How to dye your hair with coffee?

Coffee is not only a wonderful invigorating drink, but also a great way to color paper, fabrics and even hair! Even in ancient times, when colors were either not available, or they were not available for ordinary girls, it was used to make hair several shades darker. Nowadays most people find this coloring method funny. But there are also those who choose natural and healthy hair. In this regard, natural coffee is clearly ahead of any chemical dyes.

It is very easy to dye your hair with coffee if you know how to work with this unusual dye. To obtain the desired result, it is necessary not only to choose the right type of coffee, but also to brew it correctly. After that, you can start the staining process.
So, for example, painting is best done using only natural coffee. It is desirable that it be freshly ground at the same time. Only in this case the given drink will be able to "give" its maximum color.
You shouldn't skimp on “dye” and buy cheap coffee. There will be no benefit from this, because the hair simply will not be dyed.
In order to get only a light shade after painting, it is best to use the thick of such a drink just drunk.
In addition, as in all other cases, you do not need to do this procedure after a perm. It is necessary to wait at least one month, as the hair simply will not be colored. It should also be borne in mind that the resulting color will depend on the original shade of the hair.The shade of girls with light brown hair or brown-haired women will turn out to be more saturated and brighter. But for black-haired beauties, such coloring will help make their hair shiny and more well-groomed. Blondes will only darken their hair a little.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any coloring agent, coffee has its pros and cons.
Its advantages include the following:
- dyes hair in beautiful natural colors;
- does not cause allergic reactions;
- strengthens hair, which prevents hair loss;
- thanks to this coloring, oily sheen is eliminated, the hair becomes bright and shiny;
- in some cases, such a procedure even saves from baldness;
- there are absolutely no harmful chemical elements in coffee;
- has a pleasant aroma.
However, despite such a number of advantages, this method of staining should not be considered ideal. It also has disadvantages:
- coffee paints gray hair only before the first shampooing;
- in order to achieve a good result in staining, it is necessary to do several procedures in a row;
- even for young girls, the color does not last long;
- painting takes a long time: 2 to 3 hours.

The best recipes
In order to dye your hair with coffee at home, you can use one of the following recipes.
The classic way
After this method of dyeing, the hair becomes silky and well-groomed.
Required components
- 3 tbsp. l. ground grains;
- half a glass of hot water.
Step by step recipe.
- First, the ground grains must be filled with water. It must be preheated to 90 degrees. Then leave everything for 18-22 minutes.
- When this time has passed, the liquid must be applied to the strands and wrap the head with cling film. Then wrap with a terry towel.
- After 35 minutes, the hair will need to be rinsed well.

With henna
This color option will add shine to the hair, as well as a light reddish tint. In addition, it will help to strengthen them.
For this you need to take:
- 2 tbsp. l. colorless henna;
- 3 tbsp. l. coffee grounds;
- 3 tbsp. l. hot water.
Step by step recipe.
- First you need to fill the henna with water, then add the grounds with coffee there, and then leave everything for 35-40 minutes.
- When the mixture is infused, you need to mix it well, and only then apply to the hair.
- After half an hour, they need to be rinsed with water.

This combination will be very beneficial for the hair. In addition, the result can be a beautiful chocolate tone or even brownish gold. Everything will depend on what the original color was.
Required components:
- 3 tbsp. l. cognac;
- 2 chicken yolks;
- 2 tbsp. l. sea buckthorn oil;
- 1 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon;
- 5 tbsp. l. ground coffee.
Step by step recipe.
- First you need to mix cognac and yolks, and then beat until fluffy. After that, you need to add sea buckthorn oil, and also add cinnamon and ground coffee.
- The finished mixture must be applied to the hair and wrapped well.
- When 35 minutes have passed, everything needs to be thoroughly washed off with warm water.

With natural dyes
This color is very useful for weakened hair, because herbs make hair healthier and stronger.
For this painting option, you will need the following components:
- 100 g of boiled water;
- 3 tbsp. l. ground coffee beans;
- 2 tbsp. l. basma mixed with henna;
- 3 tbsp. l. honey;
- 3 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Step by step recipe.
- First, pour boiling water over the ground grains and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Next, add honey, olive oil, and henna with basma to this mixture.
- Now you can apply this mixture to your hair, and then insulate it well.
- When 35 minutes have passed, you need to wash your hair with warm water.

With sea buckthorn
This mixture will not only nourish your hair, but also make it shinier. You just need to observe strict proportions.
This requires the following components:
- 3 tbsp. l. coffee;
- 2 tbsp. l. sea buckthorn oil;
- 1/2 tsp aromatic oil of nettle.
Step by step recipe.
- First you need to mix the ground coffee with sea buckthorn oil.Then you can add aromatic oil, after which you need to apply the mixture to the strands.
- After 45-55 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water.

With medicinal plants
This mixture will not only serve for dyeing, but on top of that it will make your hair healthier.
This requires the following components:
- 2 tbsp. l. linden blossom;
- 2 tbsp. l. chamomile;
- 2 tbsp. l. burdock;
- 1 tbsp. l. nettle;
- 200 ml of boiled water;
- half a glass of coffee;
- a few drops of ginseng essential oil.
Step by step recipe.
- First, you need to mix all the herbs, fill them with water, and then leave to infuse for one and a half or two hours. After that, strain the broth through several layers of gauze.
- Next, you need to pour half a glass of dry ground coffee into it, as well as ginseng. The mixture should be thick, like sour cream.
- It should be applied evenly to the hair and wrapped. After one hour, you can rinse your head with warm water.

Coloring spray
If the girl does not have free time, and she still wants to dye her hair, then you can try to prepare a mixture for a spray. In this case, you can save a few hours. To prepare it, you need to pour either ground coffee or whole grains with boiling water and boil everything for 6-7 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, it can be poured into a spray bottle and used as directed after shampooing.

When deciding to dye your hair with a product like coffee, you need to first study the advice of those who have already used it. This will help keep your hair from ruining.
In order for the hair to be dyed perfectly as a result, it is best to first try to do it on individual curls. If the color matches well, you can dye the rest of the hair as well.
Almost all dosages in the proposed recipes are calculated for medium-length curls, so they must be "adjusted" to fit your hair yourself - either by increasing or decreasing the amount of coffee.
Since such staining does not give a very lasting result, it is recommended to do it almost every time before washing your hair. In this case, the hair color will become richer and more beautiful each time.
If the coffee mixture turns out to be too thick, then it must first be rubbed into the roots and only then distributed throughout the hair. If the mixture is very liquid, then you just need to rinse your hair with it.

Do not wet your hair before applying the coffee blend. In this case, the color will not fit so well. To achieve maximum results, the coffee "paint" can be kept on the head for up to two hours. It is completely harmless, so the hair will remain healthy after such a long procedure.
And in order to remove the coffee smell, you can rinse your head with water and your favorite essential oils. The main thing is to add just a few drops to the liquid so that the smell is not too persistent. In addition, sometimes after such staining, a sticky feeling appears. Therefore, experts recommend adding a little hair conditioner to the prepared mixture.
In addition, do not forget that you can only use natural coffee and never powder. If the house does not have a coffee grinder, then it is worth buying ground coffee. True, the color in this case will not be so bright.
Summing up, we can say that coffee can be used not only for its “intended purpose”. It is perfectly possible to enjoy a cup of natural, freshly brewed drink, and then turn the leftover grounds into a coloring agent.

The benefits of coffee for strengthening and dyeing hair can be found in the video below.