Lightening hair

How to lighten hair without harm at home?

How to lighten hair without harm at home?
  1. Hair preparation
  2. Cosmetical tools
  3. Traditional methods
  4. Helpful hints

Light hair color will never go out of fashion among the fair sex. An example of this is the many famous Hollywood stars such as Reese Witherspoon, Charlize Theron, Diane Kruger and other divas who have been making platinum hair a trend for many years.

For most girls, the lightening procedure is associated with a long stay at the hairdresser, but in fact it is quite possible to do it yourself at home. However, not all ladies know how to properly carry out the procedure with their own hands so as not to cause severe damage to their hair. What are the nuances of such staining will be described in detail in this article.

Hair preparation

As you know, the most effective and safer coloring is the one for which the hair has been prepared in advance. To lighten hair at home, you need to carry out a number of procedures, the number of which is often regulated by the natural color of the strands, which are planned to be given a platinum shade.

You need it for at least a month protect curls as much as possible from the effects of chemistry, sunlight and a hair dryer. Dry them naturally, do not often use curling irons and heavy fixing products for styling.

It is categorically impossible to dye your hair shortly before lightening, because this can not only affect the lightening result, but also significantly worsen the condition of the strands.

To prepare light brown or other, previously not dyed curls for a new shade, a few months before dyeing, you can start using folk lightening products based on food and natural ingredients. Also intensively use regenerating masks made from the same natural materials. These procedures should be discontinued a couple of weeks before discoloration.

It will not be possible to quickly prepare black hair for lightening in a natural tone, so either start using folk remedies long before the planned dyeing, or use chemical products that contribute to complete bleaching. If the black hair is dyed, then several washing sessions should be carried out to a natural shade and the curls should be allowed to recover after this procedure.

Get rid of split ends in advance. As a result of exposure to light paint, they will acquire an even more lifeless look and will look unaesthetic. Therefore, remove a few centimeters of damaged strands in advance.

Make sure your hair is free of elements such as sea salt, stylers or pool water bleach before dyeing. Their presence can negatively affect the final result of lightening and spoil the desired shade.

Do not wash your hair 1 to 3 days before starting the staining procedure. This will help protect the scalp with the natural fat layer that will form over these days.

Of course, the process of exposure to hair dye will be much better tolerated if the body is not stressed, is not exposed to bad habits and gets a healthy regular sleep.

Cosmetical tools

Lightening strands can be done at home using paint or powders that will not do much harm to your hair. Of course, lightening is a lot of stress on the curls, but you can minimize it by choosing a suitable coloring agent.

Compositions containing 3% peroxide are optimal for those ladies who, by nature, have not very dark hair, never dyed before. Also, the funds are acceptable for those girls whose hair is dyed in light blond tones. Often, for safe lightening, a coloring powder is mixed with a 3% oxidizing component in a container not made of metal.

Brown hair requires a more aggressive oxidizing component, which already contains 6% peroxide. Thanks to this effect, the color changes by 3-4 tones.

The curls will become 5-6 shades lighter if you use a 9% solution. This dye is often used for dyeing dark hair.

But the maximum effect allows you to obtain a coloring powder in combination with a 12% component, allowing you to achieve a platinum blonde and paint over the yellowness. However, remember that the area of ​​the roots must be dispensed with such an aggressive effect, since it can destroy the hair follicles. An oxidizing agent with an indicator of 9% is usually applied to the roots of the strands.

None of these brighteners should be applied to hair after henna. Make sure the henna is naturally rinsed out of the strands before embarking on your lightening treatments. Otherwise, you may end up with a rusty color.

To get rid of unwanted redheads faster before lightening, use washes, as with black flowers, but remember that in this case rush is not welcome.

There is also an original express way to lighten strands - use of a special spray. It suits initially fair-haired or fair-haired girls who want to create the effect of burnt-out strands. The spray is not harmful, but its cost is quite high.

A popular home color remedy is cream paint, presented on the cosmetic market in a huge range of shades. Due to its texture, it dyes hair well and gives the desired shade in one color, provided the hair is properly prepared. This effect is due to aggressive components in the composition of the substance.

If you want a more gentle approach without damaging your hair structure, use clarifying oil. It is created on the basis of natural oils, but the staining procedure cannot be carried out at one time. Depending on the original shade, the number of staining sessions can sometimes be quite large.

Also, take into account skin reactions and do a preliminary test for allergies, otherwise such lightening is fraught with itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations.

Traditional methods

There are time-tested folk recipes for using products that make the shade of hair lighter. Of course, they do not give such a cardinal effect as chemical staining, but they can rightfully be considered more harmless. However, remember that it is better not to do such experiments with previously dyed hair, as you may get an unwanted shade. Use folk recipes only to transform natural hair color. The most relevant are the following methods.

