Lightening hair

How to lighten hair without yellowness?

How to lighten hair without yellowness?
  1. Reasons for the appearance of a yellow tint
  2. Professional remedies
  3. Folk ways
  4. Lightening rules
  5. Reviews

Love to experiment on your appearance is inherent in every woman by nature. A special place in this "experimental hobby" is occupied by women's attempts to change the color, shape, and length of their hair. This article will focus on hair dyeing, or rather, its radical form - the transition to a light color.

At first glance, it may seem that such a topic does not deserve such careful consideration, but those who have been involved in such a procedure, and even more experienced hairdressers, can assure that this is one of the most delicate and requiring special attention processes. The reason for this is hair pigmentation and its effect on the appearance of yellowness.

Reasons for the appearance of a yellow tint

The yellow tint is the result of improper hair coloring and an inattentive approach to this process. The appearance of yellowness is caused by pigments that are in the hair, in their natural color, and are very different from each other in terms of different shades of curls.

Pigments for dark and black hair are especially persistent. It follows that the lighter the hair, the easier it is to lighten.

Let's consider briefly the most common mistakes that lead to the appearance of unwanted yellowness.

  • Saving money on quality paint.
  • Mixing and applying paint errors.
  • Poorly performed bleaching procedure for dark hair. If you are the owner of just such a head of hair, consult a specialist, he will tell you the least traumatic way to lighten the curls. Do not forget that for dark shades, the bleaching process must take place in several stages.
  • Damaged hair. It is very important to restore your hair before lightening it.Dry, brittle, lifeless strands are not subject to discoloration.
  • Using tap water for rinsing. Water from the tap, in terms of its chemical composition (chlorine, various salts, rust), has an adverse effect on curls, especially on bleached ones.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding period. During these stages of a woman's life, colossal hormonal changes occur, which also affect hair pigmentation.
  • Incompatibility of paints. For example, henna-dyed curls must be lightened in a special way. The results of mixing chemical and natural dyes can be very unpredictable.

Professional remedies

The most effective way to go blonde is long-lasting hair dye, especially for dark curls. Next, we will consider various dyes for lightening hair without yellowness from the most popular brands, as well as tint balms, gels and other products recommended by professionals.

This list of paints is suitable for women with light brown, light brown and not very dark shades of curls:

  • Casting Creme Gloss L'Oreal. A soft and effective long-lasting dye that gently brightens curls. As a result, they look shiny, healthy and don't have the slightest hint of yellowness. The paint is presented in a large palette of shades.
  • Garnier Color Sensation Super Brightening. Does not contain ammonia and peroxide, gently brightens up to 6 tones. It contains fruit oils, rose essence, mother of pearl and platinum pigment. Takes care of your hair.
  • Palette fitoliniya "Scandinavian blond". Gentle, delicate paint. Treats hair thanks to the content of orange and jojoba oils. Whitens in 4 shades.
  • Matrix Color Sync. One of the most gentle lightening paints. Due to its delicate composition, it brightens by no more than 4 shades. Does not injure the hair structure and guarantees the absence of yellowness.
  • Blonde Ultime Schwarzkopf. There are many hair lightening products in the products of this line: balms, sprays, etc. The palette of blond shades is presented in 8 wonderful shades.

Stronger brighteners, many of which are ammonia brighteners, include the following.

  • Kapous bleaching powder... Professional lightening powder available for home use as well. Contains ammonia and menthol.
  • Matrix Light Master. Strong brightening powder. Contains ammonia. The disadvantage is the very high price.
  • Revlon Professional Blonde Up. Due to the content of a complex of pigments and the absence of ammonia, it brightens the curls carefully, without injuring them.
  • Ollin Megapolis Blond Powder... Brightens hair without causing harm, does not contain aggressive components, does not dry hair.
  • Syoss professional performance 13-0. This dye is able to lighten hair by 9 tones. Contains ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Despite its composition, it colors with care for the hair.
  • BBcos White Meches Bleaching. Lightens curls of all shades, including very dark ones, without damaging them.
  • Igora Royal 10-4. Judging by customer reviews, it always pleases with its effect. It is a professional paint, but also suitable for home use.

Less aggressive products are tinted shampoos and gels. They do not do any harm to the hair. Accordingly, their effect is short-lived and the owners of dark hair cannot use them, while for women with light curls, they provide an amazing opportunity to lighten the hair by a couple of shades.

