How to remove hair dye?

Every woman tends to experiment with her appearance. Often, to change the image, she resorts to hair coloring. If the result is not at all what you intended, you may need to urgently rinse the dye. It is worth considering the main methods of washing, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the nuances of care after washing off the pigment.

What it is?
Hair wash is procedure for removing pigment from hair. It allows the curls to return to their natural color, although this may take more than one session. This procedure is called pickling... It is practiced in order to completely get rid of the unfortunate, in the opinion of the woman, shade of the dyed strands. However, if desired, the technician can be not only deep, but also superficial.
In the classical sense, a wash is a procedure harmful to hairbecause it uses chemicals. The deeper it is, the higher the effect, but also the more harm to the hair. Surface wash is considered a kind of correcting the unfortunate shade... She is unable to completely remove pigment from the hair, but she is quite able to even out the tone a little.
When washing off, the destruction of the pigment occurs, this is precisely what explains the withdrawal of the coloring matter. Moreover, the technique blocks the extracted substances, preventing them from penetrating deep into the hair again. The procedure provokes the disclosure of the scales, which, depending on the drug used, may be irreversible. If the scales do not close, this affects the health of the hair, making it lifeless.

It is important to note that the composition of the wash is different and depends both on the condition of the hair and on the shade of the dye used.
Advantages and disadvantages
Removing hair dye has few advantages. It helps to get rid of or correct a failed staining experiment. In addition, when performing pickling, you can control the degree of washout intensity, as well as regulate the process. However, this does not mean at all that you can overnight turn black curls into blond or get rid of paint, the tone of which does not even come close to what is depicted on the package.
The advantage of a professional procedure is the fact that ready-made formulations are used for it, while they are more effective and take little time. Usually, such a wash takes no more than half an hour, which is especially important for clients with an intensive daily routine. Some preparations need to be kept on the hair for no more than 20 minutes.
For the rest, the pickling is full of shortcomings. It is it causes significant damage to hair, drying it, leading to breakage and loss of vitality. Sometimes after it, the hair resembles tow or dandelion fluff. In addition, washing off can cause hair loss and thinning.

As for professional products, no one guarantees that the hair structure after the technique will not change for the worse.
It is impossible to do a wash only because of a whim: in order to prevent such a situation, you need to initially with great responsibility to approach the choice of the desired shade... In addition, not every woman can do such a procedure at home, because you need to know the concentration of the solution, select it in accordance with the structure of your hair and their condition.
In addition, not every wash is effective, which depends on the frequency with which a woman paints her hair. The effect after rinsing is similar to the effect of a perm. If you resort to using folk remedies, this will not give the desired result. In addition, such procedures will have to be performed several times.
Another disadvantage of the wash can be called it. price in the salon. Given that a single session may not be enough to achieve the desired effect, the total cost of removing pigment can be expensive. After washing, you should not paint your head for about a few weeks.

Each hair needs time to recover from stress and at least slightly restore its structure after cosmetic intervention. It is also worth considering that some types of dyes are not washed off at all, or the effect of the procedure is barely noticeable.
The ways
There are two ways to wash off pigment from unsuccessfully colored hair: with the help of professional drugs and folk remedies. Each method has its own characteristics. However, regardless of which method is chosen as the basis of the procedure, it will require an assessment of the condition of the hair and the selection of the correct option with a minimum risk of damage to their structure.
If the surface technique is chosen as the basis, in this case the treatment of the strands will be done with an alkaline solution. This method is only good when the client sets before the master the task of correcting an unsuccessful color. Typically here manages to lighten hair by one tone or slightly weaken the brightness of the hue to be corrected.
A qualified stylist who cares about his reputation, first of all, offers clients this method of washing. The technique may not be as effective, but it gives little result and less damage to hair.

As for deep pickling, it, in fact, is discoloration of hair. The master will select the concentration of the composition, conduct a test to identify allergies. Only after that will he start lightening, due to which the unwanted tone will be removed, and with it the natural color will change. In other words, it will be discoloration for painting.
In this case, the stylist will look at the color of the strands: for dark paint tones, you will have to choose a more concentrated wash solution. Curls should be processed twice, otherwise three timesto make their color more or less acceptable. The wash is done at intervals of 2-3 weeks. Its frequency may also depend on the type of paint used.
If the work used washable ammonia-free dye, the color can go off very quickly. Sometimes such drugs do not need to be pickled at all, because on average they stay on the hair for no more than 2-3 weeks. Others can be washed off with shampoo in a week. If you wait this time, you can do without a hair-damaging procedure.
When it is necessary to wash off not ammonia-free, but persistent and even old paint, then there are already no other possibilities as pickling.

Hair washing with professional preparations has the following features:
- do not wash your hair before the procedure;
- during its implementation, you need to use hot water;
- before you start pickling, you need to conduct an allergy test so as not to harm the scalp;
- the sequential steps of the instructions must be followed, since a deviation from the correct technology can have negative consequences for the hair, up to and including hair loss.

