
How to make an origami basket?

How to make an origami basket?
  1. Simple option
  2. Cart of modules
  3. More ideas
  4. General recommendations

In the origami technique, you can model any figures. It can be not only a variety of animals and flowers, but also objects, for example, a basket. In today's article we will tell you how you can make an elegant origami basket with your own hands.

Simple option

The origami paper craft technique is very popular among craftsmen of all ages. Before modeling very complex and intricate designs, it is advisable to fill your hand, making the figures simpler. Affordable and uncomplicated master classes are suitable even for preschoolers.

There are many easy and understandable schemes for assembling and modeling simple paper baskets. Let's consider in detail a master class on creating such a craft.

  • To make a simple origami basket, you will first need to prepare the necessary materials. You should take 2 square pieces of paper with sides 18x18 cm.
  • Next, one of the squares will need to be folded in half. Folding must be done in a diagonal line.
  • Then the paper component should be unrolled and re-folded. This should be done in the same way, along the diagonal line, but in the opposite direction.
  • Now the paper structure will need to be expanded and positioned so that the folds are directed upward.
  • Next, the square is folded again along the line across, from left to right.
  • The paper blank is unrolled, and then the square is folded in half again from bottom to top.
  • At the next stage, the workpiece will need to be expanded.
  • It is necessary to prepare a basic shape in the form of a double square.
  • The bottom corner of the layer on top will need to be folded towards the top corner.
  • Then the corner is folded towards the lower edge.
  • The paper element is turned over, after which the steps for preparing the base shape and folding the lower corner of the upper layer are repeated.
  • Now you need to take the second paper square. It also needs to be folded in half from left to right.
  • The product is unrolled, after which the basic structure of the "door" is formed.
  • "Doors" are again assembled from the formed blank.
  • Next, the paper blank is folded in half along the line along.
  • The workpiece is bent in half across.
  • At the next stage, you will need to combine the 2 formed blanks.
  • The bottom half of the outer layer should be folded towards the center on both sides.
  • Then the corners are tucked into the inside of the workpiece. The same steps are repeated on the reverse side.
  • Those sides that remain are led inward.
  • The corner located below is folded alternately in both directions.
  • Now the basket must be carefully straightened out, giving it the correct square shape. Free parts of the structure are tucked inward.

A simple yet attractive paper basket is ready.

Cart of modules

Crafts using the modular origami technique are very effective and unusual. They are assembled much more difficult and longer than the classic options, but at the same time they have a more attractive and unusual look. The modular origami technique itself provides for the construction of various figures from a variety of triangular paper parts-modules. They can have a variety of colors and sizes based on the wishes of the master. So, in order to model a beautiful modular basket, you will need to prepare the following components:

  • 188 yellow modules;
  • 162 blue modules;
  • 96 orange;
  • 89 red components.

Consider the step-by-step instructions for assembling a basket from the listed "spare parts" of a triangular shape.

  • First, the master must correctly model the first row of the future craft. To construct it, you will need to alternate 3 blue and 1 yellow modules. In total, there should be 24 triangular elements in the starting row.
  • Then you can go to the second row. To assemble it, you must use 2 blue and 2 yellow elements. There should be 24 of them in total. After that, the chain is closed into a ring.
  • At the next stage, the assembled workpiece should be carefully turned over.
  • To assemble the 3rd row, it is necessary to alternately install the blue, yellow, orange and again yellow paper triangle components.
  • On the fourth row of the future volumetric basket, you need to select 2 yellow and orange modules.
  • Collecting the 5th row of origami baskets, 1 yellow component is attached to the middle corners of the yellow modules, and 1 orange component is attached to the sides.
  • Leave the two orange corners free. Thus, it is necessary to act on the entire row. A total of 6 yellow and 12 orange components should be used.
  • Now you can assemble the 6th row of the structure. Each prominent component must be equipped with 2 orange pieces.
  • Collecting the 7th row, 1 orange module is attached to each element.
  • 7 blue parts are put on adjacent corners. From above they are held together with another blue component.
  • Nearby, it is necessary to form another arched structure. The yellow module must be fixed in the lower half.
  • From the yellow component up, set 7 red ones.
  • You will need to collect 6 identical arched elements.
  • On the tops of the structures made, put on 1 blue module.
  • According to the scheme, it will be necessary to collect 5 paper rhombuses from modules of different colors.
  • Next, a basket handle is assembled from modules of different colors. There should be 45 rows in total.
  • The finished handle must be attached to the basket. At this stage, the modeling of the original modular craft is completed.

If you strictly follow the specified step-by-step instructions, you can get a very beautiful and unusual craft. For its manufacture, it is allowed to use modules of absolutely any color.

More ideas

There are many more interesting ideas for creating original paper crafts in the form of a basket. Among them there are extremely simple and straightforward instructions that are ideal for the youngest craftsmen. Let's look at how to quickly and easily make a spectacular paper basket.

  • Making figurines using the origami technique has a great effect on the fine motor skills of children. In addition, such operations develop creativity and imagination. The child can independently choose the color of the paper square, from which he will make an origami basket with his own hands.
  • You can additionally prepare paper to decorate the finished craft. And you should also stock up on scissors. It is desirable that operations with this instrument take place under the supervision of an adult.
  • The paper square of the selected color must be folded diagonally twice.
  • After that, the paper blank should be neatly unfolded. Then it will need to be folded in half again.
  • Along the formed fold strips, it is necessary to bend the side triangular elements inward. This will form the basic double triangle shape.
  • The next step is to grab the corner located at the bottom. It is folded towards the middle of the opposite side.
  • Similar actions will be required for the other bottom corner.
  • Now the paper blank must be turned over, and the steps must be repeated.
  • Next, the future basket is unfolded.
  • You need to carefully cut out the handle for the origami paper basket. It is attached to the craft using glue.
  • The product is almost ready. It can be additionally decorated in an original way to give the appearance of a bright and elegant gift.

It is worth allowing the child to independently select decorations for the finished paper craft.

General recommendations

You can fold a beautiful and neat paper basket in a variety of ways. Regardless of which particular scheme was chosen for modeling crafts, the master must adhere to a number of recommendations.

  • With your own hands, origami figures can be made not only from plain colored paper, but also from origami paper... This is a specialty material that can be purchased from an office supply or creative store.
  • When collecting a basket using the origami technique, it is very important to be patient and avoid excessive haste. If you rush to make such crafts, you may encounter many mistakes that will be difficult to correct.
  • It is not recommended to immediately start learning the origami technique, trying to do too complex homemade products.... It is advisable to start with the most basic schemes.
  • If scissors are to be used, prepare their blades... They must be well sharpened and sharp. Dull scissors can ruin the appearance of the product.

To make the finished crafts more vivid and original, they can be effectively decorated. Small paper flowers, beads, ribbons will do. They can be attached to a paper basket with glue.

For information on how to make a basket using the modular origami technique, see the next video.

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