Creation of a vase using modular origami technique

Figures assembled using the modular origami technique look very unusual and attractive. Such products are more difficult to model than classic origami figures. An origamist can assemble any designs from paper modules, for example, creative vases. In today's article, we will understand all the features of creating such crafts.

How to make in Chinese style?
A modular design in the form of a Chinese-style vase can turn out to be very beautiful. Such an interesting homemade product will harmoniously blend into almost any setting and interiors, especially if they are made in a modern way.
A modular Chinese-style vase made of paper parts can be assembled in 2 main steps - first, it is necessary to make construction modules, and then connect them correctly. If everything is done correctly and clearly according to the instructions, the result will be a spectacular paper vase.

Before making a creative craft, you will definitely need to prepare a suitable number of paper modules - small triangles. Subsequently, it is with their use that the crafts will be assembled into a single structure.
Modules for assembling crafts can be crafted from paper sheets of different sizes. Let's consider how this should be done in the case of a small square blank cut from a standard A4 sheet.
- First, the sheet is folded lengthwise and in half.

- To mark the middle line, the paper square should also be folded across the line, after which it is unbent. Now the workpiece is laid with the corner up.

- The edges of the future module are folded towards the middle.

- Now the sheet is turned over.

- The lower half of the future module is folded up.

- The corners of the structure are folded, making a bend through a large triangular piece.

- Further, the corners and the lower part of the paper blank must be carefully unbent.

- Now the corners are folded again in accordance with the outlined lines. After that, the lower half of the product is folded upward.

- The workpiece is folded in half.

- The formed module should have two small pockets and 2 corners at the bottom. Modular elements assembled in this way are very easy to insert into each other, due to which it is possible to seamlessly create volumetric figures of any kind.
Such crafts can be just as easily disassembled if necessary.

A beautiful Chinese-style paper vase requires a total of 1,116 modular components to assemble. The master can choose the color of the modules independently. In the design of a Chinese vase, inserts of a yellow-scarlet shade will look good.
When all the necessary parts for the Chinese vase are ready, you can start assembling it in accordance with the diagram. Consider a step-by-step instruction on modeling such an interesting DIY craft.
- Having prepared all the modules, it is not recommended to immediately proceed with the complete assembly of the colored belt of the future vase. First, it is advisable to combine 6 yellow-scarlet triangles, connected to a purple inverted trapezoid, into one structure. After that, these elements must be combined into one structure.
- Starting from the 10th crown, it will be necessary to bend the workpiece inward. Collect the rows of the future Chinese vase you need to "along", then "counterclockwise". The details will need to be correctly connected to each other, making the pressure of the same force.
- After completing the assembly of the 13th row, it will be necessary to additionally add another 2-3 levels. They will need to be carefully thinned out to form a beautiful carved ornament.
- At the next stage, it will be necessary to assemble the neck of the cylindrical structure.
- You will need to model the top ring. It will need to be installed on the mouth of the neck, greasing the parts with glue. Too much adhesive should not be used, so that it does not spoil the neat appearance of the craft.
- At the final stage, the master will need to carefully but securely connect the "body" of the vase and the neck. Docking areas of modular components will need to be smeared with a moderate layer of glue.

At this stage, the production of the original Chinese-style modular vase will be completed. Assembling such a beautiful craft is available not only for experienced, but also for beginner origamiists, acting strictly in accordance with the step-by-step instructions.
Making a "carved" vase
Having mastered the methods of modeling the simplest paper vases from triangular components, you can proceed to more complex schemes. A very interesting idea is a spectacular "carved" vase. At first glance, creating such a craft may seem prohibitively difficult, but in fact, an origamist can model it without any problems if he uses step-by-step instructions.

The main details of the "carved" paper vase are:
- ranks of the base;
- arcs;
- arches.
To assemble the rows of the base of the future carved vase, modular components must be inserted with the long side in the forward direction. In the design of the vase, there must be arcs, through which the original openwork openings are formed. Arched crowns cover these openings.
They give the whole structure of the vase additional rigidity.

