All hair colors

Every girl dreams of her hair to look great, but for this it is necessary not only to properly care for it, but also to choose the right shade, as well as a method of coloring that will help to stylishly complement any image.
But often girls do not have all the information regarding hair dyes and, wanting to perform the procedure on their own, can create a lot of unnecessary problems for themselves.
Let's take a closer look at the classification of hair colors, methods of dyeing, as well as a variety of shades for various natural colors of hair.

In order to better navigate hair colors, you need to familiarize yourself with some professional terms, because in addition to the name of the shade on the store packaging, there are many other very important information.

By depth
The term "color depth", perhaps, can only be heard from professionals or seen on the packaging of professional hair dye, since products designed for independent use differ only in the names of the shades.
Color depth is usually understood as the degree of its expression, regardless of the tone of the hair.
The depth is subdivided into only a few standard colors, which are indicated by the corresponding numbers:
- classic black - 1;
- dark brown shade, only slightly different from black - 2;
- dark brown tone, which has a noticeable difference from the previous two - 3;
- medium brown shade - 4;
- light brown - 5;
- Dark blonde, better known as light brown hair shade - 6;
- a lighter tone, called an average blonde - 7;
- light blond - 8;
- an even lighter shade of blonde hair - 9;
- the lightest blond - 10.

It should be noted that the depth of color directly depends on the structure of the hair and the content of natural pigment in them - melanin, which consists of two separate pigments.
- Eumelanin. This pigment is in the form of elongated granules, containing red and blue colors. It is responsible for the degree of shade depth - the more eumelanin in the hair, the darker it will be, and vice versa.
- Small round granules that make up pigment phaeomelanin, are characterized by a content of red and yellow, which makes them a hater of all blonde girls who want a luxurious cool shade of blonde. The thing is that this pigment gives the hair a yellow tint, and the more its content in the structure, the more yellow the tone will be. It is very difficult and undesirable to remove it, since the complete absence of this pigment can lead to damage and destruction of the hair structure.
It is worth noting that the content of pheomelanin is especially strong during lightening of hair, since almost always in the end even the darkest hair after lightening gives a color with a slight yellow tint. For example, classic black becomes brown, while depths 3 to 10 take on reds, oranges, and yellows.

In the direction of color
In addition to depth, hair colors also differ in direction. This concept means the presence of a pronounced shade in the color of the hair. For example, ash, orange, gold, red or even purple. In addition to the above, there are other areas, expressed in natural, copper, pearl, beige and brown tones.
As a rule, the color direction can be indicated by numbers or letters corresponding to the Latin name. But it is worth noting that some directions are found in Russian-language descriptions, but are not indicated in the European system and vice versa:
- 0 - natural / natural (N);
- 1 - ash / ash (A);
- 2 - green;
- 3 - golden / gold (G);
- 4 - copper / copper (C);
- 5 - red / red (R);
- 6 - purple / violet (V);
- 7 - brown / brown (B);
- 11 - blue;
- Pearl (P) - pearlescent;
- Mocha (M) - mocha;
- Orange (O) - orange.

As we can see, the designations are diverse, so there is no need to hesitate if you see different options on different packages. Most often, the direction is indicated together with the color depth, through a sign. For example, 8/1 - light ash blonde, 4.7 - classic brown brown-haired, 6G - golden dark blond. There are also double designations that indicate the intensity of the color, for example, 8.44 - rich copper.
By temperature
In addition to the already listed distinctive features, hair color can be classified by temperature. But this classification is very small, so it will be quite difficult to get confused in it. Separately, there are only two temperature designations for the color of the hair.
- Cold. This subspecies include blue, purple, lilac, green, purple, ash, copper, as well as some variations of initially warm shades, for example, cold yellow.
- Warm. This is how hair colors are indicated that have an orange, red, golden, natural or brown direction.
It is in accordance with the temperature of the shade and the temperature of the color type that the final decision must be made when choosing the color of the hair.

By type of staining
Speaking of hair colors, one cannot fail to mention the types and methods of dyeing. As a rule, they can be completely varied, both monochromatic, double, and multi-colored, and it is not limited to lightening, bleaching or darkening the hair. Let's consider the most popular ones.
Highlighting - may contain several shades.The basic principle of the technique is to lighten individual strands, followed by coloring in a certain color. Sometimes strands are left discolored if the overall look of the hairstyle requires it.
Coloring is a technique that can contain up to 10 different shades.
The principle of implementation is simple and similar to the previous version, individual strands are highlighted and painted in different shades. It is also possible to stretch the color so that the transition from the natural tone of the hair to the colored part is smoother.

