How to choose a white hair dye?

The curls, painted in a fashionable snow-white shade, make the image of a woman truly unforgettable. However, this color is not suitable for everyone, and you should be prepared for the need for preliminary discoloration and unpleasant consequences.

The ideal white hair dye should contain mineral oils that do not harm the curls. It is allowed to use it a week after bleaching, without which the desired result will not be achieved. White staining is carried out in stages. The duration of the entire process increases if the hair has already been dyed beforehand. Applying white paint negatively affects the condition of the curls, so after it, proper restorative care will have to be organized.
For example, homemade masks with burdock oil in the base, which are used several times a week, have proven themselves well.

After staining, it is worth refusing to use ordinary tap water, since its composition is far from ideal and may contain particles of rust, salt and impurities. Better to use filtered liquid, mineral or boiled. It is worth thinking about a pause in visiting the pool: after all, the presence of copper sulfate in the water can add a green tint to white curls.
From the care products, you need to exclude those that contain herbs: for example, chamomile or dandelion. Styling solutions will have to be limited to those that do not have a color pigment. Better to use special shampoos, conditioners and conditioners designed for blonde hair.

It is believed that women should not dye their hair white during special periods: during menstruation, the period of gestation or lactation. The state of hormones can lead to the appearance of unexpected shades, so it would be better not to risk it. You should not act on diseased hair with split ends, you should first take at least a month course of treatment, and then change your appearance.
Who is it for?
To find out if white suits a girl, it is important to determine her color type. For spring and summer young ladies with light eyes and skin of a delicate shade, this tone is suitable. If we are talking about winter and autumn color types, which means about darker skin and eyes, you should not experiment with whiteness. Still wishing to become a blonde, autumn beauties should choose dark or golden shades, and platinum - winter ones.
In principle, dark-haired dark-skinned women can be replaced by cardinal coloring by highlighting in the necessary shades.

Types and shades
Currently, there are various products on the market for obtaining snow-white hair. Most often, professional persistent cream paint is used. She not only quickly creates the required shade, but also retains it for a long period. Gel dye is able to lighten hair a couple of tones, so only natural blondes should use it. The same applies to tinting foams with shampoos. Although these dyes are not very persistent, they also do not negatively affect the condition of the hair, do not injure them or destroy the structure. In addition, the appearance of yellowness in this case is almost impossible.

Powder paints are also distinguished, which dry curls quite strongly, cream dyes characterized by a comfortable consistency, as well as the most gentle oil products.
To temporarily dye your hair, it is worth using a dye that does not affect the state of keratin. It is usually sold in spray format. Without any additional tweaks, even dark-haired young ladies will be able to create some unusual accents for a while. The temporary dye is washed off with a regular shampoo. As for shades of white hair dye, there are a large number of them. The dye may have a snow-like effect or be less pronounced.

Brand rating
A good white hair dye should ideally be professional, with a track record of numerous positive reviews. Although the cost of such solutions is quite high, this is due to the decent quality and effective result. They are usually difficult to find in the public domain, so the only right solution would be to contact a specialist.
If staining will be carried out at home, then you can use the available well-known brands: Wella, Syoss, Estel, Revlon, Schwarzkopf. For example, it can be Garnier Color Sensation with floral oils in the composition, L "Oreal Preference les Blondissimes, which does not create yellowness, as well as the Syoss line of fixtures, which offers about a dozen levels of lightening up to a crystal blonde. When choosing a paint, it is important to make sure that the label “No yellow tint” is present on the packaging. As a rule, this is typical for a cold palette.

It is definitely worth checking the expiration date: expired pigments can lead to burns or simply not give the desired result. Experts recommend staying away from cheap dyes. In many cases, components that are harmful to the human body are found in their composition. Such painting becomes even dangerous.
For dark and hard strands, you will need the strongest dyes that have ammonia or hydrogen peroxide in their composition. To neutralize the negative effect, it is worth taking solutions that also contain natural oils or plant extracts.Blondes should pay attention to more gentle dyes.
Subtleties of coloring
Painting will be successful if you devote enough time to the preliminary procedures and be prepared that the desired color will not be obtained immediately: you will have to carry out several procedures. If the hair already has a different color, then it will first have to be eliminated. The old dye is washed off with a special chemical that negatively affects the condition of the hair. The reddish color is most difficult to wear off, and the lightening result can be unpredictable, so you have to act with the utmost accuracy. Women, whose hair has already been dyed, will have to attend at least three sessions, taking breaks of 30 days between them.
You should not try to carry out such a procedure on your own, it is better to contact a professional.

Some women, however, claim that it will be possible to wash off dark paint using ordinary mayonnaise, but the success of this method is in question. Those who want to try to cope with the pigment on their own will need to spread the substance on the head for 40–45 minutes, then rinse it off. This procedure is repeated 4 times or more until a positive result is obtained.
Another homemade remedy is a mixture of lemon juice and plain clean water. Having sprayed it through the hair with a spray bottle, it is necessary to naturally dry the curls and rinse them using a conditioner.

Painting is carried out at least one week after the completion of the clarification. It is better to do this on dirty hair of the third or fourth day, slightly moistened with water. The dye is diluted according to the instructions usually present in the package. The hair is divided into 4 sections with two partings: a horizontal one that connects the ears, and a vertical one that runs from the forehead to the back of the head. Each part is collected in a flagellum and fixed with a hair clip. The procedure itself must be carried out in protective gloves, and the clothes are hidden under an old T-shirt or shirt.
The dye application starts from the base of the hair from the forehead to the back of the head. Having removed one of the front clips, you need to separate a strand from the parting, the thickness of which does not exceed 1 cm, and paint over on both sides. The rest of the curls are processed in the same way towards the ear. Next, you can go to hair coloring on the other side of the parting. Coloring the strands in the back of the head must be done by creating a side parting from the top of the head.
Having processed one curl, you need to throw it aside, then make the next parting and proceed in the same way.

After completing the application of the dye, all hair will have to be removed upward for a quarter of an hour. After this time, the curls are qualitatively combed for an even distribution of the solution. The total residence time of the white solution on the head is determined according to the instructions, as well as depending on the initial state of the strands. After washing off the dye, it is worth additionally rinsing your hair with acidified water and a teaspoon of lemon juice. For rinsing, it is worth using a special shampoo and a special balm indicated in the instructions: this will preserve the color for a longer period.
During the procedure, a few more points are taken into account.
- The composition is mixed immediately before use and very carefully so that no lumps form. Lumps result in white spots on evenly colored hairs.
- The dye should be applied without greed and very carefully.
- The dwell time is recorded after all sections of the head have been processed.

In order for the final result to be without yellowness, you will have to take into account some factors, as well as adhere to simple rules. For example, dark hair should be lightened gradually, removing pigment step by step. In this case, procedures such as highlighting or coloring will help.For uncolored light hair, it is better to use gentle products, as hair reacts faster to dyes.
It is strongly not recommended to dye hair damaged by frequent straightening or curling: they have increased fragility, they are unlikely to endure additional stress.
It is important to wash off not only professional dyes, but also natural ones, for example, basma or henna. It is better to change natural warm colors with the help of platinum: it is she who is able to cope with yellowness. An unpleasant effect is also manifested when trying to cope with the coloring on their own: a violation of the technology leads to negative consequences. Sometimes yellowness appears over time. To prevent it, you should change the usual care line of products, regularly use tint shampoos, and also make masks with such natural ingredients as honey, lemon juice and onion peels.

How to dye your hair white is shown in the following video: