
Origami creation on the theme "Space"

Making origami on the theme of Space
  1. How to make a rocket?
  2. Folding space planes
  3. More ideas

The art of origami is of great benefit in many ways - it develops spatial thinking, stimulates the imagination, trains fine motor skills, attentiveness, perseverance. Folding paper figures without the help of scissors and glue is available to everyone, unlike singing, drawing, playing musical instruments, where you cannot do without special abilities.

How to make a rocket?

To make a rocket out of paper, it is enough to use the simplest scheme developed on the basis of a classic airplane. This sequence is most accessible for children and beginners. After the performed manipulations, an Apollo-type spacecraft will stand in front of the performer. The craft perfectly matches the theme of the Cosmonautics Day holiday. To make it, you will need a square sheet with dimensions of 21x21 cm.

Step by step execution.

  • The sheet is folded in half diagonally, first in one direction, then unfolded, and folded in the other direction.

  • Unfold again, fold the sheet in half from bottom to top, then fold it again from left to right.

  • The top flap is opened by pressing down to form a triangle.

  • The figure is turned over, step 4 is repeated.

  • The two outer corners are lowered downward, then the figure is turned over again, and the manipulations are repeated.

  • The workpiece is turned with its free end in the opposite direction from itself, the first valve is opened, and the square is folded.

  • The same is done with the reverse side.

  • The upper left flap is moved to the right side, and repeated with opposite sides, ensuring that all square parts are inside the figure.

  • The edges are folded towards the central axis, repeat on the reverse side, move the valve to the left and repeat on the other side.

  • The lower pockets are opened to create a "house" and repeat on the reverse side.

The triangles in the middle are raised, opening the supports and making sure they are at the same angles. The rocket is ready, you can give it, you can put it on a shelf in a row with other crafts, or you can use it as a toy.

Folding space planes

The proposed schemes represent three types of spacecraft, each of which can participate in Star Wars while on board the carrier ship, or ascend on a mission from the ground and then return to the cosmodrome. All three schemes offer different model options, stimulate the development of the child's imagination, and provide basic reading skills for drawings and diagrams. It is possible that in the future this skill will develop and be useful in choosing a profession.

More ideas

For Cosmonautics Day, you can make crafts on the theme of "Space" not only in the form of spacecraft and rockets folded from a sheet of paper. It can be a more complex rocket made using the modular origami technique, or a satellite, a lunar rover, an astronaut in a spacesuit.

Below is an easy paper folding scheme for a flying saucer, ideal for your first origami work.

Step-by-step master class.

  • The square sheet is folded in half, thus obtaining horizontal markings, and then unfolded. The paper is folded again, making sure that the edges are facing up.

  • One half is bent in half and folded down - in the figure, directions are indicated by a dotted line. After that, the corners on the bent half are bent down.

  • Next, they start working with the untouched half of the sheet, the corners of which are also bent down, as shown by the dotted line. Now the workpiece is turned over to the other side, and a model of a real flying saucer lies in front of the child's eyes.

The figure can be decorated by drawing portholes and even the faces of aliens looking at our world with curiosity.

For information on how to create origami on the theme of "Space", see the next video.

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