Mazhimesh - a popular coloring that can lighten hair in several tones. The advantage of this technique is that the dye composition is mixed with hair wax, making the curls more elastic and shiny. It is worth noting that this technique is suitable only for owners of light brown and light hair, since the dark pigment will not show absolutely any effect.
Ombre - this is the name of the staining technique, consisting of two shades. A smooth transition from dark roots to light or colored ends makes the hair natural, and adds a little lightness and freshness to the image. This coloring will look spectacular on both blondes and brunettes and redheads.

Pixel coloring - a very unusual trend of fashion that came from Spanish professionals, which not every girl dares to. The thing is that the paint is applied to the hair only in certain places, forming a certain pixel pattern, consisting of small squares and rectangles. A prerequisite for this technique is perfectly straight hair, because otherwise the pattern will simply not be visible and distorted.
Degrade - this is how gradient coloring is called among professionals, it is far from a new technique, but it does not cease to be popular. The technique consists of stretching the color along the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots and moving to the ends. As a rule, contrasting shades are used for such staining. It is also worth noting that degradation is ideal for long hair and is very difficult to perform on short hair, without fully achieving the desired effect.

Shatush - the type of coloring is also associated with stretching the shade along the entire length of the hair. The complexity of the technique lies in the fact that the shade should not be stretched over the entire volume of the hair, but only along individual strands, for this you need to do the work more accurately and delicately.
Balayazh - one of the very popular methods has its own characteristics.
The paint is applied to the hair with strokes, in the form of the English letter V, thanks to this, the hair looks natural and has only light colored highlights.
Stencil staining - a relatively new trend that is gaining popularity every season. The peculiarity of the technique is that with the help of a stencil a certain pattern is applied to the curls, forming the effect of snake skin or the color of leopard and tiger fur. With this type of dyeing, the dye is applied to individual strands without exposing the rest of the hair.
3D is a special way of coloring, which allows you not only to highlight the strands in a certain color, but also to make them visually voluminous.
This effect is achieved quite simply, it is enough just to take two tones of paint - light and a couple of tones darker.

Color palettes
Modern color palettes are so varied that sometimes it can be quite difficult to decide on a hair color. To alleviate the situation, you first need to figure out which shades belong to a particular color, which ones are suitable for a certain type of appearance, and which ones are completely unnatural when it comes to hair color.

For redheads
There are quite a few shades of red, thanks to which any girl who wants to focus on the color of her hair can choose a suitable tone for her appearance.In addition, sometimes the hair color is a manifestation of the character and inner mood of the girl, so it is very important to guess with the tone and in this nuance.
For example, classic copper shade, which is most often referred to as warm colors, is ideal for mischievous green-eyed girls with natural or fair skin tone. But it should be borne in mind that it is quite difficult to get a rich copper tone on dark hair, so you will have to pre-lighten the hair and take care of careful subsequent care and restoration.

Auburn is a very rich and unusual shade with a special undertone. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that when dyeing, they combine two colors - copper and purple, so that the paint can be used for dark hair, without preliminary lightening.
Light red the shade looks very natural and original, but is suitable only for fair-haired women or girls with highly bleached hair. In addition, the tone is very difficult to obtain, since for coloring you will have to mix gold and blue shades, carefully observing the proportions.

Fiery red color - a real find for bright, self-confident girls who are not afraid of bold experiments with their appearance. Achieving the perfect fiery shade is quite difficult, since unbleached hair can show deviations in this shade and will no longer look so impressive.
Golden chestnut also refer to shades of red, it is called reddish brown.
The tone is warm and is perfect for girls with both fair and dark skin.
This shade can be safely applied to light, light brown and not too dark hair, but to obtain it on black hair, you will have to resort to bleaching.

Amber shade of hair sometimes called golden or caramel, because it has many tones and overflows, as is characteristic of the stone itself. Ideally, this hair color will suit dark-eyed girls or owners of green eyes and olive skin tone. Dark hair for dyeing in this tone will have to be discolored, but it will fit perfectly on light brown and light strands.
Girls whose appearance type belongs to the cold color type is ideal reddish blonde hair color, which, it is worth noting, is the most natural and natural among all the other shades. This tone will show up perfectly on light brown hair, while getting it on dark or blonde curls will be almost unrealistic.

It should be noted also the peach-red shade, which is very often called reddish-pink.
The shade is very attractive and original, it looks quite fresh and softly complements any image, but it is not so easy to achieve this color scheme on the hair, since you will have to resort to lightening them to a tone of 10 depth.
You will also have to resort to lightening dark hair to obtain a golden-copper hue., which will perfectly fit on the hair of fair-haired or lighter tones. Kohler belongs to the category of warm and rather soft shades, therefore, to the greatest extent, it will suit girls of the corresponding color type.
Professionals recommend paying attention to the terracotta tone of the hair, as this is an amazing combination of nobility, originality and style in one color.

