Origami options for children 3-4 years old

The Japanese handicraft technique called "origami" is insanely popular among craftsmen of all ages. Original and cute paper figures can be modeled not only by adults, but also by small children. In this article, we will look at the most interesting origami options adapted for children aged 3-4 years.

The imagination of kids knows no bounds. They easily learn the world around them in a playful way. The possibility of making a whole world with many heroes and characters from an ordinary paper leaf delights children. That is why little craftsmen are so happy to make various figurines in Japanese technique.

Children aged 3-4 years, mastering the Japanese papermaking technique, acquire many other important and useful skills.
- By mastering Japanese papermaking, kids develop good writing techniques. To form figures from a paper base, you need to make many small and extremely precise movements. This is a kind of effective hand exercise. After that, writing letters by a little master does not lead to unnecessary difficulties or problems.
- Getting acquainted with the origami technique, the child develops the ability to design. Thanks to such skills, in the future it will be easier for the baby to be given geometry, the basics of 3D modeling. The spatial imagination of young origamists is always highly developed.
- Thanks to the origami technique, children of 3-4 years old develop a love of work, the necessary diligence and accuracy. Kids are delighted that they can make a variety of play accessories for themselves with their own hands, so they try to make them more attractive and neat.
- It has been scientifically proven that well-developed fine motor skills have a beneficial effect on the correct speech of a child. Thanks to this, the baby can express himself clearly, correctly, and understandably. Origami perfectly develops fine motor skills, so children who master this technique easily build competent and logical phrases, demonstrate excellent vocabulary.

When a 3-4 year old kid makes creative paper figures with both hands, he uses both cerebral hemispheres. The latter exhibit the same level of activity, which leads to synchronized brain function. Due to this, all thought processes are adjusted and correctly aligned, the endless internal dialogue ceases to function. Thus, the baby becomes more focused on the results that he wants to get in the end.

Small children, making attractive paper figures, quickly and easily get distracted from unnecessary stress and worries. Young origamists are more balanced, calm, confident in themselves and their actions.
How to make a plane?
A small child can easily and with pleasure make an attractive paper figure in the form of an airplane with his own hands. There are many variations on how to make this kind of craft.

If you plan to make a figurine, which will then go on a flight, it is advisable to choose a thicker paper that can make the finished product heavier. In this case, the level of density should be such that the structure bends without unnecessary obstacles and interference.
It is recommended to prepare a square piece of paper with dimensions of 15x15 cm for assembly. Single-sided colored paper will do.

Let's take a step-by-step method of assembling an airplane figurine from a paper square.
- First, put a piece of paper on the work surface with the wrong side up.
- After that, you should mark the folds of the longitudinal and transverse directions.
- The next step is to fold the top of the paper square. This should be done towards the middle.
- Now you should fold the corners on the sides on the resulting strip.
- Next, you need to tuck the right and left sides of the workpiece again so that they "collide" with each other on the line in the center. This will form the nose of the airplane figurine.
- Double folding will give the structure additional weight, without which the correct flight of the finished product will be impossible.
- Now the paper blank will need to be folded in a "mountain" in the center. The bottom corner on the right side will need to be folded up. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that it protrudes slightly above the oblique edge on the left side.
- The workpiece should be opened. It is turned towards itself with the reverse side, and then collected in the other direction along a line along the same fold. The protruding triangle will serve as the tail of the plane. It is necessary to take hold of its free edge. The rest of the workpiece will gather around.
- The product must be folded in half on both sides of the tail of the airplane. The workpiece is carefully ironed.
- Further, on one side, the wing is bent, lowering it below the line in the middle at the "nose" of the aircraft, but just above the extreme point of the "tail".
- The figurine is turned over, the actions indicated above are repeated.

Now you can spread your wings and send the finished plane flying.

Folding animal figures
Young origamists at the age of 3-4 years really like to model figurines from paper in the form of various animals.

Fortunately, there are a great many extremely simple and understandable schemes that even the smallest master can easily cope with.
There are many easy schemes for making a paper origami figurine in the form of a cat or a cat's face. Each child can choose the most attractive and interesting option for himself.

