Origami paper ideas for kids 8-9 years old

Primary school graduates move to a new stage in their lives and begin to take an interest in various fields of activity. Girls and boys acquire their own special hobbies, including origami.
At this age, schoolchildren are able to fold not only the simplest paper figures, but also more complex designs. In this article, we will describe interesting ideas for the formation of origami, the features of choosing figures for boys and girls, and also give useful tips and tricks for beginners.

Crafts in the form of animals and birds
Hand-made paper crafts inspire needleworkers for further creativity and self-development. In most cases, paper origami diagrams for children 8-9 years old are light and simple, but with a sufficient level of practice at this age, they can easily fold figures of medium complexity.
An interesting idea for assembling crafts is making various animals, because all people love our smaller brothers... We propose to consider several schemes for the step-by-step folding of origami in the form of different animals.

Dogs are the very first animals tamed by ancient people many centuries ago. Modern dogs no longer resemble those wild and dangerous predators - they have become the best friends for people. By adding an origami dog with your child step by step, you can tell him the story of taming these cute animals. The ready-made cute figurine can be used as a bookmark, toy or as a decoration for the room.
Both boys and girls love pets, so every kid will be interested in creating such a product.The craft will look much more interesting if you add eyes to the doggie.
You can improve the figure by drawing details with a pencil or by gluing elements cut from colored paper.

Many people in the modern world cannot imagine their life without fluffy, affectionate and cute cats. In rural areas, mustachioed animals protect their owners from harmful rodents, and in apartments they keep company and paint monotonous days with bright colors. Cute kittens easily conquer the hearts of young boys and girls, so children will be happy to make figurines of these cute animals.
To create a craft, you need to create two parts separately: the head and the body. Then the muzzle and body are connected with glue and eyes are added to the cat - they draw or glue the finished ones.

Frogs have always been of particular interest to children - every child probably wanted to hold such a creature in their hands. This dream can be easily realized by making an amphibian out of paper using the origami technique. It takes a lot of steps and correct folds to create a figurine, but the creativity is well worth the effort. An origami frog looks like a real amphibian, especially if you glue funny eyes to its head.

The mouse folding scheme contains many steps, but the very process of making it is quite simple. A small animal figurine turns out to be neat and cute, with a fun accent on the eyelet when using single-sided paper.
Completed origami can be supplemented with drawn features of the face, "animating" the image of the mouse.

Surely, when your child first saw a swan in the tale of the ugly duckling, he admired its beauty. You can make a beautiful bird with your own hands from a sheet of paper, following a simple step-by-step scheme. A beautiful swan will be an excellent decoration for a child's room and will remind of the instructive story of a little gray "duckling".

Interesting ideas for boys
Boys aged 8-9 show a masculine nature and are interested in various technical topics, so they need to choose origami schemes from such an area. Consider some interesting origami ideas for young men.
- Ship... Surely many people know how to fold an ordinary boat with triangular sails, but this is not the only way to fold water transport. The boy will certainly be interested in creating a ship with unusual sails, like a real yacht.

- Rocket... The endless space has always interested humanity with its mysterious endlessness, giving rise in the depths of the soul to dreams of conquering these expanses. A folded paper rocket figurine will be an excellent decoration for a boy's room and highlight his interests.

- Fighter... This is an improved version of the classic origami "airplane", which flies very cool. Having learned how to create a fighter jet, your child will probably fly it for a long time in order to observe the trajectory.

- Tank... Tanks are almost the most favorite toy for men, given the popularity of computer games with these incredible machines. The figure folding scheme is more complicated than others on this list and requires certain knowledge.
Before you start creating a craft, you need to make a basic double square shape, and then proceed with the basic instructions.

Origami patterns for girls
For novice needlewomen, there are a huge number of interesting and simple ways to create crafts that you can play, decorate a room or please loved ones. Many girls aged 8–9 like to make crafts with their own hands, if you support their aspiration in time and help with the productivity of the results, hobby will help develop hard work and perseverance.There are many options for paper figures that may be of interest to young women: clothes, accessories, pieces of furniture or flowers. Ready-made crafts can be used as bookmarks, details for decorating gifts or cards, and also just as a beautiful decorative element of the interior.
Folding origami is easy if you know the basic folding methods, basic shapes and methods for reading diagrams. The instructions usually illustrate colored origami made from single-sided paper, a method that simplifies the learning process. To make it easier for the child to understand needlework, it is recommended to use material with different colors of the sides. Consider the popular origami ideas for girls 8-9 years old.

