How to remove black hair color at home?

Many women and girls may face the need to change their hair color, in particular black. In order to radically transform as safely as possible or make the main tone a little lighter, there are several methods and formulations, the competent use of which will help to achieve the desired result and maintain healthy hair.

Why is the tone difficult to deduce?
Today, you can remove dark pigment from hair on your own, as well as with the help of beauty salon professionals, but such a procedure is not considered quick and easy. This is due to the need to understand all the subtleties of color, since it is the black pigment that is most strongly retained in the hair cuticle, which complicates its removal.
Such a color feature will require time for at least two procedures, as well as providing specific hair care after the selected pigment removal procedures.

Professional remedies
Manufacturers of hair dyes and cosmetics offer consumers a range of professional products designed to remove dark colors. Among the large assortment of such formulations, it is necessary to highlight the most demanded and effective options.
"L'Oreal Efassor"
Such products are powders sold in small sachets. Before using the product it must be diluted with hot water and then used like a regular shampoo. The decapitating composition is foamed, left on the head for a certain time depending on how long the black dye has been used to dye curls, then washed off.

"Color Off" (Estel)
A set of several products based on ammonia.
The emulsion removes the pigment, after which, at the request of the client, tinting is carried out in the selected shade.

Hair Light Remake Color
The composition, which does not include chemicals, interacts with the pigment with the help of fruit acids. Such a feature of the components used will allow, after one application, to change the black hair color, lightening it by a couple of tones.

Several well-known brands offer similar products.
The composition contains chemistry.

Quite a popular composition for removing pigment and discoloration of hair that stands out its budgetary cost.

As a rule, all of the above formulations interact with the hair shaft at a deep level, which guarantees the result, but the degree of lightening will directly depend on the number of procedures performed and the frequency of dyeing the hair with black paint.
How to make a wash?
A wash is considered to be a session of removing the coloring pigment from the cuticle of the hair shaft. However, such a procedure will be effective only in the case of a uniform change in hair color. Most often, after such a procedure, the curls acquire a reddish tint.
The first step in this process will be conducting an allergo test for the drug used. To do this, the composition is applied to a thin strand in the middle of the hair.
Having withstood the allotted time, it will be possible to determine how the body reacts to cosmetic products and their components. In addition, it will become clear to what extent the hair is lightened.

Despite the information in many advertising campaigns, it is not at all necessary to use the composition of the same brand as the paint with which the hair was previously dyed. The essence of the procedure lies in the treatment of hair with the selected products based on its type and method of application.
To lighten previously colored curls, a one-time use may be required if there is a need to go from a black shade to chestnut or dark blond. If the hair is discolored after black completely, then the compositions are used with a time interval of at least 6 times.

Folk ways
In addition to the products from the professional hair line presented by the manufacturers, there are many options for getting rid of the annoying black color with home remedies. Such methods most often have a smoking effect on the hair shafts, in addition, they allow a woman to save money. Among the most popular methods, several are worth highlighting.
Kefir based mask
The composition of the product will include 40 grams of gelatin, as well as 1 glass of fermented milk product. The ingredients are mixed, left to swell for a while, after which the agent is heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven, applied to the hair.
At home, the kefir mass must be kept on the hair. for 3-5 hours, wrapping your head in a towel, then the product is washed off with warm water. This option will allow you to remove the dark color gradually. Usually the procedures are repeated at intervals of one week until the desired shade is achieved.
A distinctive advantage of the method is the change in hair color without harm.

Composition based on cinnamon and honey
The remedy is prepared at home from the following products:
- 30 grams of honey;
- 30 grams of cinnamon;
- egg.
Beat all the ingredients, then apply to the curls, leave for 2-3 hours. This composition can be used more often.
Usually, you can quickly get rid of black in 3-4 applications of the product within one week.

Using natural oils
Many oils have the ability to remove dark pigment from the hair cuticle with regular use. Among effective products, it is worth highlighting linseed, olive, burdock and even ordinary vegetable and butter. To properly make a nourishing and brightening composition, you can use margarine or butter, which is melted in a water bath, and then applied to the hair.
Keep it on your head for at least 3 hours. Natural essential oils, together or separately, are applied to the entire length of the hair, covered with a towel, and aged to interact with the dark pigment for about 8-10 hours.