Consider a step-by-step instruction on how to DIY origami crafts in the form of a cute cat's face.
- To make such a product, you need to prepare a square sheet of paper. Its shade can be absolutely any. The kid can independently choose what "color" the paper cat made by him will have.
- The prepared square sheet of paper needs to be laid in half along a diagonal line. As a result of these actions, a triangle should be formed.
- The edges of the resulting triangular element will need to be wrapped from the base to the middle part. This will need to be done at a small angle - these details will play the role of the ears of the future origami cat.
- The top of the structure must be wrapped down. This will form the head of the paper animal.
- At the next stage, the future craft should be turn over to the opposite side.
- The final step is the design of the cat's face. The child can depict the eyes, mouth, nose and mustache with a marker or pencil. Also, all these parts can be cut out of colored paper and glued to the base with a glue stick applied in small quantities.

Modeling a paper figurine in the form of a dog at first glance may seem very complicated and intricate. In fact, such a craft is made easily and quickly, so a kid 3-4 years old can handle it.

Let's take a step by step how to create a paper dog figurine using the Japanese origami technique.
- First, the little master should cook square piece of paper. As in the case above, its color can be absolutely any.
- At the first stage, you need outline the diagonal line of the square, then tuck all 4 tops to the central part. These operations will be needed so that a slightly smaller square is formed at the end.
- One of the corners of the workpiece should be turned in the opposite direction.... An inverted "house" -type base must be folded in half.
- Next, you need to unfold the left side of the workpiece along a diagonal line into an asymmetric diamond. The resulting figurine will act as the head of a paper dog.
- The tops should be carefully folded.... This is necessary to form the ears and snout of the animal.
- The corners at the bottom of the product are tucked inward for greater stability of the craft.
- After that, the product must be turned over, draw eyes, paint a nose.

More ideas
The beginner origamist can use many other methods of modeling original paper figures and designs. It can be not only cats and dogs, but also other animals and birds.

For example, it is possible to independently make an adorable penguin. Let's find out how to do it correctly.

- You need to take a square piece of paper. You should mark 2 diagonal lines on it.
- After that, the workpiece is unrolled so that its corner is directed downward.
- Next, the lower tip of the product is turned upward. In this case, about 1-2 cm should not be reached to the central point of the workpiece.
- The tip will need to be lowered back - this part will serve as the penguin's beak.
- In the next step, the original figure will need to be turned over. The side sections of the pentagonal base must be bent so that they overlap each other.
- The edges must be turned in the opposite direction. This should be done using a ladder. This will form the penguin's wings.
- At the last stages, the product must be turned over, and then cute eyes must be drawn on it.

From a piece of paper, a child can make an original figurine in the form of a crab. Let's figure out how it should be modeled correctly.

- Need to prepare a square sheet of paper... Pink, coral, or red paper is ideal. At the initial stage, two centers are marked on the selected paper base.
- After that, the side sections of the workpiece will need to be wrapped towards the central part. As a result, you should get a narrowed and elongated rectangular element.
- At the next stage, you will first need to unfold the upper, and then the lower part.... This should be done in a trapezoid.
- The corners of the base from the bottom of the upper trapezoid are lifted upward... Then the same is done with the corners of the upper base of the lower part of the product.
- Next, the master will have to unfold the tips in accordance with a straight line. The top of the workpiece should be brought to the same line. After that, the part can be turned over, draw eyes on the figure with a felt-tip pen or pencil.

The little origamist will definitely be passionate about creating a beautiful figurine in the form of a white swan. You can make such a product from the simplest sheet of A4 paper.
- The paper sheet is first folded neatly in accordance with the diagonal, so that he finds the structure of a right-angled triangle. After that, the workpiece will need to be expanded to its previous position.
- To the markings made at the very beginning, you need to tuck the sides of the product... As a result, an elongated rhombus should form.
- After that, the workpiece must be folded in half. Then it is unfolded like a "book" in the left direction. It is necessary to outline a line along which the body of the swan will be further bent.
- The body of the paper bird will need to be wrapped up so that it surrounds a narrow neck. On the neck of the paper swan, the young origamist will need to carefully shape the head and beak.
- At the final stage, the white swan figurine must be spread out with your hands. If desired, the child can draw eyes on the finished product using a felt-tip pen or marker.

The finished craft, assembled in such a simple way, can easily float in the water.

For more information on origami options for children 3-4 years old, see the video below.