Origami fairy tales

Recently, origami is gaining more and more popularity. It will be very interesting for children to create fairy tales with their own hands. This process itself is the folding of a sheet of paper according to a certain plot. As a result, it is easier for children to remember a fairy tale that will be associated with some actions. In addition, such games allow you to develop fine motor skills, intelligence and at the same time have a pleasant time together.

What it is?
Origami fairy tale is an exciting game that allows you to increase observation, thinking, diversify emotions, improve logical memory, concentration, quick wits, perseverance, and fantasy.
Thanks to this amazing process, children develop speech, they become kinder, friendlier, more sociable, less notorious.
Each stage of work is accompanied by the creation of a certain paper figure. In this game, children can change the course of events and learn new skills. Most often, the simplest texts are taken as a basis, understandable and interesting for children, together with traditional origami figurines. To make the compositions more colorful and exciting, it is better to use double-sided colored paper. As for the density, you should give preference to medium, since it will not break from a lot of additions.

Creating a fairy tale about a peasant
Among the popular fairy tales for preschoolers, one can single out about the peasant. Moreover, this story can be significantly different. There is a story about a peasant who was unlucky with the field, and there is a story about a peasant and his sons. If desired, in the course of the tale, you can change the course of events so as to arouse more interest in children.
A phased story about a peasant, accompanied by origami, looks like this.
The tale begins with the fact that a peasant from one village had a large field. In this case, a square sheet of green-yellow paper is taken.

- Then the little man decided to measure his field from two sides. To do this, bend the square diagonally in one direction, and then in the other.

- The peasant was pleased with the result, but the master came to him to take most of the field. In this case, the corners of the paper blank must be turned towards the center.

The peasant has very little land left. Turn the workpiece over.

However, the master returned again and decided to take another part of the field from the peasant. Again, the corners of the workpiece are folded towards the center.

- The field decreased even more, and the peasant became completely sad. Turn the paper blank again.

- And one more time the master returned and took 4 pieces of land from the peasant. Again, the corners must be folded towards the center.

- There was a man with a small piece of the field, which he decided to sell. With the money he received, he bought a star. In this case, it is necessary to flatten the squares on opposite sides.

- He also had money for good boots. The resulting star must be bent in half.

- The peasant in new boots decided to sail to America by steamer. Sharp corners of triangles should be pulled outward and away from the center. For several weeks the peasant sailed and saw a lot of interesting things. He sailed to America, went ashore and began to live richly and merrily.

How to make a fairy tale about a pirate?
Origami fairy tales often include the pirate as the main character. Children love stories about a big boat and brave sailors. Of course, for young listeners it is better to choose stories with a good ending. Let's describe the step-by-step making of an origami fairy tale about a pirate.
- In a small village there lived a peasant who liked to be lazy. He inherited a large piece of the field from his father. You need to take a square piece of paper. Due to the laziness of the owner, the land was neglected. The peasant had to sell 4 pieces of it. In this case, the ends of the workpiece should be folded towards the center.

- When the money ran out, he once again sold 4 pieces of land. Again, the 4 ends of the workpiece are folded towards the center.

- This money was not enough for a long time, and the peasant had to sell some more of his land. And he had almost nothing left. The ends of the workpiece must be folded towards the center one more time, and you get a small square. The peasant decided to become a pirate and boarded the first pirate ship. It is necessary to flatten the squares on opposite sides, and then fold the resulting figure in half and turn it over.

- Over time, he got a real pirate hat with wide brim, leather boots and wide trousers. In this case, the ends of the workpiece must be folded so that first you get a hat with a visor, then shoes, and then pants.

It was cold at sea, and the pirate had to change his shirt to a sweater.... To do this, you need to unfold the double workpiece. The pirate robbed for a long time, but ended up in prison. For this, the workpiece is almost completely unbent. They tied him up and interrogated him at the table. The ends of the resulting figure are bent down so that a table is obtained. The pirate was convicted and given a prison uniform. The workpiece must be bent in half, and the upper ends crossed.

- The pirate sat in a dungeon for a long time, but one night he broke the grate, went down to the sea and got into a boat with a sail... One of the sides must be bent so that a sailboat turns out. On the high seas, the pirate decided to hide the sail. The protruding part of the boat is hidden at one of its ends.

- In the afternoon, he noticed a couple of chests at the bottom of the boat. One of them was opened by the pirate, but it turned out to be empty. One of the parts of the workpiece is raised by the edge. He got angry and threw the chest overboard. The ends must be folded to form a rectangle.

- The second chest was also empty, and he threw it into the sea. The same actions are performed as in the previous two steps."I'm unlucky!" - thought the pirate when he noticed that the jailers were chasing him. The fairy tale is over, but in the box that turned out you need to put a coin.

Other options
There are a lot of fairy tales in the origami technique. You can choose from the existing ones or compose it yourself based on Russian folk stories. For the smallest, such fairy tales as a turnip, a bun, about a tsar, about a hen-ryab and many others will be an excellent option. Very popular is "Teremok", which has interesting characters, you can also add something new to the plot.

Quite often, children like origami fairy tales about the king.... Moreover, he can be both a negative and a positive hero. Modular origami allows you to create original figures with your own hands, which will become the main characters in a fairy tale.

Such a colorful performance will definitely be remembered by children for a long time.
Fairy tales in verse are an excellent basis for demonstrating individual moments in the form of origami... It is desirable that the scheme of the story be as simple and understandable as possible for children. To do this, it is advisable to choose simple forms and crafts, which, if desired, the preschooler can repeat on his own.
For more information on origami tales, see the video below.