How to remove black hair dye?

There are many situations in which it may become necessary to remove black dye from hair. An important nuance in this matter is the selection of an effective means for the procedure, since the condition of the curls after washing off the coloring pigment will directly affect the appearance of the hair shafts and the hairstyle in general.

The desire to radically change the image and hair color can be influenced by many things. First of all, situations are quite possible when the acquired black hair color turned out to be simply not to the face. Such a result is quite possible not only after dyeing in a beauty salon, but also during home experiments with hair. And if in the matter of independently changing the color scheme to light there is still an opportunity to tint the resulting shade, then with black and saturated colors, things will be much more difficult.
Most often, color matching errors concern color type women. Of course, the shade of the raven wing is quite attractive, but for fair-skinned women, it is unlikely to be suitable. Skin combined with black hair will become even palermay even look just painful.
In addition, this color will not be a good choice for young girls. The result of such staining can be quite vulgar appearance, it is possible that the bluish-black will add a few extra years to the young girl.
Unsuccessful staining in charcoal shades can be work carried out using low-quality products for painting, which will also require taking prompt measures to remove the coloring pigment from the curls.

A rather commonplace reason, due to which there may be a desire to wash the black color scheme from the curls, may be a situation when, in the process of long and reusable staining I'm just tired of this color a woman or a desire to make her hairstyle lighter, in the light of which the use of a wash will become mandatory.
Removing a dark shade is sometimes necessary when using a partial and gentle staining technique such as shatush, bronding or balayazh. These methods will allow you to create more natural transitions and overflows of shades on your hair, simulating the presence of sun-burnt strands in your hair.
To achieve this result, black pigment on the hair is not considered a contraindication, however, it can complicate the task of the master in achieving harmonious and natural shades, since the contrast of light colors and the color of the crow's wing will be too pronounced, which will negatively affect the harmony of shades in the total mass of hair.

Salon procedures
To solve this problem, in most cases, they resort to the help of professional procedures, which are carried out under the guidance of an experienced master who understands coloristics. Today, specialized methods for getting rid of black pigment include pickling... The cost of such a service is not distinguished by its availability, in addition, a positive result is not always achieved the first time.
In particular, the washing process can be complicated by the fact that the hair has been dyed black more than once. But the result of the wizard's work will be creating a uniform shade along the entire length of the hair, which will have a positive effect on the further procedure, which concerns changing the image, lightening, etc.
The principle of operation of compositions for pickling is reduced to creating a reaction of the main chemical component - ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, with dark pigment in the hair shafts. These substances, in fact, wash out the coloring matter, during which the hair becomes lighter by at least three tones.

Having an idea of the composition of the wash, it is easy to guess that the result of the contact of the components with the curls will be damage to their structureso it's not worth doing this work too often. But if it was still not possible to get rid of the annoying black color quickly and in one session, some time must pass between the first pickling and the second procedure. The interval will be needed in order to heal damaged hair and allow it to recover. For these purposes, at home, you should regularly use regenerating and nourishing professional care cosmetics.
For a complete understanding of the features and properties of a specialized salon wash, its positive features should be considered. These include the following points:
- as a result of the work carried out on the hair, an even tone will be obtained, which will greatly facilitate further painting work;
- as practice shows, the new color after pickling will lie smoother, and will also stand out with a beautiful shine and tints.

Among the cons of a salon wash it is necessary to note the following nuances:
- first of all, the disadvantages include the high cost of the service, especially if you need to remove color from long strands;
- to achieve a decent result, it may take up to 5 visits to a beauty salon, since in some cases, the wash does not allow you to get rid of the dark color in one day;
- the presence of aggressive chemical components is guaranteed to harm the hair shafts and their structure;
- curls after contact with the compositions will be dry and brittle.

In addition to pickling, masters can offer their clients an acidic agent for removing black color. As practice shows, this option is distinguished by a less aggressive degree of destructive effect on the hair. As a result, you can get curls that will become lighter in a couple of tones.
Also, the master may suggest, as an alternative, to choose a service for lightening or discoloration of curls. This option will be less expensive in comparison with the wash, but the result of such manipulations can be a red color. This will require re-lightening or toning in a different shade. This work will take several days.

In addition, complex and multi-stage staining methods, such as highlighting or bronding.

Quite a bold and cardinal decision can be short haircut, which will make it possible to grow curls of your own color. This option does not provide for the contact of the hair shafts with aggressive chemistry, in addition, cutting the length will benefit the hairstyle.
However, growing will take a long time, even if you use folk remedies to enhance hair growth, as well as purchase professional salon compositions.