For brunettes
For brunettes, there are many shades, which in general have subtle differences, expressed in light overflows. But there are also options that have pronounced characteristic colors.
- The chocolate shade has many undertones, it can be lighter or darker, warm or cold, and depending on this, it will look differently on girls of different color types of appearance.
- The classic brown color scheme differs from chocolate in that it is more pronounced and does not have different shades.Most often, this color belongs to a warm range of shades and is ideal for girls of spring and autumn color types.
- We should also highlight the shade called "dark chocolate", because it differs from other chocolate tones in the richness of the dark color and the spectacular cold tint. This color scheme is ideal for girls of the winter color type, gracefully emphasizing their natural beauty.
- A light chestnut shade looks fresher and more natural than others, but you should know that it will fully manifest itself only on hair from the lightest to brown shades. In other cases, you will have to resort to light lightening of the hair, otherwise the desired hair color may simply not work.
- The coffee shade is somewhere between "dark chocolate" and the classic brown tone. It looks very original when painted with a color stretch and a smooth transition to a lighter tone, which is called "glaze".
- Black is the darkest shade for brunettes, but suitable only for girls whose appearance belongs to the cold color type. A black shade with a bluish tint is called "black tulip", and a rich burgundy undertone is called "black cherry". The shade "black currant", which has a characteristic purple flare, also looks very beautiful.
- A similar shade also has a rosewood tone, which is characterized by both light brown and burgundy, and subtle purple highlights, depending on the natural pigmentation of the hair.
There are also many other shades for brunettes, but these are perhaps the most basic, from which other equally attractive colors take the basis.

For blondes
There are a huge variety of shades of blonde hair, but there is no point in listing all of them, since many of them differ not so much in tone as in color temperature, direction or the presence of an ebb of one or another shade.
So, for example, a classic blond can be cold or warm, light or dark, which tends to look more natural. When choosing one of these shades, one should be guided, first of all, by the temperature of the skin tone and the color of the eyes, since some combinations may look ridiculous and inappropriate.
Hair shades with "tasty" names look very nice:
- caramel - ideal for swarthy girls with green or brown eyes, it looks natural and natural;
- strawberry - the most delicate and feminine version with a light pinkish tint, ideal for girls with a cold type of appearance and light pinkish skin;
- mocha is a light coffee shade that will help emphasize the noble combination of dark skin and blue eyes;
- peach - no less original color with a slight orange tint, with this coloring any skin will be favorably shaded, and the effect of a slight blush will flaunt on the cheeks;
- creamy - a universal shade of blonde hair, suitable for girls with absolutely any external data;
- Vanilla is a very popular and rather moody warm shade that needs monthly adjustments.
Colors for blondes are also subdivided into warm - golden, wheat, sand and beige, as well as cold - silver, arctic and ash.
Separately, it is worth highlighting the natural blonde shade, which is quite light, but, despite this, belongs to the category of warm colors. It is quite difficult to achieve this hair color, because with the wrong choice of coloring agents, you can get a pronounced yellow undertone.

For brown-haired women
Many people confuse brown hair color with shades of red and brunet hair, but it is still a separate tone that has many varieties. The classic brown-haired man has a chestnut shade, thanks to which this hair color can be easily confused with others. Let's take a closer look at the shade palette for brown-haired women.
- Light - a very soft and warm shade suitable for girls with golden skin tones, green, amber, honey and hazel eyes. It is with such combinations that the shade will luxuriously complement the image and will look the most advantageous.
- Ash brown is a fashionable alternative for blue-eyed girls of a cold color type. This shade has a suitable temperature and looks very noble.
- Cold chocolate - already from the name you can understand who this tone will suit. The noble shade, although it is rather dark, still does not fall into the classification of shades for brunettes, which makes it ideal for "cold" brown-haired women.
- Golden is a very organic and harmonious tone in itself, which can be combined with both tanned and snow-white skin, as well as with absolutely any eye color.
- Natural - the perfect warm shade that fully emphasizes the most advantageous sides of girls with olive skin and light eyes. In addition, the color itself is quite soft, which will have a beneficial effect on the image as a whole.
- Caramel chestnut - the tone looks very original and has a characteristic soft golden hue. Ideal for sensual, feminine people with a warm color type.
- Dark chestnut - it can be easily confused with one of the shades for brunettes, but professionals still classify it as a brown-haired color. Ideal for dark-skinned girls, it also helps soften facial contours, making them softer and more feminine.

