
Folding origami anti-stress

Folding origami anti-stress
  1. Modular circle toy
  2. Craft from hearts
  3. How to make an origami spring?
  4. More ideas

The origami technique is very popular because it allows you to make a huge variety of beautiful figures. Very attractive anti-stress designs can be folded from paper of different colors. In today's article, we will look at how to do origami anti-stress correctly.

Modular circle toy

There are many cool patterns out there to craft spectacular anti-stress crafts. For such purposes, both small colored stickers and paper of a standard A4 format are used. Different components are prepared for different creative works.

If you want to make an original anti-stress little thing, you can stop at a beautiful modular toy-circle made of colored paper of different sizes. Such a product will look very interesting and bright.

To make origami antistress with your own hands in the form of a spectacular circle toy, you will need to prepare only 36 square paper leaves with dimensions of 9x9 cm. The colors of the materials can be very different. For example, you can take 6 pieces of blue, green, pink, red and orange components. It is allowed to use absolutely any color combinations that the master likes best.

Let's consider in detail how the modules should be folded and the further assembly of the original origami paper toy.

  • First, the first square will need to be folded in half across.
  • The part is unfolded and folded in half, but towards the other side.
  • The side sections of the upper layer are folded closer to the middle downward.
  • The workpiece is turned over. The side sections are bent up and towards the middle.
  • A pocket formed on one side is opened and the workpiece is laid like a mountain.
  • One of the modules is ready.
  • The rest of the modules should be made in the same way.
  • Next, one of the ready-made modules will need to be inserted into the middle of another module.
  • The corners of the part located in the lower part are tucked into the pockets of the upper one.
  • It is necessary to continue such manipulations until all the prepared modules are consumed. It is recommended to alternate the colors so that the anti-stress craft is brighter and more effective.
  • The resulting homemade product is rolled up, forming a ring. After that, the extreme modules are connected to each other. At this stage, the modeling of the original anti-stress origami toy can be considered complete.

Craft from hearts

There is another interesting scheme with which you can simulate a chic anti-stress craft in the form of moving paper hearts. To make such an unusual thing, you will need to prepare 8 multi-colored paper squares with parameters 10x10 cm.

In this case, the choice of colors does not really matter either. Most often, blanks are made from materials of a red hue, but you can choose other palettes and their bright combinations.

Let us analyze in stages how to correctly make such a paper figurine of the transformer type.

  • First, fold the starting paper square along a diagonal line. This should be done in half and in both directions.
  • The corner located at the bottom is folded towards the center.
  • Unfold and fold the corner from below to the nearest bent line.
  • The same manipulations will need to be repeated for the rest of the corners.
  • All sides are folded along the nearest fold line to the middle.
  • The paper blank is turned over. The corners are laid towards the center.
  • The part is turned over. They pull on opposite pockets and form the desired figure, resembling a boat in its shape.
  • Then they pull on the other pockets, and fold the folds towards the central part.
  • A blank is formed to form a double heart.
  • With the rest of the leaves, you need to repeat the same steps to assemble a beautiful anti-stress kaleidoscope.
  • In this case, you cannot do without glue. The finished modules will need to be carefully glued together. The original kaleidoscope is done!

How to make an origami spring?

There are many more fun ideas on how to make an origami paper anti-stress craft. For example, origami spring is very popular. It is done quite simply, so many people are engaged in modeling it on their own.

To make such an interesting craft, you need to prepare sheets of colored paper. Colors can be absolutely any.

Particularly spectacular and elegant are products that combine several different colors at once.

Let's analyze step by step the instructions for modeling a cool origami spring from colored paper of different colors.

  • At the first stage, rectangular parts are carefully cut out with parameters 6x12 cm.
  • The finished paper components of a rectangular structure are folded in half.
  • The made paper blank must be carefully straightened so that the formed fold on it is clearly directed towards the top.
  • The extended edges will need to be folded towards the line in the center of the workpiece.
  • Next, a blank of colored paper is folded in half and across. This must be done in order to correctly mark the desired fold strip.
  • The sides located on the sides of the product will need to be folded towards the middle.
  • Next, the existing workpiece is bent along a slide.
  • The side halves are neatly folded up.
  • After that, you need to make another element of the same type.
  • Finished paper blanks must be properly fastened to each other. The result should be a kind of spring coil.
  • After that, you should make another round of colored paper. The finished parts are combined into one structure.
  • Continue these actions until the spring reaches the required length.

This origami craft is made very simply and quickly. This is a great option for children or novice craftsmen who are not familiar with the creative processes in question.

More ideas

On the instructions reviewed, the options for making anti-stress crafts are not completed. There are other interesting schemes that allow you to model beautiful, vibrant and relaxing paper designs.

For example, you can make a very simple anti-stress craft out of two types of colored paper, scissors, and glue stick. Let's consider the stages of modeling such a product.

  • First, take 10x10 paper squares of yellow and blue colors.
  • Take a sheet, form a triangular piece from it.
  • The workpiece is opened and folded on a different diagonal again.
  • The element is revealed once more. The corner located at the bottom is folded towards the center point.
  • The same actions must be performed in relation to the upper corner.
  • Next, the previously bent edge is folded from below to a large horizontal fold line.
  • The top is folded in the same way.
  • The corner on the right side is folded neatly.
  • The slice at the bottom is folded towards the edge on the right.
  • Then the left side is bent in the way shown in the photo.
  • The top of the workpiece is folded back towards the edge on the left.
  • After that, you should get the first part of one module. The second part should be modeled in the same way, but from a paper sheet of another shade you like.
  • The finished components will need to be firmly inserted into each other.
  • Triangular elements of different colors, which turned out in the upper and lower parts, are coated with glue-stick, and then bent.
  • It is necessary to make several modules of this kind.
  • Take the first paper module. It is coated with adhesive. The glue must be applied to the entire surface of the product.
  • Next, the next paper module is applied to the missed part.
  • In this way, all the blanks should be stacked with each other.
  • If you open the finished structure, an anti-stress craft will be created, consisting of multi-colored cubes.
  • If necessary, such a bright paper structure can be closed just as easily.

This funny antistress toy is simulated very simply. Its production can be entrusted to a child or an inexperienced master who does not have rich knowledge and skills in the field of origami techniques.

For information on how to make origami anti-stress, see the next video.

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