To rinse hair dye with professional products, it is worth adhering to the following steps:
- to prepare the composition, you need to combine the contents of the two bottles with each other, taking into account the ratio indicated on the wash package;
- further, the prepared mass is applied to the hair along the entire length, starting from the roots;
- after applying the product on the head, put on a plastic shower cap and maintain a similar mask for 20 minutes;
- when the time is up, the head is washed under running water, washing out even the slightest remnants of the drug;
- since the remover will affect the health of the hair, it is preferable to dry it after washing not with a hairdryer, but with a bath towel; and you cannot rub the strands against each other: it is better if they dry out naturally.

Important! If, after the procedure, the hair begins to cast yellow, you should think about toning them, weighing all the pros and cons. In this case, the paint must be selected to a tone lighter, since it will take better on weakened strands.
In the conditions of the salon, the washing is carried out by means of a powdery substance or the so-called pickling powder. The components of the emulsion may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Among the professional tools, the products of several companies can be noted.
- Estel Color Off It is distinguished by the fact that it washes out the pigment while preserving the naturalness of the resulting shade of the strands. The effect is achieved due to the catalyst, neutralizer and reducing agent inside the package.

- Kapous decoxon characterized by the presence of two phases, a capacity of 0.2 liters. In the process of pickling, the pigment dissolves. According to the manufacturer's assurance, the product is suitable for full or partial highlighting. The formula of the drug is considered gentle.

- L'oreal eclair clair good for getting rid of old permanent paint. The wash lays down evenly, it is distributed well over the strands, therefore, it brightens them without visible blemishes such as color spots. The set includes a caring mask.

- Kaaral Baco characterized by the presence of silk and rice proteins in the composition. The manufacturer indicates a gentle type of remover. This product is highly appreciated by qualified professionals.

When buying this or that option, you need to take into account its compatibility with the structure of your hair. Since it is rather difficult, it is better to entrust such work to a professional.
In addition, when washing out the pigment at home, you can overexpose the composition or completely burn their hair... Alas, not every woman can pay 4 thousand rubles for one procedure. If the problem is big, but there is no money, it is worth using folk remedies.
Folk remedies for washing off an unsuccessful shade of staining are not so much washing preparations as masks, by means of which the process of washing out the pigment is accelerated. Such procedures are performed mainly at home. Depending on the type of raw material used, the procedure may imply application for half an hour, 20 minutes or an hour and a half. Selected home remedies kept on my head all nightwashing off in the morning with shampoo.

As for active substances, such masks can be based on aspirin, laundry soap, or even mayonnaise. It should be noted that masks of this type differ in the principle of influence. Not all of them are as harmless as they write about it on the information portals of the World Wide Web. For example, removers made from laundry soap, aspirin or soda can harm your hair, so you need to use them with extreme caution, not exceeding the time limit allotted for washing.

To remove pigment from colored strands, you can use oil-based masks. For example, it could be coconut, burdock, linseed, olive, almond or sunflower oil. Such compositions are heated in a water bath and applied to washed curls, and after the required time, rinsed with water and lemon. Are considered effective and procedures with kefir, which is often heated before use.

Features of washing off color
The washing off of the pigment occurs in different ways. It depends both on the chosen technique and on the duration, as well as the number of procedures. In addition, the shades and structure of the hair itself can be a decisive factor.
The wash can be not only alkaline, but also acidic. In the first case, the pigment is destroyed by means of a lightening powder with an oxidizing agent, or it can be a professional tool. Acid counterparts fall into two categories: folk and professional... This line is more gentle, but less effective. Consider the nuances of washing out pigments of different colors based on more gentle means.
If the resulting tone is too dark, it can visually age the girl, making her look heavy. And if it turns out to be black, then the situation can be completely deplorable: this is the antitrend of the season, which every fashionista knows about.
This is the most harmful pigment, as it fills the entire hair, which often leads to deterioration of the structure and loss. The main task of the master is to lighten in two tones, having achieved a shade of chocolate. In this case, you can use one of the methods described below.
- Lemon without peel crushed in a blender, then the gruel is applied to the strands, covered with a film and kept for half an hour. After that, wash off with warm water without shampoo, then moisten the head with oil, after 2 hours wash the hair with shampoo. The method allows to achieve a lightening by half a tone.

- You can use baking soda, diluted with water to a gruel state, repeating all the steps as in the case of the lemon. However, this method is suitable only for owners of oily hair: dry ones will simply break off from this.

- A gentle type of wash will be kefir mask... The mass is applied completely along the entire length of the colored strands, after which it is wrapped with ordinary cling film and left for an hour and a half. Then wash off with sulfate-free shampoo. Here, the clarifiers will be fermented milk fungi.

