
Origami gifts for mom on March 8

Origami gifts for mom on March 8
  1. How to make flowers?
  2. How to fold a diamond?
  3. More ideas

International Women's Day is a wonderful holiday in which you can please all girls, girls and women. The most important people for most are mothers, and a gift for them requires special attention and preparation. It is difficult for children to prepare something valuable and large, so a handmade gift would be the best option.

All kinds of origami crafts will be a real surprise for mom and will delight her on March 8.

How to make flowers?

There is a huge amount of things that can be made, sewn, dazzled, created from paper and cardboard as a gift for mom, so every kid will find an option to his liking and according to his capabilities.

One of the most interesting techniques for working with paper is origami - a special system of folding sheets to create a particular craft. Children can create any craft and present it to their mom on March 8th. A wide variety of shapes can be made from paper, but flowers are the most demanded and popular.

If the child has never worked in the origami technique, it is important for him to gradually explain the process of making any craft. Creating a postcard or craft with flowers consists of a number of steps:

  1. selection of materials for work (colored paper, white paper, cardboard);

  2. preparation of tools (scissors, ruler, pencil, glue);

  3. preparation of decor and auxiliary equipment that may be needed in a specific craft.

Here's how to make the simplest paper bouquet.

  • Colored paper is taken in two colors (green and in the shade of future colors). The workpiece must be square and measure 15 by 15 cm.

  • The part for making a flower is placed seamy side up and bent diagonally in both directions, after which it unfolds and turns over.

  • Bend the workpiece from top to bottom and from right to left.

  • Bend the workpiece and assemble to the center until you get a double square.

  • Bend the part in half and open it.

  • The front part of the near part must be lowered down, which will lead to the opening of the flower. In the resulting figure, it is necessary to smooth out the sides.

  • Go to the blank of the green part. The colored paper is turned inside out, and the leaf is folded diagonally.

  • Lay out the workpiece in the form of a rhombus, wrap the side corners towards the middle.

  • Mark a diagonal line above the midpoint of the side to the bottom center point, and fold the paper over the marked areas.

  • The flower is inserted into the green part and glued together.

Thanks to the origami technique, it is possible to create a huge variety of paper flowers, including tulips, roses, chrysanthemums, sunflowers and others.

Correct work with the material allows you to get a beautiful craft and please your mother on March 8.

How to fold a diamond?

To surprise your mother with an unusual and beautiful gift for March 8, you can make a diamond out of paper using the origami technique. There are different options for creating such a craft, so everyone will choose the right one for themselves. To easily make this product, you must:

  • find a template for a future diamond, print it or redraw it;

  • cut out the workpiece;

  • draw a needle or the tip of scissors along all the lines where the parts will bend;

  • apply glue to areas that will stick to the rest of the diamond;

  • when half of the product is ready, place a surprise inside and continue the craft.

More sophisticated diamond construction methods require paper to be handled correctly and folded in the correct sequence to create a beautiful imitation of a gemstone.

Any mother will be glad to receive such an unexpected, creative and very creative congratulation from her daughter.

More ideas

Thanks to the origami technique, children can make a unique gift for their mother on March 8, using colored paper and aids. After spending a little time and effort, you can make unusual and beautiful crafts that will be remembered for a long time.

One of the interesting ideas is to create a dress using origami technique. To please mom with such a congratulation, you must:

  1. prepare colored paper, from which the main product will be, turn it over to the wrong side, and bend it in the vertical and horizontal directions, and then unfold it;

  2. the side parts are bent again to the middle of the workpiece;

  3. the part must be turned over, and the edges must be bent to the center again;

  4. turn the workpiece over again and open it, taking on the near layer of the product;

  5. we wrap the top of the future dress by 1 cm and form a beautiful collar, repeating the movements shown in the figure;

  6. the finished product is bent in half again, and the outer parts of the skirt are turned outward;

  7. bend the future dress in half, from top to bottom;

  8. mark 1 cm in the center to highlight the waist and unscrew the part at the indicated mark;

  9. the protruding parts of the top of the dress are folded inward;

  10. the product turns over.

There are different options and schemes for creating dresses that differ in styles. To make a beautiful origami craft, you need to choose the option you like and learn how to do it quickly and efficiently.

If there is no way to make a complex craft, you can build a cute box that can both fold and unfold. When folded, two halves of the heart need to be glued to the sides. Inside such a craft, you can write beautiful wishes and congratulations for mom.

From paper, you can create boxes, pyramids, bouquets and much more.Depending on the level of skill, free time and desire, a gift for a mother for International Women's Day can be very diverse.

The art of origami allows every year to delight dear ladies with something special and pleasant.

For more ideas on origami gift ideas for mom on March 8, see the video below.

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