For fair-haired
Some shades of light brown hair are often confused with both blonde flowers and some shades of brown hair. To understand the varieties of this color scheme, let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.
- Girls of a warm color type of appearance quite often have dark blond hair. This is an undeniable advantage, since with such an appearance, it is most easy to choose the right colors in clothes and makeup.
- Medium blond hair shades can be either warm or cold. Depending on the individual characteristics of girls of the first type, caramel, almond and wheat shades are suitable, while for the second, ash, gray and platinum tones will be ideal.
- Sandalwood is a classic shade of light blond hair, related to a warm appearance. This hair color is ideal for girls with a light tan and light eyes.
- If we talk about other shades of light blond, we can note their common feature - they all look quite natural and are very soft, pleasant warm tones. But it is worth noting that such colors are not recommended for fair-skinned girls, since they will be lost against the background of spectacular hair.
Speaking of light brown hair, it is worth mentioning that they are most often subjected to various dyeing techniques. The most common ones are ombre, balayage and gradient. It is the color transitions from darker to lighter that look more natural on light brown hair.

Unnatural colors
Unnatural colors also occur, but one should be careful about such experimentsas some of them barely fit into any dress code.
For example, amethyst-colored hair is likely to cause a lot of discussion and surprised looks, but at the same time a lot of delight, because on dark curls this shade gives a rich purple tint, and on light ones it looks like a light lilac haze.
A very unusual, but stylish solution - hair the color of wet asphalt.
A rich gray shade with an ash tint is suitable only for the most daring girls with bright external data, since fair-skinned owners of gray and blue eyes can simply get lost against the background of an unusual color of hair.

The salmon shade is very popular, but it is not entirely customary to see it on the hair. A soft pink-orange tone will be the perfect solution for girls with very fair skin and blue eyes, ideally highlighting all the advantages of this combination.
Deep blue hair color called "indigo", may cause confusion among people accustomed to more conservative images, but it cannot be denied that he looks quite beautiful and even bewitching. This shade is not recommended for girls with very pale skin, because against the background of hair, it can show a grayish tint and seem slightly unhealthy.

Even more questions and surprise can be caused by the swamp color of hair. Not every girl decides on this kind of staining and not every type of appearance will suit. The most suitable option is dark skin and light eyes.
Curls of carrot color will attract a lot of attention. Still - this is a real color bomb. The bright shade will emphasize the extraordinary creative character of the girl, as well as highlight her natural skin tone and green eyes.

Many non-standard shades can be found in the line of paints "Tefia", "Schwarzkopf", "Matrix"... These products will help not only to gently and delicately change the color of the hair, but also preserve the original and unusual color scheme for a long time.

Fashionable shades for women
Modern fashion is rich in a variety of unusual shades. This also applies to hair color, since the most unusual and non-standard options are popular this season. But there are also several interesting colors from a more familiar color scheme, which are no less beautiful and no less fashionable.
For example, delicate pastel shades look very beautiful and feminine... The powdery shade will help to emphasize the graceful features of the fragile girlish appearance, while the linen shade will help to accentuate the skin tone. It is worth mentioning that flax-colored hair is a more classic and familiar option.

Speaking of bright unusual shades, the first is to highlight the color "fuchsia". Bright pink hair with a raspberry tint will become an unusual accent of appearance and image. With certain hairstyles and suitable makeup with this hair color, you can create both an informal everyday look and a bow that fits the framework of a business style.
Owners of light porcelain skin can also safely experiment with their appearance and hair color.
Bright emerald shades will help to favorably emphasize all the advantages of the appearance, as well as deftly hide the imperfections visible in the face area.

Marsala color, as well as wine and cherry shades have a characteristic purple-burgundy highlight on the hair. These colors are popular both for dyeing the entire volume of hair completely, and for highlighting strands using the ombre technique or unusual highlighting.
Shades such as ginger and aquamarine are no less popular. Each of them has its own characteristics and is popular with girls of certain types.

What determines the choice of color?
The choice of hair color must be approached wisely, delicately and without haste, since sometimes it is quite difficult to choose a beautiful shade that matches the character of a girl. Consider the basic rules for choosing a hair color.
- The first thing worth paying attention to is the color type of appearance and its "temperature". It takes into account both eye color and natural skin tone. The image will not be harmonious if the shade of the hair is not combined with one of these factors.
- The choice of shade largely depends on the mood, but it is important to follow not a momentary impulse, but a deliberate desire. Chances are, if you have a moment's thought about painting an unusual bright color, you will soon regret it. Therefore, it is best to listen to your true desires.
- The color of the hair must be selected in accordance with the individual parameters of the face. For example, dark hair will help smooth the oval and make the face look thinner, while blonde shades will make the already plump cheeks even more voluminous.
- Introducing yourself in a new hair color should be comfortable. Shades that do not suit the inner state and character of the girl will not bring her any pleasure, but rather the opposite.
- Of course, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the hair before dyeing, since damaged or weakened curls cannot be subjected to the next stress and chemical attack. They need recovery or even complete treatment. Therefore, it is not recommended to lighten already weak hair.

For the rarest hair color, see the video below.