Origami paper options for children 10 years old

The Japanese origami technique is accessible to people of all ages. There are many curious paper folding schemes that young craftsmen 10 years old can use. In this article, we will consider interesting options for paper origami for children of a specified age.

Simple ideas
The origami technique is very popular. Many people are passionate about her, including both adults and children. Even the smallest masters can master the modeling of various figures.
If a child at the age of 10 is still little familiar with the art of papermaking, then he should not start with very complex schemes. It is better to start with simpler and more understandable crafts. Let's look at a few instructions on how to create them.

A very simple and funny craft - a cat's face. Let's analyze a step-by-step scheme for modeling it.
- To make such a figure will turn out from one paper square. First, it is folded diagonally in half to form a triangle.
- The edges of the resulting triangular element are carefully tucked from the base to the middle. This should be done at a small angle - this way you get the ears.
- The top of the blank is carefully tucked down to form the head of the figurine.
- The product is turned over to the opposite side, after which the finished eyes, nose, mouth and mustache are drawn or glued.

It is just as easy to model origami in the form of a penguin with your own hands.
- Two diagonals are marked on a paper square. The product is unfolded with a corner downward, after which the lower tip is turned upward. You should not reach the center, you need to leave 1-2 cm.
- The tip is folded back to form the penguin's beak.
- The craft is turned over to the other side, the lateral sections of the pentagon are folded so that they completely overlap each other.
- The edges are bent in the opposite direction like a ladder. This will form the wings.
- The product is turned over again and the penguin's face is decorated.

Very quickly and easily, a 10-year-old child will be able to make a paper figure in the shape of a crab.
- First you need to take a paper square, mark it according to the diagram.
- The side zones should be wrapped directly towards the central part to obtain an elongated and narrow rectangular element.
- First, the upper and then the lower half are laid out in the trapezoid.
- The corners of the base from the bottom of the upper trapezoid are raised upward. Then the same actions are duplicated in relation to the lower trapezoid.
- The tips are unfolded in a straight line. The top of the product is tucked into this straight line. After that, the craft is turned over.

A child can very easily make a boat out of paper.
- A rectangular paper sheet is folded in half with a fold up.
- The upper corners are tucked into the middle.
- The base of the pentagon is tucked up on both sides along the lines at which the tip ends.
- Next, they gently pull at the central points at the base and lay out the product in a rhombus of a rectangular structure, as shown in the diagram.
- The lower triangles are folded up.
- The figurine is straightened to the sides from the middle again, and then the sides are lowered.

Complex crafts
If the child is familiar with modeling the simplest figures, then he can move on to acquaintance with more complex schemes. For example, you can make a very original and unusual bookmark in the form of a hina-ningyo doll.

To make it, you will need to stock up on the following components:
- 2 multi-colored paper squares 15x15 cm to make a kimono;
- 1 more square 11x11 cm for head modeling.

Let's consider step by step how to make the outer part of the kimono.
- The 15x15 sheet is turned upside down. The square is folded like the letter S in order to divide one of the sides into 3 parts. Slide the layers until they are aligned with each other. The paper is pressed in the required areas, forming a kind of "pinch". The product is deployed. The sheet is placed on the table. Fold the edge to the right to the nearest formed mark.

- The sheet is turned over again. The fold should be on the left. The edge on the right is folded to align with the opposite side. From the side, the structure should resemble the letter S. It is rotated clockwise 90 degrees. Open the top layer.

- The corners are folded from the bottom to the nearest fold. The entire layer is folded up to the top. The edge on the right is folded 1/3, connecting to the diagonal top. The product is opened. The actions are repeated on the left edge side.

- Open the section to the right. The folds are ironed. The same is done on the left side. The corners are bent, with the reverse fold they are brought inside the figure. Open the nearest edge of the kimono, lower it slightly downward so that an edging of a different color is formed around the perimeter. The side flaps are returned to their place, forming the sleeves.

Next, the inner part of the kimono and the head of the figure are formed, starting from the step-by-step scheme. When all the necessary parts are ready, they will need to be combined into one whole structure.

Tips for choosing a shape
The choice of a certain origami figure primarily depends on the level of training of the young origamiist. If a kid learns the origami technique from an early age, then work of an average level of complexity is suitable for him. If a child is just beginning his acquaintance with Japanese papermaking, then it is better for him not to rush so as not to be disappointed in his own skills and abilities.

At the age of 10 to 12, origami from a common hobby is reincarnated into a real support for schooling. It perfectly contributes to the development of good memory, develops logic, abstract and spatial thinking.
Thanks to the famous origami technique, a child can easily attract a lot of attention to himself. It is enough to take a small paper square in front of everyone and model a beautiful flower, animal or fish from it. The child can also craft more practical items, such as original bookmarks, envelopes or decorative ornaments. Knowing the origami technique, the child will be able to quickly and easily make creative presentations for friends and classmates.

For more information on paper origami options for children 10 years old, see the video below.