Making an origami bomb
Making paper bombs is not a new pleasure. Many years ago, children played like that, they filled it with water and threw it from the balcony. However, making this paper figure is not easy. This is a whole technique that requires attention and training.
What it is?
At its core, a water bomb is a paper cube made using the origami technique. The resulting form is filled with water and thrown from a height. The bomb got its name from the effect of falling, when the liquid poured into it is sprayed in different directions.
All you need to create this craft is a paper sheet (preferably square, but you can also in A4 format).
Despite all the difficulties, anyone who carefully follows the instructions can cope. In addition, it takes very little time to make a figure.
Folding scheme
You can get the desired figure if you follow the step-by-step plan of action below.
- Prepare a paper sheet. You can take the A4 format and make it square by cutting off the unnecessary. To do this, you need to fold one corner on the opposite side, and then carefully cut off the excess strip using scissors.
- Make cross folds. The square should be bent again diagonally - from the upper left corner to the lower right. Further, the fold must be unfolded and bent in the same way, only now from the right to the left corner. As a result, a cross-shaped hall should appear on the surface.
- Fold the sheet in half vertically and horizontally. Turn the paper over to the other side before doing this.
- Get a basic base in the shape of a triangle. To do this, bend the sheet along the resulting folds.
- Form a square from the resulting triangular shape. This is done by folding the top side corners along the center line.The same must be repeated with the other side.
- Put the resulting paper figure in a convenient way. So that the line is diagonally upright (especially at the bottom corners). This allows you to simplify the work and easily cope with further actions.
- Make pockets. To achieve this, the side corners are folded towards the center line with which they should be in contact. Next, you should turn the resulting figure over and repeat the steps.
- Inflate the form. To make the structure three-dimensional, you need to find a hole at one of the ends, into which you need to let air (or just blow). The result should be a cube. This is not always easy to do: if hard paper was used in the manufacture, you can achieve what you want only with the help of a straw.
That's all. It remains only to pour liquid into the bomb. To do this, you can use a pipette. It is not recommended to overfill the paper product, as this may cause the bomb to lose its basic shape and break prematurely.
Useful Tips
These tips will help to make the figure and keep the structure intact for much longer.
- Handle the paper with care. If you made a hall in the wrong place, it is better to take another sheet. Otherwise, the resulting structure may not be as strong.
- Be careful when folding. One wrong move and the bomb won't work. Therefore, it is necessary to act strictly according to the instructions.
- At the final stage, water should be avoided. (even small drops) onto the outer surface.
In Soviet times, a bomb was thrown from balconies at passers-by. Now for this you can get an article for hooliganism. Therefore, it is not advisable to repeat.
For information on how to make an origami bomb, see the next video.