What color to dye the hair of girls with brown eyes?

It is believed that dark hair is most suitable for brown eyes, but in fact this is a misconception. There are other nuances in women's appearance, in addition to the pigmentation of the iris, which will help to correctly determine the shade of the curls. Only taking into account the skin color, type of face and curls is it possible to choose an impeccably suitable hair tone for brown eyes.
Most people on the planet are born with brown eyes - their dark iris is caused by a high concentration of melanin. Such eyes are not just brown, they differ in color intensity in different people, they are lighter and darker. But the most interesting thing is that under the layer of brown pigment there are blue cells. This confirms the fact that blue eyes many thousands of years ago evolved from brown as a result of a mutation. The shades of this color are quite varied, there are gray, golden, tea, amber, olive and greenish, and for some owners of such an iris, the color can change depending on mood and strong emotions.
It would be unfair to limit yourself to just dark hair color in order to highlight such significant differences.

Among the features of such eyes:
- a great combination with freckles for ladies with different hair tones;
- brown color looks advantageous in combination with white, golden peach and dark skin;
- when applying makeup, it is undesirable to simultaneously emphasize the eyes and lips, only one detail can be highlighted;
- for owners of iris brown, the eyebrow color must certainly be a couple of tones darker than the strands.

Advantages and disadvantages
Brown eyes have undeniable benefits about which it is impossible not to say:
- brown color is, first of all, the energy associated with the element of fire, therefore, such an image can be supplemented with jewelry made of gold, which will give the image a special chic and nobility;
- light and pastel colors of clothing help soften the expression of the face;
- any tones and halftones of hair are suitable for brown eyes, if they are selected taking into account other subtleties;
- the image of a brown-eyed lady will be bright and effective even in the absence of cosmetics, which some owners of a different eye color cannot say about themselves.

But there are also disadvantages, more precisely, certain requirements, breaking which you can look unsatisfactory and even vulgar:
- undesirable daytime (everyday) make-up, which may look obscene, evening make-up should also not be defiant;
- brown-eyed young ladies should avoid shiny, as well as plain white, black and red clothes - it is recommended to add neutral accessories of other colors to the look;
- artificial or extended eyelashes look eccentric and even unnatural against the background of dark eyes.
Another problem is associated with the difficulties of dyeing when lightening dark hair, which is predominant in such women.

What criteria should be considered when choosing a color?
Brown eyes are more than expressive; muted and faded tones of the strands do not suit them. Women with such a beautiful and mysterious look, of course, need an appropriate luxurious hair tone. A qualified craftsman who is scrupulous about his work will definitely pay attention to individual details that are important when choosing a color for painting:
- skin texture and tone;
- face configuration;
- iris shade;
- color, hair structure and length of curls.

Depending on the tone of the eyes and skin the following hair colors can be matched.
- With light brown eyes natural hair, most often, is light brown and chestnut, in this case all shades will be relevant, from light brown and pale red to light brown and chestnut. If at the same time the face of the brown-haired woman has a warm, golden, yellowish or peach undertone, natural chestnut, light chocolate, wheat, caramel and bronze shades are suitable. Also, the image of ladies with light brown eyes will harmoniously complement the coloring using the technique of balayazh, shatush, tricolor highlighting. Along with this, black, cold light brown and ash shades, complete discoloration of curls and multi-color extreme tint are not recommended.
- If the eyes are dark brown, the main options are chestnut, light and dark chocolate, coffee, natural copper and red shades, for example, ripe cherry, burgundy, ruby and pomegranate. To create a light shimmer on the hair, it is allowed to use toning with golden or pearl highlights, but first you have to discolor some of the strands. An alternative version is ombre, highlighting strands in separate areas with extreme color, monochromatic highlighting.
- Owners of dark brown, practically black eyes most have this color of hair. Based on this, for brunettes with dark skin, it is better to choose chestnut shades that soften an overly bright image and make it more feminine. If the skin is porcelain-white, you can shade the hair with bluish-black or cherry shades, or bleach and subsequent toning in an arctic, Scandinavian blond. Warm light tones of copper, platinum, gold will not look so advantageous, therefore, the masters do not recommend using them. In addition, contrasting or monochromatic highlighting is suitable for black-eyed ladies.
In addition, you will need to take into account the features of the face and the size of the curls.

We take into account the length of the hair and the type of face
To make the image perfect it is necessary to take into account the features of the face:
- for ladies with a face in the form of a square and a trapezoid, it is advisable to use the technique of contrasting coloring or highlighting - this will create smooth transitions, and a wide chin will not stand out so much;
- multi-layered hairstyles are good for a round face, and their shade can be varied within golden, chestnut and wheat tones;
- Copper, brown and light brown tones will give harmony to the image with a triangular face;
- for women of fashion with an oval face, any options are suitable, including those with a radical change in color.

Finding out what color to dye the hair of the owners of brown eyes, it is worth listening to the advice of the masters regarding the length of the strands.
- For long curls the choice of ash, pearl, graphite, nordic blond shades is allowed. For thin and damaged hair, it is better to choose chocolate, honey and wheat tones.
- For short hair the best option is multilayer coloring in light brown, chocolate, nut tones.
- With an average length strands are relevant light, caramel and other natural shades.
If brown eyes belong to the lucky owner of curly hair, copper, red and fiery shades can be used. As you can see from this review, brown-eyed women of fashion have a wide range of options to make their appearance unique. The main thing is to build on not only the color of the eyes, but also from its other natural features.
You will learn more about how to choose a hair color in the following video.