Lemon mask
You can also get rid of black with the help of freshly squeezed lemon pulp or juice. To prepare a natural wash, you need to do the following:
- citrus must be peeled, and then made into a gruel using a blender or food processor;
- fresh gruel should be evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, put on a hat or wrap the curls with a towel;
- after 30-40 minutes, the product must be washed off, applied to the hair with burdock or castor oil;
- after a quarter of an hour it is washed off.
Also, lemon can be used according to the following algorithm:
- squeeze juice from one or more fruits;
- mix with 1 liter of water.
You need to rinse your head with such a liquid after each hair wash.

In addition to the above products, among the folk remedies used to combat dark pigment, can be used formulations based on mustard, soda, aspirin or laundry soap. Such compositions do not guarantee a transition to a beautiful blond, but they will definitely help to achieve lighter shades on the hair.

Lightening and coloring
In addition to washing and folk options, there are effective and more radical transformation options - discoloration followed by staining... This option is quite difficult to call sparing for the hair, however, partial lightening will cause little damage to the curls. Among the techniques used today, several will be able to get rid of black.
Highlighting with additional toning of some areas
A popular way to lighten part of the hair in light brown, platinum or caramel tones. Also used variants with less contrast with the main color.
In this version, it will turn out to make the black not so sharp, the transitions of several shades will provide an update of the image, as well as the removal of dark paint.

A similar option for working with hair, however, in the course of such dyeing, several shades will be used at once. At the request of the client, bright colors or natural transitions, for example, in brown, can be taken, which will provide a calmer exit from the black shade.

The essence of this technique is to combine the existing dark curls with light ones. But this option will provide a beautiful result only if you work with the hair of a professional colorist.
It will not be possible to immediately become a blonde or light-haired, but by gradually applying light colors, it will be possible to repaint your hair from black to a lighter version.

Helpful hints
Such a change in hair color in most cases has a detrimental effect on their condition, therefore, after a radical or partial exit from the dark, it is necessary to provide damaged curls with good care. Also, when setting the goal of removing pigment, it is best to follow these tips.
- It is worth knowing that professional products interact only with an artificial coloring composition, while the natural pigment remains in the cuticle. Therefore, for those who wish to return to their natural color, such products will be a real boon.
- It will be very difficult to change the black color, if it was obtained with the help of basma. Therefore, it is not recommended to experiment at home.
- All work with chemical compounds should be carried out with gloves. In some cases, it is worthwhile to first apply a cream to the scalp in order to avoid contact of aggressive components with the epidermis.
- All curing steps of formulations to get rid of dark pigment must be strictly controlled in time. In light of this, in order to avoid burns, you should be guided by the instructions for use supplied by the manufacturer.
- The number of pickling procedures performed should be selected based on the structure of the hair shafts, as well as the general frequency of using black paint. Therefore, you should not rely on the reviews of other clients.
- You can paint or remove the black pigment, but subsequent care should be carried out using restoring balms and conditioners. It is also worth giving preference in the future to a series of mild shampoos for damaged hair.
- Before using bleaching agents, you should be prepared to remove natural pigment from the cuticle.
- It is necessary to dye your hair after washing no earlier than after 14 days.
- You should not abuse even folk remedies when fighting black pigment. Therefore, the frequency of use should be considered. This is especially true for acidic formulations in which mustard, hydrogen peroxide or soda will be present.
- After washing, discoloration or painting, you should temporarily refrain from using hair dryers or irons, tight elastic bands and hairstyles, do not use brushes with metal teeth.
- It is also recommended to avoid direct sunlight and use chlorinated water to wash your hair.

Since the removal of black color is often resorted to both at home and with the help of specialized store formulations, there are many responses among the fair sex about such a procedure. All in all, fighting persistent black pigments is bound to bring results. The Professional Series will help you do this faster, and with folk masks it may take a little longer.
But in each individual case, the degree of lightening of the curls and the duration of the washings will be different. Adhering to the recommendations on the algorithm for changing hair color, as well as with proper subsequent care, you can reduce the negative health effects of the strands, as well as achieve the desired shade.
For an overview of Estel color black wash, see the next video.