A creative and graceful "carved" vase can be assembled from paper triangles of various colors. It can be neutral or very bright. Let's analyze in detail a small master class on modeling a very beautiful "carved" vase.
- Initially, you can come up with yourself or use a ready-made scheme for a future paper vase with through holes in the structure.
- Next, you will need to prepare the necessary modular components and the main parts from them. The types of fixed modules can be different. For example, these can be parts that are nested within each other. Also, a large structure of 3 floors or a triangle of 11 components can be constructed from the modules.
- To make the base of an openwork vase, it is necessary to combine the parts so that their long side is directed forward.
- The frame base, which will hold back the openwork walls of the vase, should be made of single modular rows.
- To make the whole structure more durable and reliable, you can additionally place arches between the curly components.

The result should be a very unusual and intricate vase. It can be used as an interior decoration. Flowers can be placed in such a vessel.
Making a fruit bowl
From paper modules of different colors, chic fruit vases are obtained. Modeling such crafts is not easy, but the results can exceed all expectations. A preschooler can easily assemble a fruit bowl made of triangular parts if he strictly follows the step-by-step instructions and enlists the help of adults.

In a ready-made volumetric vase made of paper modules, you can place not only fruits, but also many other things. For example, it can be balls of yarn, candy, house or car keys, various decorations, and so on. Such a craft can easily become a creative and bright interior decor.

This type of vase can be either small or large. To make such a structure more stable and durable, modular parts are not only placed inside each other, but also glued during the assembly of the product. The very principle of assembling the considered type of vase is the same as in the case of the models discussed above. At the first stages, it is necessary to collect a circle, after which increments are made in each of the subsequent crowns so that the bowl becomes wider.
For young children, modeling such an object may be too difficult, so they better use the help of adults or choose simpler schemes.

Using the modular origami technique, a fruit vase can be made both monochromatic and multi-colored. Contrasting geometric patterns look especially impressive in such crafts. The edges of the vase can be made even or rounded. Each origamist decides for himself how to arrange such an interesting craft from paper triangles.

Caring for crafts
It's not a secret for anyone that paper crafts are not the most reliable and durable, but with careful treatment and proper care, they can last much longer. Let us analyze the description of the correct steps for caring for such creative crafts.
- Finished paper structures should be coated with a special varnish. It is advisable to use aerosols for these purposes, since they are able to provide a uniform coverage without unnecessary stains and streaks. The cheaper the paper used to assemble the crafts, the more careful the varnish needs to be handled. It must be applied to the product, maintaining a distance of at least 30 cm. It is necessary to wait for the complete drying of each of the applied layers, but you cannot overdo it with their thickness.
- You can also use a regular hair clip., however, it cannot provide a high level of protection against moisture and dust. The best option is acrylic spray paint, which is available from many art retail outlets.
- It is imperative to clean the finished modular vase from dust deposits. If there is complete confidence in the reliability of the water-repellent coating on the craft, then you can wipe it using a slightly damp cloth or sponge. In all other cases, it is advisable to remove dust by means of a vacuum cleaner operating in the "blow-off" mode.
- You can also use a conventional hair dryer to remove dust deposits on paper products. It must operate in cold air mode. Also, dust is allowed to be swept away with wide and soft brushes.
- The finished craft must be reliably protected from direct sunlight. We must not forget that paper tends to fade and turn yellow over time under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, in addition, it can become unnecessarily fragile and easily collapse. To avoid such negative consequences, it is necessary either to cover the paper vase with a special varnish with an ultraviolet protector, or place it as far as possible from natural light sources.

Some origami masters not only make beautiful vases from paper modules, but also use them in the future to place handmade flowers.
It is not recommended to make both of these products in the same papermaking technique, since together they will look too oversaturated and clumsy. Flowers made of woven material, corrugated paper will look much more attractive in a paper vase.
If you still want to place paper flowers in a vase assembled using the modular origami technique, it is better to make them according to a different scheme. Then the composition will turn out to be more harmonious and attractive, thanks to which a cool interior decor will come out of it.

How you can make a beautiful vase using the modular origami technique with your own hands, see the next video.