Origami anime

Anime figures are popular with many Japanese culture lovers. They turn out to be voluminous and beautiful. The process of creating such crafts can captivate both children and adults.

How to make Totoro?
This character from Hayao Miyazaki's story looks very cute. A novice master can make a figurine of a forest guardian spirit with his own hands very quickly.
First you need to prepare a flat sheet of paper. It needs to be bent diagonally.
Next, one corner is raised. Its edge should coincide with the opposite side of the sheet.
The second part of the triangle is lifted in the same way. All folds must be ironed well.
After that, you should pay attention to the upper part of the craft. One part of the triangle must be omitted.
The resulting workpiece must be turned over.
The same must be done with the second corner.
Its upper part needs to be folded.
After that, you should start creating neat ears. To do this, the inner part of the animal's head must be slightly bent inward.
You can decorate a cartoon character by drawing eyes or a mustache on paper.

Even a preschooler who has just learned how to make basic figures can make such an anime-style craft.
Folding the Kyogre
Many people like this character. Kyogre is a Pokémon that lives in the depths of the ocean. The water creature slightly resembles a killer whale in its appearance. The process of its creation takes quite a long time. But the finished figurine turns out to be very beautiful.
Turn the piece of single-sided paper over. This part must be folded in half twice. This is necessary in order to divide it into 4 identical squares.
After that, the corners that are opposite each other must be bent towards the center.
The workpiece must be folded in half.The lower right corner is folded neatly towards the middle.
Having carefully ironed the fold, the workpiece is turned over.

The second corner is gently lowered down.
After that, the craft must be opened from the inside. The first layer must be gently pulled up, and then turned out and flattened. You will get a square with one part consisting of sharp corners.
The workpiece must be turned so that the triangle is at the top.
Parts of each of the sharp corners must be bent towards the base.

Next, the top of the figure must be carefully turned out. All edges need to be well straightened.
The right side of the figure needs to be lifted. The same must be done with the left corner.
Then they must be omitted again. Having straightened the right side, it must be folded again. The wing should be more voluminous.
The same must be done with the second half of the craft. It should be neat and even.

The bottom of each wing must be lifted gently. Then the inner part of each wing needs to be retracted in the opposite direction.
Further, the upper flaps should be bent. The rectangular part that remains on top also needs to be folded towards the middle.
The resulting workpiece must be folded in half. The tail sticking out from the outside must be lowered.
The left side of the workpiece must be opened from the inside. Next, the figure needs to be straightened. The craft should be symmetrical. It must be gently smoothed and turned over.

The figure's right flap should be bent to the left. The rhombus located in the very center must be opened and then flattened.
The lower ends must be parted in opposite directions.
The craft should be carefully revealed. The resulting character can only be painted with felt-tip pens or gel pens.

The Kyogre figurine could be the first in the Pokémon-themed craft collection.
Other figurine ideas
Inspired by the story of Pokemon, a beginner origami lover can try to make another character from this anime with his own hands. Both girls and boys will love making Pikachu from colored paper. The simplest scheme for its creation is as follows.
Fold the colored square in half by connecting the right and left corners. Having expanded the workpiece, you need to connect the upper corner to the lower one.
The resulting triangle should be pointed upward.
The upper edge of the craft must be carefully lowered.
Further, long sharp corners must also be raised. The fold lines need to be ironed well.
The upper half of each of the parts must be folded towards the middle. They will make the sharp ears of Pikachu.
The upper corners of each of them must be carefully bent at a slight angle. They can be symmetrical or not.
The lower part of the muzzle must be carefully rounded.

Next, the figure needs to be turned over.
The character's muzzle should be supplemented with cute eyes, nose and cheeks.

Fans of modular origami will love the idea of making a pokeball out of colored paper. Before starting work, you need to prepare a sufficient number of modules. They are done according to the following scheme.
First, a small part of the sheet needs to be bent in half. Then it must be folded again.
Bend both edges towards the middle.
The resulting triangle must be carefully turned over.
The free bottom edges must be lifted up.
Further, the side corners must be bent over the base of the triangle.
The resulting strip with bent corners must be lowered down, and then raised again. The corners should be between the base of the triangle and the edge of the strip.
Next, the figure needs to be folded in half.

Ready-made modules are easily attached to each other. To assemble one pokeball, 194 white modules, 66 black and 176 red modules are used. The volumetric figure is made as follows.
First you need to make the red part of the figure. The first step is to fasten the three white modules together. They are joined by 4 more details.
On the sides, 2 black modules are attached to the resulting workpiece.
2 more parts are attached to the bottom of the white base.
Next, a row of black modules is attached to the edges of the white modules.
A red module is attached to the side of the craft. A black piece is inserted into its pocket.
The rest of the details are fixed according to the same principle. As a result, there should be 25 red modules in one row. You can attach them both on the right side and on the left.
The edges of the workpiece must be joined together. You will get an even red ring.
Next, a new row of red modules is attached to this base.
The next row is formed according to the same principle. But this time there will be 27 modules.
The workpiece is neatly turned inside out. In this form, the base of the ball looks more natural.
The next row is made of 30 red modules.
The sixth row uses fewer parts. Only 20 modules are already in use. Each of them captures one additional corner.
The seventh row also consists of 20 modules, and 8 already of 12. It will be a little more difficult to form it. Two modules are attached to the base, capturing three sharp corners, and the third - four. Then everything is repeated.
The next row consists of 12 red modules, fixed in the usual way.
Having finished with the first part, according to the same principle, you need to form the second. But it will already be made of white, not red modules.
Next, two small circles need to be cut out of red and white paper. Each of them is attached to the hemisphere from the inside. For this, you can use ordinary PVA glue. These parts cover the holes at the top and bottom of the Poke Ball.
After that, the two prepared spheres need to be connected together.
To do this, 4 black modules must be pulled out of both hemispheres. They are connected to each other using double-sided tape.
Then the modules are inserted back. The two halves of the ball are securely connected.
To prevent the figurine from opening on its own, a black module must be fixed in the center of the white part. He will hold both parts of the pokeball together.

For reliability, the module also needs to be glued to the lower sphere with glue or tape.
The finished figurine will be a great toy for a child. After all, it opens and closes easily. It can store origami crafts or any other toys.

Among the existing schemes, something interesting for themselves can be found by both beginners and those who have long been fond of folding paper figures.
How to make Sasuke's sword out of paper from the Boruto anime, see below.