- You can resort to using honey, at the same time restoring with its help the structure of the lightened hair. A small amount of honey is melted in a water bath, the hair is moistened and the melted honey is spread over it. The head is covered with a shower cap. The procedure is done at night, washing off in the morning with shampoo and conditioner.

- Helps to lighten the shade and aspirin... To do this, grind 5 tablets into powder, dissolve with water, apply to hair, cover the head with a film and warm with a towel. After 40 minutes, the mask is washed off using shampoo and balm.

If the planned reddish shade leaves much to be desired, you want to get rid of it immediately. In this case, you can use several folk remedies.
- Take vegetable oil, heat it in a water bath, then add 2 tablespoons of brandy to it. The mass is applied to wet hair, distributed along the entire length, the head is wrapped in a film and insulated. Wash off the composition after half an hour using shampoo.
- To wash out pigment you can use laundry soap... It is foamed to a thick consistency, spread over the colored strands and washed off after holding for several minutes. Often, such a wash cannot be done, since it is harmful to the health of the hair. Instead of laundry soap, you can use tar.
- If you want to use professional remover, you need to take a product of the same brand as the paint used. This will reduce the harmfulness of the procedure, although not by much.

If you need to get rid of an ugly red or even red color, it is worth taking note: not every natural remedy is capable of removing an unfortunate reddish tint... This can only be done if the dyeing was done for the first time, and a low-percentage oxidizer was used for it, or the shade was obtained by dyeing the hair with a tint shampoo.
If a girl wants an effective and quick result, in most cases she will have to resort to using a professional wash followed by hair dyeing.

After dyeing, blond hair is the most vulnerable, so it can suffer even from gentle preparations. In this case, the use of such funds is categorically contraindicated, like baking soda and laundry soap. If you need to wash off the color by making your hair lighter, it is more advisable to use chamomile broth or lemon juice.
If instead of a beautiful shade you get a swamp tone, you can get rid of it by aspirin (about 125 ml). To do this, dissolve 4–5 tablets in water and soak wet hair into the mass. At the same time, to enhance the effect, a plastic cap is put on the head and insulated. After an hour, the mass is washed off, rinsing well under running water.

Can I wash off in one day?
Girls who believe that today in the store you can buy miraculous compounds to solve all problems are deeply mistaken. Even in a salon, not a single master will give a guarantee that in one procedure he will completely extract the pigment obtained from unsuccessful staining and wash it off to a natural or at least natural color. However, not everything is hopeless: at home, you can significantly change the color with the help of kefir. At the same time, for a high-quality result, you need to buy a fatty product.
In the process of washing out the pigment fermented milk fungi will corrode chemical compounds. Kefir has the ability to strengthen the strands, while washing it off, it will heal the microcracks of each colored hair.
You can flavor the mask with egg yolk, yeast and sugar. In this case, it is advisable to let the mass brew a little, and to enhance the effect, add a little honey or lemon juice.

Quickly and effectively wash off the unsuccessful shade after staining oil based masks... At the same time, they are applied to clean hair, performing various kinds of compresses, and sometimes even leaving oil on the head all night. Of course, removing such a rinse from hair is difficult, but the method really works.
For example, you can turn blue hair into ash with a blue tint by melted coconut oil compress... If you wish, you can speed up the procedure with a thermal cap, which will reduce its duration to 20 minutes. You will have to wash off this mask several times, as the hair will be oily.
Natural masks cannot get rid of black color. Is needed here professional emulsion or powder-powder. Of course, you can try to wash the black color with a mixture of kefir, calendula tincture, as well as liquid oil (any, up to the usual sunflower oil).
According to the reviews of the girls who have tested this method, kefir will flow along with the paint. This method will not completely remove the pigment on hair that is often dyed. However, for 2-3 times, kefir will noticeably lighten the hair, although not to its natural color.

Hair care
The use of washes will require a further complex of caring measures to restore the hair structure. When using professional products with deep penetration, the strands will lose their vitality, become susceptible to drying out and the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. The use of thermal styling products is not recommended for a month.... This can provoke not only hair loss, but whole strands can remain on the irons or curling irons.
In addition, you will need to regularly nourish the curls, not forgetting about the treatment of the scalp. Will need products with a vitamin complex... As for shampoos, the usual ones will have to be replaced with counterparts with a gentle effect. In addition, you need to select the appropriate conditioner balms, which will complement the caring complex.
You can restore strands with masks made from decoctions of medicinal herbs. Staining at this time is undesirable.

Hair washes are considered a salvation in situations where a terrible hair color is obtained, and an urgent need to correct it. This is evidenced by the reviews of girls who love to experiment with their appearance and often dye their hair in search of a new self.
Fashionistas note that you can make washes at home, and following the advice of beauty bloggers, you can choose options that will remove unwanted pigment much faster than in a salon. As for the method, opinions differ here. Fashionistas also resort to natural remedies, and often use professional means, buying them in specialized stores.

For information on how to wash off hair dye with folk remedies at home, see the next video.