Rinse aids

All about Parodontax rinses

All about Parodontax rinses
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Composition
  3. Assortment overview
  4. Instructions for use
  5. Contraindications
  6. Reviews

Oral hygiene is one of the mandatory steps in self-care. Rotten, yellowed teeth, bleeding gums, an unpleasant odor - all this can turn away from a person once and for all. To avoid such problems, you should only take care of your teeth 2 times a day with a brush and paste. But if the trouble has already arisen or you want to prevent it, the paste will not be enough. Here you will need a professional care product - mouthwash. The product from Parodontax received some of the best reviews.


The Parodontax brand is a company specializing in the production of oral care products on a daily basis. The brand's products not only keep the gums and teeth healthy, but also treat existing diseases. Rinses offered by the company are liquid products intended for daily rinsing.

Their advantage is the absence of alcohol, which entails not only a temporary smell of alcohol from the mouth, but also dryness of the gums.

Consider other pluses:

  • destruction of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity;
  • care of the gums, treatment of bleeding and sensitivity of the latter;
  • decreased sensitivity of teeth, whitening;
  • help in the fight against tartar, caries, a large amount of plaque, stomatitis and gingivitis.

In addition, Parodontax mouthwashes are excellent breath fresheners. With a pleasant scent, they are gentle on the oral cavity and do not react with other care products.

As for the shortcomings, they are subjective here. Someone thought the remedy tasted bitter, while others caused severe numbness. Some argue that the tongue burns quite strongly from the remedy and taste is lost for a while.


All Parodontax rinses must contain several of the following components.

  • Chlorhexidine. This is a well-known antiseptic, widely used in all medical fields, not excluding dentistry. This tool quickly kills bacteria and viruses that multiply in the mouth. However, you should not constantly use rinses with chlorhexidine - after 21 days of using the product, you need to take a break.
  • Sodium fluoride. An agent that helps to soften tartar deposits. In addition, it preserves the integrity of the enamel.
  • Parabens. They are represented by propylparaben and also methylparaben. These substances in the composition kill pathogenic microbes, due to which caries develops.
  • Sodium saccharinate. A sweetener that can be used in food and care products. Another sweetener in the composition is sorbitol.
  • Oils. Castor oil relieves bleeding and inflammation, as well as soreness. Another oil product is eugenol. It is derived from several essential oils.
  • Propylene glycol. Serves as a solvent.

Assortment overview

The Parodontax rinse line contains only two products. These are Classic and Extra rinses. Let's consider each of them separately.


It should be noted right away that it is impossible to replace toothpaste with a rinse aid: these two products should complement each other. The "classic" product cleans areas that are difficult to reach for the brush and softens tartar. In its composition, the average content of chlorhexidine.

This mouthwash effectively fights plaque, desensitizes teeth and freshens breath. With its help, you can also get rid of some diseases of the teeth and gums, in particular stomatitis, as well as heal minor wounds and sores. Use the remedy for three weeks.


The Extra 0.2% solution is distinguished by a high content of chlorhexidine, and therefore it is recommended for those people who already have progressive diseases of the oral cavity. Day after day, the components of this preparation effectively kill bacteria and germs, creating a protective layer for teeth and gums.

After about two weeks of use, positive results are visible. Pain and bleeding of the gums are reduced, the mucous membranes have a healthy pink tint. The amount of plaque on the teeth also becomes less. Swelling and discomfort disappear. However, when using this mouthwash, it is important to remember that teeth and gums may change color slightly. To prevent this from happening, you should not drink tea, coffee, wine and other coloring drinks within an hour after use.

Instructions for use

Using Parodontax Mouthwash is a snap. Let's consider a brief instruction for use.

  1. Shake the product well, then open the lid and take the supplied measuring cup. Pour in about 10 milliliters of rinse aid.
  2. You do not need to dilute Parodontax, just put a measured amount in your mouth and start rinsing. The process lasts one minute.
  3. After rinsing, simply spit out the liquid. You don't need to do anything else. If your teeth are slightly stained, brush over them with a toothbrush and the pigment will quickly come off.


Parodontax mouthwash has many benefits, so it is immediately recommended for those with oral problems. Nevertheless, it should be understood that this is a medicinal solution and must be used with caution. The product should not be bought by the following categories of people:

  • children and adolescents under 14 years old;
  • persons with hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • persons with an allergy to the product;
  • pregnant and lactating women.


Parodontax is one of the most famous companies. It is chosen by both dentists and ordinary citizens who are concerned about the condition of their teeth and gums.The overwhelming majority of reviews are positive.

So, many buyers claim that the product helped to solve the problem of uncomfortable sensations in the mouth once and for all. Thanks to him, he managed to get rid of wounds, heal the gums, and strengthen the teeth. Moreover, it reduced the sensitivity of the enamel, which has become a real problem in recent years.

Parodontax has made life much easier for these people by making it possible for them to eat foods that are too cold and hot.

Among other things, Parodontax mouthwashes are not very expensive - everyone can afford them, having bought them in a pharmacy for about 300 rubles. And if you take into account the fact that the bottle lasts for a long time, then you get a good economy. There are almost no contraindications to the product, and allergies are extremely rare, so almost everyone can use such a rinse aid.

Nevertheless, there are buyers who are dissatisfied with the purchase. The bitter taste and burning sensation made some users refuse to use the product. Some people dislike the sensation of numbness on the tongue, which is associated with a visit to the dentist. There were also units for whom the remedy did not help at all, exacerbating the existing problem.

However, there are practically no such people, and in general it can be argued that Parodontax does an excellent job with the task.

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