warm blonde tones are presented in a wide variety of beautiful and fashionable shades.

These are light blond tones that are ideal for young ladies of warm types with lightly tanned skin, in combination with brown, blue or green eyes. Typically, women with this appearance dye their hair in shades that resemble straw. The highlight of this color scheme is that the hair gives the impression of being burnt out in the sun, it looks natural and organic. Girls prefer this shade for several reasons:
- the tone is classified as natural, therefore it can look harmoniously on the representative fair sex of any appearance;
- such a color scheme does not require intense dyeing, the growing hair looks quite neat and does not create a sharp border between the natural and dyed areas of the curls;
- as a rule, sand is obtained without preliminary clarification (when it comes to natural blondes);
- the color stays on the hair for a long time and at the same time does not lose its brightness and expressiveness;
- sandy tones have a pronounced anti-aging effect, therefore they are ideal for any female look.

This color scheme is characterized by refinement, depth and exceptional tenderness. It looks stylish on spring-type girls. Usually manufacturers offer a wide palette of golden blonde from light to dark tones, this also includes hazelnut, as well as beige tones. Gold color is often combined with others, for example, with light red, pinkish, apricot and bronze. The combination of golden blond with chocolate and red colors also looks good.

Wheat color is very appropriate for fair-haired women of the Slavic type, however, girls with olive skin can find interesting coloring options. For example, such ladies can look very stylish and sophisticated in dark wheat or honey colors. When choosing a tone, it is important to take into account the color of the eyes, for example, for women with light gray or blue eyes, ash-wheaten and golden-wheaten options will suit the face.
Keep in mind that wheat shades are contraindicated for women with problem skin, as they can give the face a painful, earthy hue that will accentuate and exacerbate any blemishes.

Beige blond is quite rare, it combines caramel, wheat and sand tones. Such solutions are suitable for brown-haired women and blondes with milky-white skin, but those with a dark complexion should give preference to other colors.
As a rule, beige lays down very softly on blonde hair, while brunettes and red-haired women need preliminary bleaching.

This tone is a cross between dark and white shades, it looks harmonious on women of warm types, emphasizes the natural beauty, naturalness, expressiveness of the eyes and tenderness of the skin. You can become a honey blonde at any age, however, in order for the shade to be expensive, it is better to use professional paints and special shampoos that maintain the shine of the curls.
Women with dark hair need to bleach beforehand - only in this case they will be able to get the desired caramel-honey shade.

A modern, bold shade that gives the curls a light color with a light pinkish-peach haze and a reddish undertone. Such colors make the face visually younger and fresher, but at the same time such a color is not suitable for everyone. It looks harmoniously only on young girls with fair skin and light eyes, but such tones are not recommended for exotic beauties and dark-skinned women - they will make the image too vulgar.

Rose quartz
A very unusual color that is not suitable for everyone. At the same time, the color scheme is very moody, therefore, it is better to entrust the work to a professional stylist, which will take into account all the subtleties of the wide color palette of rose quartz and the features of the original hair color.

This tone represents a rich, yet fresh and delicate color. It looks especially impressive on natural blondes. Kohler includes gold and honey notes, goes well with brown and green eyes. The color is not very "capricious", it evenly lays on the hair and lasts for a long time, the growing roots practically do not stand out.

A sparkling shade that fits best on light brown curls, giving them a beautiful golden tint with hints of orange. This color scheme is good for the owners of pink skin and dark gray eyes. The shade is most often used in multi-tone coloring, coloring individual strands.
The color requires constant care, as well as timely lightening of the growing roots.

Coloring features
In the old days, most often women resorted to full dyeing in a light blond, but this color really plays with live colors only with partial coloring. The most popular techniques for using warm light shades are the following.

California highlights
This is the dyeing of individual strands without the use of foil, due to which the effect of the dye is gentle and relatively harmless. Usually, for such toning, several shades from a warm color range are used at once, while the lightening of the curls can differ both in width and in tone.
On light brown hair, combinations of wheat, honey, cognac, caramel and nut shades are usually used. Usually, the more colors are applied, the more intense the result is. TThis kind of highlighting is often used by brunettes, because it allows you to create a light image, but does not require constant staining of the growing roots.

This is a gradient coloring, which involves a transition from a lighter shade to a darker one along the entire length of the hair, while the root zone is intact. For the overall effect, the ends of the hair are usually discolored, resulting in the feeling of regrown curls. Such an impact does not radically change the image, but it is very refreshing.
Combinations of a warm blonde with creative shades - blue, purple, pink and lilac - look very impressive.

Such results can only be achieved in beauty salons. Ladies with dark hair should also contact the services of a professional master; their dyeing requires preliminary bleaching and subsequent coloring.
Owners of light hair can be tinted on their own - for this you need to purchase a paint of the appropriate color, best of all professional, and act in accordance with the instructions.

Follow-up hair care
Keep in mind that warm shades on blondes and blondes look beautiful only for the first couple of weeks after dyeing, and then the pigment begins to wash out, and an unpleasant yellowness comes to replace the noble shade. To avoid this, you should use tinted shampoos once a week in order to refresh the tone. Suitable for washing hair only sulfate-free shampoos for colored hair.
It's no secret that any coloring is a chemical effect, therefore masks for colored curls should be applied regularly. Oil wraps can be used once a week, and any "hot" exposures can be reduced. So, it is better to completely abandon irons, hairpieces and heat rollers.
If styling cannot be avoided, then it is worth first applying thermal protective agents.

See the next video for how to create a warm shade.