Rinse aids

Description of LACALUT rinses and their application

Description of LACALUT rinses and their application
  1. Composition and mechanism of action
  2. Indications and contraindications
  3. Assortment overview
  4. Application features

Comprehensive care of your teeth and oral cavity is a guarantee of dental health, reducing the risk of diseases and going to the dentist. Experts say that simply brushing your teeth with paste, although the most effective, is not enough to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. In addition to toothpaste, you also need to use dental floss or mouthwash.

On the modern market for personal care products, there is a wide range of different products that can be used in the process of caring for the oral cavity, and mouth rinses are no exception. For several years now, experienced dentists have been recommending their clients to use LACALUT mouthwash. It is about this product that we will talk about in this article.

Composition and mechanism of action

LACALUT mouthwash is a hygiene product that is used in combination with toothpaste. One of the most significant advantages of the product is its composition. The liquid consists of:

  • water;

  • PEG-40 (hydrogenated castor oil);

  • castor oil;

  • glycerin;

  • 0.25% sodium chloride;

  • aluminum lactate;

  • chlorhexidine bigluconate;

  • flavoring.

The presence of such components in the composition makes it possible not only to clean the teeth and gums, but also to provide a therapeutic effect on the entire oral cavity.

The maximum effect of the LACALUT rinse aid can be achieved when if used in tandem with a toothpaste of the same brand... In this case, the liquid will enhance the effect of the toothpaste. Regular and daily use of LACALUT rinse aid:

  • relieves inflammation;

  • strengthens tooth enamel;

  • prevents the appearance of caries;

  • removes bacteria and tartar;

  • guarantees fresh breath.

Even in the most advanced cases, when the gums are already bleeding and wounds have formed on them, a week after the start of using the LACALUT mouthwash, the result will be noticeable, the condition of the oral cavity will improve.

Indications and contraindications

LACALUT mouthwash can be used for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. The components that are in the composition of the product do an excellent job with various diseases. Dentists recommend using it for people who suffer from:

  • periodontitis;

  • gingivitis;

  • stomatitis.

All of these diseases can be cured and prevented with this remedy. And also regular use of the product will help to avoid the appearance of dental plaque, caries, tartar. During orthodontic procedures, such as occlusion correction, teeth straightening, closing the gaps between teeth, dentists recommend that patients use LACALUT.

As good and effective as the mouthwash is, unfortunately not everyone can use it to care for their teeth and oral cavity. It is strongly not recommended to use LACALUT for those who have allergies or hypersensitivity to the ingredients in the hygiene product.

It is also unsafe for children under 7 years old.

Assortment overview

The German trade mark LACALUT, whose products have been on the market for more than 90 years, operate on the basis of European standards. Currently, different types of rinse aid are presented on the market under this logo.

  • LACALUT aktiv. The liquid contains such active components as aluminum lactate, chlorhexidine, aminofluoride and zinc sulfate. It is characterized by effective antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Strengthens enamel, prevents tooth decay and reduces gum bleeding.

  • LACALUT sensitive... This tool is suitable for those who daily face the problem of increased sensitivity of teeth and enamel. Regular use of the liquid will help strengthen the enamel, relieve inflammation and have an astringent effect on the gums.

  • LACALUT white... The main components of the rinse are micelles, zinc chloride, eucalyptus oil, thymol, sodium chloride, pyrophosphates. Prevents the appearance of tartar and plaque, cleans teeth, strengthens enamel and gums. Reduces the risk of tooth decay. Refreshes breath.

And also it is worth paying attention to such types of rinse aid as LACALUT multi-effect and LACALUT anticavity. When choosing a remedy, you need to take into account the condition of the oral cavity and the presence of diseases.

Application features

In order to achieve the maximum result from the use of rinse aid of this brand, and any other, you need to listen to the recommendations of dentists. Experts say that the effect is achieved only if it is used at least 2 times a day. The ideal option is to rinse your mouth with the product after every meal. Thus, you can cleanse your mouth and teeth from food debris, plaque and provide yourself with fresh breath.

For the procedure, you will need 10 ml of liquid, which is poured into a measuring cup supplied with the LACALUT rinse aid. Rinse for about 30 seconds to one minute. Afterwards, it is advisable to spit out the liquid. If you accidentally swallow a little, do not be alarmed, nothing bad will happen.

Never use a mouthwash if you are allergic to at least one of the ingredients in the hygiene product. You can find out about the composition by reading the information printed on the bottle.

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