Making origami in the form of a butterfly
Paper butterflies can be a great decoration for any interior and will diversify your leisure time. Children will be able to get interested in beautiful crafts and have a good time with their parents. There are many different ways to make air butterflies that can be used to decorate a chandelier or walls.
Simple option
Origami "Butterfly" is so simple that even a child can make it. The elementary version is made from a sheet of paper in the form of a square. Moreover, the larger the size of the original sheet, the larger the craft will turn out. Origami for preschoolers and beginners is best done using step-by-step instructions. This will give you an origami butterfly the first time around and is pretty cute.
- At the first step, the square must be folded in half, and then in half again.
- Next, it must be bent diagonally so that 4 folds are obtained.
- After that, a couple of side folds should be folded inward until a double triangle is obtained.
- It must be turned towards you with a wider part.
- Now the lower corners should be bent up. The result should be a rhombus.
- After that, the workpiece must be turned on the other side so that the narrow part of the triangle is directed towards itself.
- The vertex must be bent to the upper position so that it is higher than the wide side of the figure. If necessary, gently pull on the paper.
- The protruding corner should be bent back so that it joins the wider part.
- Then it must be bent exactly in half and give the butterfly volume.
It is most convenient to straighten the turning angles with something thin. This version of the butterfly will be within the power of children 6, 7 years old.
For children 4-5 years old, you can pick up an even simpler origami. It must be done in the following sequence:
- a sheet of colored paper must be folded diagonally twice;
- the triangle, which eventually turned out, should be placed at a right angle to the left;
- the top of the triangle must be bent down so that it is lower than the central axis;
- after that, the butterfly blank must be turned inside out;
- then the smaller triangle should be brought inward;
- The last step is to align the wings of the craft.
If desired, a bright spring butterfly can be supplemented with antennae, which are made separately from thin strips of paper. You can also decorate with origami using felt-tip pens.
How to fold with an accordion?
A do-it-yourself accordion butterfly is made of paper of bright colors, preferably double-sided... Also for this you will need to take a decorative wire. The latter is best chosen at a handicraft store. One butterfly will need a couple of squares. This origami is done easily and in stages. The diagram includes four main steps.
- Each square must be folded like an accordion, starting from one of the corners. It is advisable to make narrow folds so that the butterfly is as cute as possible.
- The resulting accordions must be folded together.
- In the center, they should be connected with a wire. It is best if they are the same color as the paper.
- After that, folds on the wings should be straightened.
This master class allows you to get a cute little butterfly that can decorate both walls and lamps. Such crafts look very interesting when they hang on threads or wire.
Create from a sticker
It is worth noting that miniature origami butterflies are an excellent decoration for office walls. It's especially nice that they can be easily made from the colorful stickers found in every stationery store. It is enough to adhere to successive steps to get bright beauties with wings.
- The sticker is folded to form a double triangle. This will become the base for the craft.
- Then the triangle must be folded in half.
- The corner left on the outside should be rounded off using scissors. So, the butterfly's wings will become rounded and more interesting.
- After that, it is necessary to bend the two halves of the triangle upwards so that a rhombus is obtained on one of the sides.
- On the other side, the triangle must be raised, and the corner that sticks out must be bent down.
Such butterflies look very interesting when they are located in large numbers on the wall. Moreover, they can be made all in one color or different.
More ideas
Origami butterflies have been known for a very long time. The first mention of them is described by the Japanese poet Ihara Saikaku in a poem about a wedding ritual. These descriptions date back to the 17th century. The work deals with origami models, which are called o-cho (feminine beginning) and me-cho (masculine beginning) and are necessarily represented in pairs. In those days, such crafts were a symbol of the happy life of young couples who fluttered inseparably through the garden of delights.
According to British historian and origamist David Lister, These paired origami evolved from a redesign of the paper wings that adorned wedding sake bottles. Such decorations were securely attached to the neck with threads. Lister noted that there are certain ways to create traditional butterflies for weddings. At the same time, the male and female versions had differences, although they were based on the basic form, which was called the "water bomb". Today, there are a huge number of origami models based on it.
Very light versions of butterflies are obtained by making them from corrugated paper.... Colorful and weightless, they are perfect for decorating any room. They can also be an interesting solution for decorating a festive table if you attach them to skewers or cocktail tubes. The craft is done in the following sequence.