Clothes made of paper are an original bookmark for a book, a beautiful new outfit for a paper doll, or an unusual decoration for a gift. To create a cute sundress, you need to fold the sheet in stages according to the scheme. The craft looks great, even if it is made of one-sided material, because the white side of the sheet will not be visible on the front side. Making a sundress is not difficult at all, the main thing is choose the appropriate material and carefully repeat the steps from the instructions.

Another wardrobe item that a girl of 8-9 years old can fold out of paper on her own. The folding scheme consists of only six simple steps, after which you get a cute mid-season coat.... This is an easy option for making origami, which can be considered basic, because if desired, the appearance of the craft can be improved by supplementing it with a couple of folds.

House furniture
A creative way to fill your dollhouse with furniture is to create it yourself from paper sheets. By following the instructions, the girls can fold sofas, tables, and even pianos. If you create figures several times according to the same scheme, you can fill different rooms of the house with original furniture, observing the general style of the interior.

Girls can create not only unusual furniture for their dolls, but also fashionable accessories, such as a handbag. Making such an item will take a little more time and effort than other ideas on this list, but the result is a very interesting and beautiful thing.
The finished bag looks like a neat clutch that can be decorated with a pattern or sparkles. The accessory easily turns into a regular bag if you glue a ribbon or floss under the flap as a handle.
To start folding your purse, you need to cut out a square and fold it into the basic "House" shape.

Japanese doll
Chiogami ninge, or Japanese paper doll, is a human figurine made of paper that is used as a bookmark... The basis for the craft is two parts glued together: a round head and a neck about 4 cm long. A special sealing collar is attached to the latter, over which a kimono is “put on” using the origami technique. The final touch to complete the craft is gluing the hair to the bookmark, the shape of the hairstyle depends on the author's imagination.
The Japanese doll opens up a huge space for craftsmen for creativity, because the kimono can be folded in a variety of ways. You can also add wardrobe details to the figure, for example: an obi belt and traditional expanding sleeves. The hairstyle can also be changed to make it easier to determine the gender of the toy being made.

What else can you add?
A separate type of origami is considered to be figures that, under a certain influence, can move parts of the body. Children of 8-9 years old will like these crafts very much, because they can be used for various games. Here are some examples of movable products:
- crane - a very common origami scheme, which is also often called "dragon", a bird flaps its wings if you pull its tail;

- frog - a funny figure that jumps like a real toad when you press the tail;

- Crow - if you pull the wings of a bird in different directions, it will be funny to open its beak.

Useful Tips
Children aged 8–9 acquire new interests; they differ significantly for boys and girls. In pre-adolescence, they can still get involved in similar origami, however, their individual desires must be taken into account. Representatives of the sterner sex are often fond of sports, technology or military topics, therefore, folding schemes for tanks, aircraft, ships, swords and buildings are suitable for them. Girls 8-9 years old will be interested in making paper figures of flowers, jewelry, Japanese toys and fashionable clothes. People of any age are fond of science fiction and mythical creatures, and children 8-9 years old are no exception.
An interesting craft idea in a fantastic style - a dragon from modular origami... Hanging decorations, souvenir figurines and gifts for relatives of needlewomen can be made the same - it does not depend on the gender of the teenager. During the creative process, it is important to encourage children to show their imagination and add their own individual details to crafts.
Allow the children not only to follow the instructions, but also to embody their own ideas in the craft.

We suggest considering a few more useful recommendations that will help you spend creative time with your children productively and fun.
- Use paper with different side colors. It will be easier for children to fold figures from such material, especially when the scheme involves a lot of turning.
- Let your imagination run wild. Many techniques for folding figures can be supplemented and improved, in addition, needlewomen have the right to independently come up with their own schemes. The creation of new, unique origami enhances creativity and design, and also inspires further study of the art of paper folding.
- Exercise... Before you start creating complex crafts, first practice making simple folds with your child. In origami, it is very important to be able to fold the sheets correctly, leave even creases on the paper, and understand the instructions. Exercises in folding paper lengthwise, diagonally and into basic shapes will make the further creative process easier and more fun.
- Use examples. When you decide to teach your child to assemble a complex product, invite him to "peep" at the finished figurine. This method will develop in the needleworker the ability to rely on sources and improve the results of their work, comparing the craft with the original.

For how to easily and quickly make a beautiful origami bird out of paper, see the next video.