  • Chamomile decoction, which is usually made on the basis of raw materials purchased at the pharmacy. A glass of dried chamomile flowers is taken per liter of water and infused for 90 minutes. Filter the resulting infusion before using, and then quickly apply it to the curls so that it saturates all the strands. After that, it is necessary to wrap the head with a film material. You can evaluate the result after a couple of hours by rinsing the infusion from the head without using foam-forming products.
  • Many ladies have tried to use for lightening natural homemade kefir. Be sure to take the one that comes from the farm, and not the one that can usually be found on the shelves of grocery stores. To lighten on clean hair, you need to apply kefir, then the strands are wrapped in a film, and after five hours the composition is washed off.

This procedure must be repeated every other day for the effect to be more noticeable.

    • If you decide to give your hair a light tone using hydrogen peroxide, then before that it is recommended not to wash your hair for a couple of days. Before starting the procedure, you need to comb the strands, and lubricate the skin in the temporal region and on the front border of hair growth with a cream of a greasy consistency.

    The mixture for clarification is prepared by combining 60 grams of shampoo, 60 milliliters of ammonia, 60–70 milliliters of peroxide and water, also taken in an amount of 60 milliliters. It is necessary to apply the mixture starting from the back of the head, then moving on to the top of the head, and ending with the lateral areas. Then observe the color change yourself, rinse the composition from the head and, if necessary, make the tone even lighter, repeat the procedure. Shampoo should be used for the final rinsing of the peroxide from the scalp.

      • You can brighten your curls with lemon-based mixtures... It is important to check in advance if you are allergic to this citrus by applying lemon juice to the area behind the ear for 30 minutes. If the rash and irritation do not appear, then you can start preparing the mixture.

      First, a couple of lemon fruits are dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes. After they should be cut and squeezed out of all the juice. All juice must be mixed with olive oil in a 2 to 1 ratio and then heated. When the temperature of the composition becomes warm, it must be applied to the unwashed head, spread over the hair, then put a plastic bag and a towel on the head. Rinse your hair after at least a couple of hours.

      • A fairly quick lightening method is use of powdered soda. First, the substance must be sieved, and then mixed with mineral water until a pasty consistency is formed. The required amount of soda for the entire head of hair is established empirically, because for each lady a different amount may be required depending on the thickness of the hair and its length.

      It is necessary to apply the composition on dirty hair, not reaching 5 mm to the roots. Then the head must also be wrapped with a film and a towel, which creates a thermal effect. It is better to keep the mixture on your head for no more than an hour, sometimes even 30 minutes is enough.After this time, it is necessary to quickly wash off the substance from the hair.

        • An excellent remedy for healthy hair in combination with lightening is natural honey. It is only necessary to heat the product with a water bath if it is sugar-coated. If not, then you just need to heat it up.

        Next, you should distribute honey over clean, dried hair, rubbing it into the strands. Lemon juice or cinnamon can be added to enhance the effect. Then wrap up your hair and leave the honey on your head for 60-240 minutes. If, after rinsing, the effect seemed insufficient to you, then no earlier than three days later you can repeat the procedure. In addition to the burnt-out effect, the hair will also acquire a healthy shine after such a mask.

        • For those girls whose hair has a fine structure, it is suitable for lightening cinnamon. She, in addition to changing color, also has a beneficial nourishing effect on the strands. Sift the cinnamon powder and then combine it into an emulsion consistency with one of the following: lemon juice, kefir, honey, coconut oil, or cucumber juice. The choice is determined by individual preferences and the availability of one or another raw material.

        Using a brush, apply the composition to your strands, slightly stepping back from the roots. Wrap your hair in cellophane. After 30–45 minutes, wash off the homemade paint. You can repeat this procedure after two days.

        • A rather aggressive way to lighten hair is use of hydroperite tabletsthat can be bought at pharmacy kiosks. Two tablets should be mixed with 15 ml of pure water, after shaking these components, add another 2 ml of ammonia. This amount of ingredients is added to 25 grams of hair shampoo. To make more mixtures, calculate the ingredients based on the indicated proportion.

          Apply the composition to the curls and wash it off after 7 minutes. Then dry your hair and evaluate the result.

          Helpful hints

          So that the process of turning into a platinum blonde at home goes without flaws, listen to the following tips.

          • If you want to achieve a light hair color using folk remedies, please note that this process will require a longer time and regularity of the procedures. In addition, the darker your natural shade, the more treatments will be required.
          • With the help of a hair spray with a lightening effect, you have the opportunity to give a lighter tone not only to the entire head of hair, but also to individual strands. Many ladies experiment by making the lower hair area a tone lighter.
          • Hair lightening balms are also available as an alternative with a temporary effect. But they are suitable for those ladies whose hair is prone to greasy, because they have a drying effect.
          • If you don't have much experience in lightening your hair on your own, ask someone close to help you paint over the hair on the back of your head, or use mirrors to see how thoroughly the paint has covered the hair behind. Do not forget that the clarification procedure should be carried out in good lighting.

          For information on how to lighten hair at home, see the next video.

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