- first, a complex figure is cut out in the form of a square, in which a circle must adjoin one of the sides;
- the resulting figure is folded in half so that the fold passes exactly in the middle;
- each of the parts should be assembled in folds, as in the version with an accordion butterfly;
- the last stage is fixing the middle with a thread or glue gun.
Very strong butterflies can be made from cardboard or thick paper in which the goods are packed without glue. In this case, a double triangle acts as a base for the craft, as in most other origami. Next, a cardboard butterfly is made according to step-by-step instructions.
- The corners of the triangle must be bent on one side to form a rhombus.
- Next, you need to turn the workpiece over.
- After that, the apex of the triangle should be bent in half, orienting it to the middle of the base.
- As a result, you should get a small triangle, consisting of two layers. It is necessary to bend the top layer down.
- Parts of this part on the sides should be bent towards the center. This will create another shape with six corners from the triangle.
- For this figure, the upper corner should be bent outward.
- After that, the craft is folded in half along a line running along, and then again along a line running across.
Volumetric butterfly or 3D is suitable as a decoration on the wall... From a large number of such crafts, you can even form a whole garland. Of course, some consider this option not to be origami, but simply as an application. Such a butterfly is made as follows.
- first, several pairs of wings should be cut out of colored sheets of paper, which will have the same shape and different sizes;
- at the next stage, they must be connected to each other in the central part using glue, while the largest wings should be at the bottom, and small ones on top.
Voluminous crafts that are made of double paper of different colors look very original. However, you should choose medium to high density sheets.
Butterflies, which are created from paper ribbons using a technique called quilling, look very elegant. To form such a craft, in addition to special strips, you will also need a special hook. You can purchase it or make it yourself. To make the device, you need a round wooden stick, for example, for sushi, at the end of which a small hole is made. It is into it that the end of the tape is inserted so that it is more convenient to wind it, without slipping. Operating procedure:
- in the first step, wind the strip on a stick;
- after that, it must be removed and slightly untwisted so that the ribbon pattern is visible;
- this blank will become more like a butterfly's wing if you flatten it on one side so that the paper takes on a drop-like appearance;
- the body is made of cardboard or rolled paper in the form of a cylinder;
- at the last stage, several blanks for wings and antennae are attached to the body.
In the event that you have experience in quilling, then you can create more complex wings, which will consist of several modules.
Mobiles from a variety of origami butterflies look very interesting. Quite often they are used to hang over children's beds. Making a colorful mobile is very simple and very cheap. For him, you need to make butterflies according to the simplest scheme. In this case, only double-sided colored paper is selected.
Finished crafts must be attached to a wooden ring using thin threads or fishing line. Half of the embroidery hoop can be used as the latter. It is desirable to make the threads of different lengths and attach them to the ring with hot melt glue.
Another interesting and practical version of the origami butterfly is presented in the form of a bookmark. This craft is made from a rectangle with sides of 9 and 15 centimeters. The bookmark is assembled according to the following detailed scheme:
- first you need to outline where the middle of the sheet is, for this it is folded 2 times;
- the lower corners must be bent towards the center;
- after that, bend the right corner;
- then you need to make a reverse fold, for which one side of the triangle is bent outward;
- similar actions should be carried out on the left side of the workpiece;
- the right side of the top of the triangular figure must be bent to the left;
- then turn the workpiece over so that the wide side is oriented towards itself;
- parts of the workpiece from two sides should be bent to a line passing through the center;
- after that, you need to open the fold and turn the craft over again;
- then the workpiece should be turned inside out;
- now you can bend the lower corners up;
- open the pockets and hide the unsightly corners under the fold;
- the top of the resulting triangle should be bent to form an even edge.
As a result, a butterfly is formed on one side, and a pocket on the other. You can insert page corners into it, which is very convenient. Such bookmarks are much more convenient and original than the classic ones.
Of course, modular butterflies look the most striking and impressive. They resemble the Lepidoptera found in the tropics. In their likeness, many colorful crafts were created, distinguished by unprecedented elegance. All of them are based on modules created from rectangles with sides of 6 and 4 centimeters. They are made from double-sided colored paper.
The combination of colors can be very different. The fusion of blue, yellow, red, orange with green, pink and black looks very interesting. Another common butterfly variation includes modules in black, blue, cyan, pink and yellow. The modules are interconnected according to the selected scheme.
You can find your favorite on the Internet or specialized books.
For information on how to make origami in the shape of a butterfly, see the next video.