Folk ways

In addition to modern professional chemical lightening products, there are also popular methods, very effective, original and completely harmless.

  • Lemon juice. Suitable for red and light brown hair, lightens by 1-2 tones. Prepared from water and juice of one lemon. Squeeze a lemon and add half a liter of water. Rinse your hair with this solution after washing.

To enhance the effect, leave your hair in direct sunlight for 10 minutes.

  • Honey and cinnamon. Few people know, but these products have brightening properties. You need to prepare a mixture of 50 g of honey, 50 g of cinnamon and 100 ml of hair conditioner. Conditioner is needed to apply the mask evenly. Wrap your head in plastic and another towel on top. The towel is removed after 30 minutes, and the mask with polyethylene lasts for another 2 hours.
  • Kefir mask. Kefir is very beneficial for hair and can work wonders. For a lightening mask, you will need 30-50 g of kefir, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of vodka or brandy, a teaspoon of shampoo and half a lemon. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair.

The head should be wrapped in plastic and a towel. The mask must be kept for at least 8 hours.

  • Chamomile. The simplest and most popular means of lightening. A decoction is prepared from 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers, which are boiled for 10 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered and used as a rinse after shampoo.

Lightening rules

Before proceeding with the clarification itself, the following points must be taken into account.

  • If you are red-haired (dyed or natural), you must definitely carry out a preliminary procedure for bleaching your hair, otherwise yellowness cannot be avoided.
  • It is even more difficult for brunettes to get blond curls: it is quite difficult to bring the tone to white due to the large amount of pigment in the hair and it is almost impossible to lighten the curls in one procedure, and it is very harmful. The best option is to gradually lighten the hair by several tones, over and over again.
  • To avoid the appearance of yellowness, girls with light shades of curls are advised to choose ash or platinum colors of the coloring agent.
  • If ammonia or hydrogen peroxide is included in the paint, then in no case should metal tools be used to apply the mixture to the head, as a chemical reaction can occur with sad consequences for the staining result.
  • It is recommended not to wash your hair for 2-3 days before staining.
  • With damaged hair, you must first go through the procedures to restore the hair.
  • The paint components are mixed immediately prior to painting, never beforehand. If all points of the instructions are correctly followed and the holding time of the mixture on the head, the result will delight you.
  • Do not use chlorinated tap water to remove the dye from the scalp. Be sure to prepare a lemon solution. To do this, add at least 1 glass of lemon juice to the rinse water.

Next, let's talk about the procedure for applying the brightening mixture itself. The paint is applied first to the occipital region and only then to the forehead and temples. The mixture should cover the hair evenly and abundantly, from roots to ends. Time is recorded at the end of the paint application procedure.

Pay particular attention to the presence of lumps in the mixture. To successfully bleach or dye your hair, the mixture must be completely uniform, otherwise the color will turn out to be uneven.

The absence of yellowness immediately after staining does not mean that it will not appear for some time. Various special care products for colored blond hair will help to avoid this unpleasant lightening result. There are a great variety of such funds today.

You can use traditional honey masks and rinsing curls with water and lemon juice. After staining, especially if the paint contains ammonia, oxide or hydrogen peroxide, a curl restoration course should be carried out.


          On the bottomless expanses of the Internet, you can find a large number of reviews both on individual paints and on the lightening technique itself, we will consider some of them. Users leave a huge number of positive reviews about Polette phytoline preparations. Professional experts note that this paint does not harm the hair and does its job well, delighting the resulting shade.

          Most of the reviews are devoted to the powdered Kapous product, which can perfectly lighten hair without the appearance of yellowness. The only drawback of the powder is a certain difficulty in the correct preparation of the mixture: you cannot deviate from the instructions. otherwise, the result may be disappointing. Preparations from the Schwarzkopf trademark also receive high marks. They are of high quality and very effective.

          The products of the Garniere company fell in love with the customers due to their composition.... The use of predominantly natural ingredients, which include famous fruit extracts, is the “highlight” of this brand, which allows you to get the perfect result.

          The reviews deserve special mention, lightening hair using white henna. Many users report that white henna burns hair and promotes hair loss.

          Lightening or discoloration of curls is a nuanced procedure, especially for owners of very dark shades, therefore before carrying out it, it is advisable to seek advice from an experienced master.

          If you still decide to lighten your hair at home, watch the following video, which outlines this process step by step.

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