Rinse aids

All about the Forest Balsam rinses

All about conditioners Forest balsam
  1. Composition and mechanism of action
  2. Indications and contraindications
  3. Description of the assortment
  4. Instructions for use
  5. Review overview

It is no secret that almost every adult spends quite large sums on treatment. Dental treatment costs can often account for a large part of this. Few people take seriously the fact that dental treatment can be prevented by simple hygiene procedures such as thorough and correct brushing and rinsing the mouth. It is important to understand that simple rinsing with water will not improve oral health - you need to use special products. It is about one of the well-known manufacturers of mouthwash and its line that we will talk about in this article.

Composition and mechanism of action

According to various studies, more than half of all dental problems (about 60%) begin due to lack of proper oral hygiene. This leads to a violation of the microflora, which is why a rapid multiplication of bacteria sets in, and after this, the thinning of the tooth enamel, the accumulation of bacteria in the enamel cracks, an unpleasant odor, inflammation of the gums, the development of many other diseases.

The main part of the components of the Forest Balsam rinse is natural ingredients.

  • Calendula... Marigold extract helps to eliminate and prevent inflammation.
  • Propolis... This known substance is a powerful natural disinfectant.
  • Oak bark... This substance is able to block bleeding wounds in the mouth. Oak bark can also relieve swollen gums.
  • Fir... This ingredient prevents inflammation in the mouth.
  • Sea buckthorn... It is known to alleviate gum disease and to speed up the healing process.
  • chamomile... It has long been known to help relieve pain in inflammation, accelerate healing with disinfectants and prevent inflammation.
  • Nettle... This plant contains many useful trace elements that improve the microflora of the oral cavity.
  • Berry extracts - raspberries and lingonberries. They prevent the onset of periodontal disease. They contain antioxidants.

"Forest balsam", like any other rinse, contains other components - distilled water, emulsifiers, fixatives, moisturizers, antistatic agents and alcohol.

These substances have been tested and are not hazardous to humans when the product is used according to the instructions, with the exception of the presence of an allergy to a certain component.

Indications and contraindications

First of all, I would like to immediately dwell on contraindications. There are several cases in which rinse aid cannot be used:

  • children under 7 years old;
  • if you have an individual intolerance to at least one component;
  • during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, consultation with a doctor is imperative.

It is recommended to use rinse aid in the following cases:

  • there are inflammations in the oral cavity;
  • the presence of caries;
  • gums bleed;
  • tissue regenerating processes take place in the oral cavity;
  • if the oral cavity is prone to the occurrence of various inflammatory processes, in this case the mouthwash prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • a desire to prevent gum disease, tooth decay or tartar.

Description of the assortment

There are different types of rinses that are used in a particular case. Their description will help you make the right choice in each specific situation.


Designed for use by children from 7 years of age who are not yet able to thoroughly brush their teeth. The composition completes the process of brushing your teeth and prevents tooth decay. Sugar, alcohol, fluorine are excluded from the composition. Contains calcium, which helps the formation of molars.

With bleeding gums

The composition includes extracts of coniferous trees and oak bark, which destroy most of the bacteria in the oral cavity. Due to this, the immunity of the oral cavity improves and the likelihood of damage to the mucous tissue decreases.

With gum disease

The main ingredient is sage, which has anti-inflammatory effects. Reduces gum inflammation and reduces gum pain. Also includes pine nut oil and herbal extracts. ?

For gum health

Also contains cedar oil. The composition includes, among other substances, an extract of juniper. With regular use, it reduces the risk of gum problems by up to 90%. Has the effect of stimulating regenerative processes.

"Forte asset"

Has a classic composition - extracts of oak bark, berries, nettle. The main effect is to normalize the microflora of the oral cavity and reduce the number of harmful bacteria. Saturates mucous membranes with vitamins, reduces the sensitivity of teeth to external influences.

"Triple effect with chamomile"

The triple effect is as follows - the composition strengthens the gums, enamel and fights plaque on the teeth. It also reduces the risk of tooth decay and tartar. Includes extracts of chamomile, aloe and birch sap.

"Triple effect extra freshness"

Protects and strengthens the gums, prevents tooth decay, freshens breath. Best for daily use and may be used instead of brushing your teeth. Includes chamomile and mint extracts.

"Triple effect whitening"

This conditioner fights plaque, tartar and whitens yellowed enamel. The main active ingredients are extracts of aloe and fir needles, and also includes a decoction of various herbs.

All components fight yellow plaque, while normalizing the microflora of the oral cavity. ?

Basic oral care

The main composition is a decoction of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle and celandine with yarrow). It is considered a good addition to the usual brushing of your teeth. The main action is to prevent gum problems and to cleanse the mouth.

Comprehensive 10-in-1 protection

Suitable for those who do not experience obvious problems with teeth and gums, but want to prevent the occurrence of inflammation, tartar, etc. The composition also strengthens tooth enamel, reduces minor bleeding and protects against the effects of various bacteria.

For sensitive teeth

Such a product reduces the level of sensitivity not only of the teeth, but also of the gums to the effects of various factors. The mouthwash also fights plaque and reduces bleeding gums. Thus, with regular use, it freshens breath and prevents inflammation of the oral cavity.

Natural whitening

Restores damaged enamel, fills microcracks with calcium and fights plaque. The teeth acquire a natural shine. Contains extracts of fir and aloe vera, which trigger regenerative processes. Decoctions of medicinal herbs also protect teeth and gums, heal the microflora of the oral cavity.

Forte Express

It is the most effective product of all varieties of this rinse aid. The composition includes troxerutin, which effectively fights bleeding gums. Other important ingredients are ginger and bisabolol extracts. Also promotes healing of minor wounds and erosion. Improves the condition of gums damaged by periodontal disease.

In general, the composition has a strong antibacterial effect.

Instructions for use

The way of using the product is quite simple. First you need to open the bottle, fill the cap with rinse aid, take the product from the cap into your mouth and rinse your mouth for a couple of minutes. Sometimes, after rinsing, an unpleasant burning sensation appears in the mouth. In this case, rinse the mouth with water.

Most often, a mouthwash is used between brushings. If you are using a stronger mouthwash, you should rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth before going to bed. Thus, the product will last for several hours... Ideally, in such cases, you should also use dental floss to clean the interdental space. It is possible to use some types of mouthwash as a substitute for toothbrushing, but it is not recommended to do it too often.

In order to start using the mouthwash, there is no need to consult a doctor - it will be enough to follow the instructions.

Review overview

Customers note that after starting to use a mouthwash of any line, the condition of the gums almost always improves. Most praise, of course, in this regard, received a rinse with a note "with bleeding gums." For those who want to improve the situation with yellow plaque on tooth enamel, Forest Balsam from the Triple Effect Whitening series helped significantly. Buyers note that using mouthwash as a complementary therapy to brushing your teeth does not completely solve the problem of yellow plaque, but it definitely improves the situation.

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