How to wash off with folk remedies?
In addition to professional tools that are used in cases with the removal of black color from hair, there are many alternative methods that can solve this issue to one degree or another.
Lemon puree and juice
As a worthy alternative to store drugs, you can use fruit acid... In order to remove the dark pigment at home, it is worth peeling the citrus from the zest and making a puree-like mass out of the pulp. In this case, a blender or food processor can act as an assistant.
The resulting composition must be applied to the hair along the entire length, be sure to wrap it with a towel and film. You need to keep lemon pulp about 50-60 minutes. Then the hair will need to be rinsed with warm water. In this case, you should refrain from using shampoo.
The result of this method of dealing with black pigment will be lightening the strands by about one tone. As for the frequency of the procedure, it can be done no more than once every 30 days. Among the possible negative consequences after exposure to the skin and hair shafts of fruit acid, one should highlight a possible allergic reaction, as well as the appearance of dandruff.

To avoid the risk of negative reactions after working with lemon pulp, it would be more correct to apply a nutritious composition to the hair, which can be vegetable oil.
This method also has a gentle and partial effect. However, the negative side of using this product will be the presence of rather dry and hard curls after contact with the composition. That is why, among the entire available list of folk methods for removing pigment, the use of baking soda is contraindicated for dry and damaged hair shafts. To lighten the curls in this way, it is necessary to dissolve 250 ml of soda in water until a thick slurry forms in the container.
After that, the resulting composition must be distributed as evenly as possible over the entire length of the strands. For these purposes, you can arm yourself a brush with sparse teeth or a brush. Next, the hair must be wrapped in a film and a towel. It's worth keeping baking soda on your head about 40 minutes... Over time, the hair must be rinsed with warm water and shampoo. It is important that it does not contain sulfates.
As practice shows, the method will bring a positive and health-improving effect to girls whose skin is prone to oily content.

As a reliable folk way of removing black paint, one can consider a mask that will consist of fermented milk products. In addition to the usual kefir with the highest percentage of fat, you can use sourdough or homemade yogurt... The product must be applied to the hair, wrapped up and left for a couple of hours. In the course of the contact of lactic acid bacteria with the pigment, chemical compounds will be destroyed in the hair shafts, which later are simply washed off with plain water.

Laundry or tar soap
You should work with this product by analogy with a washing off shampoo. Therefore, color removal in this case will be carried out by ordinary washing. The owner of black hair should moisten the curls, lather them until a thick foam appears, leave them in this form for 20-30 minutes.
It is not recommended to use soap on dry hair.

Beekeeping products
An effective natural product that will have a similar response to dark pigment as peroxide will be flower honey... With the help of honey, it will be possible not only to get rid of dark hair color, but also to strengthen its structure. To work with the composition, it will be enough to wet the curls and apply a treat on them.
If the product is already sugar-coated, you can slightly melt it in a water bath, but the use of a microwave oven must be discarded. After application, hair should be covered with some light cloth, and left on the head for 10 hours. You can do the procedure before bedtime. Then the honey is washed off with a mild shampoo and balm.

Hydrogen peroxide and supra
You can quickly remove the paint by using a rather aggressive lightening method. However, before use, it should be borne in mind that the resulting composition greatly dehydrates the hair shafts. It is worth cooking take one pack of clarifier, mix it with peroxide in a 1: 1 ratio.
To make the remover foamy, it is recommended to add a little liquid soap or shampoo to it. While the reaction between the two components lasts, the curls should be treated with the composition, the clarifier should be left on the hair for 30 minutes. After this, the strands must be thoroughly washed with shampoo. The interval between procedures should be at least a week.
The result of removing black dye in this way will be to obtain a red or chestnut shade on the hair.

A gentle remover that will not harm your hair, but you will be able to achieve the desired result in at least 2-3 weeks. The effectiveness of this product is due to the presence in the composition of such components as vinegar and citric acid... Thanks to them, a natural decolorant is able to destroy the chemical bonds of the paint in the structure of the hair shafts. As moisturizing and nourishing ingredients vegetable oil and egg.
Lighten hair by applying mayonnaise to hair, combing well. After that, a hat should be put on the head, which will form a certain microclimate inside, which has a positive effect on the reaction of the components with the dye composition on the hair. You need to keep the product on the strands at least three hours... Then the hair must be washed with shampoo.

Vitamin C
A good clarifier for black curls, which actively removes pigment from the hair shafts. Before use ascorbic acid in the amount of 20 pills you need to grind into powder, mix with a small amount of shampoo and apply on curls for 5-10 minutes, then rinse.
To achieve a beautiful result, a similar procedure should be carried out every other day.

Fat-based wash
The hair product is prepared from sunflower, burdock and castor oil, mixed in the same proportion. The products must be heated in a water bath, add 30-50 grams of margarine to them, stir until smooth.
The wash is applied to the entire length of the curls, it is best to wrap the head with foil and wrap it in a towel. It is necessary to keep the decolorrant on the hair in order 2 hours... The result from one procedure will lighten the strands by one tone.

Despite a strong desire to get rid of the annoying and unsuitable black color, you should not purchase a bleaching powder for this procedurethat can simply burn your hair.
As for the black color obtained from the use of basma, the procedure for removing the pigment should be entrusted only to an experienced master in the salon, since home experiments can lead to a rather unexpected result.

For thin curls, it would be more correct to use decolarant, in which there will be no acid or soda.
After using any wash, you need to take care of increased moisture and nourishment of the hair.

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